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Af Changes - Some Instability Now


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I just realised looking at the ragdolls with g_showcollisionmodels set to 1:


The AF bodies right now are octahedrons that come to a sharp point. IMO it's better if we use more box-like AF bodies that reflect the visible model. If you take a look at the D3 zombie ragdolls with g_showcollisionmodels 1, you'll see what I mean. Definitely the ones for the torso should be boxes.


The AF bodies determine collisions with physical objects (other than projectiles). They're also checked for contact with the ground when picking up an AI, so you can't lift them too far off the ground. This means they should reflect the shape of the model as much as possible.


Right now, even the torso is an octahedron that comes to a point, so you can actually pick up a sword and drop it through the AI's hip because there's nothing there according to the CM. Also, this means the bodies come off the ground earlier than they should (again if the AI's side is touching the ground, a box CM would register this, but the octahedron has nothing there so it considers their torso off the ground). So dragging AI around is more difficult than it should be.


I believe two bodies that are constrained to eachother will not collide with eachother by default, so making the CMs boxes instead of diamonds/octahedrons shouldn't impact how the joint moves. You might run into trouble with the CM's colliding with eachother if there's a set of 3 bodies connected by two joints very close to eachother, but in that case you could turn off self collisions on the middle body.

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