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Prefabs. What needs fabbed, what has been fabbed.


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OK, recently prefab's have come up in discussion. I believe it was in Sotha's mapping thread.


This thread is to list possible prefabs, who wants to do em, which ones are done, ect...


I'm too tired to go thru and list right now, I just wanted to quickly document work I've recently done towards this goal.


I know Fidcal was going to do some of this.



Chests: Fidcal was waiting on me to get some lock/lockbars together so he could make prefabs.

The prefab was going to contain:

chest, lid, lock lever (I am adding lockboxes to the chest models), and a key (I think no lockpicks is best as that's a player inventory tool)

Most likely there will be a set-up with the above mentioned for each chest model, and another set-up for lockpick use (with no picks), and yet another for an unlocked set-up.

I think Fidcal will decide what is best as he sets them up.

This way an author can choose chest 1/key or chest3/unlocked prefab and they won't have to mess with attaching the lid, lockbar, setting up rotation props ect... It'll also be easy to change the key/lock 3 or whatever it takes to make them work together.


@Fidcal. It took longer than I thought. I was gonna make a lockbar and lockbox (fix the one I had with too large keyhole). Turned into an all day project futzing with renderbump, including shadow meshes and collision meshes of multiple types. So currently chest1 is ready to go.

This uses lockbox_lever_02 (in the door_related folder), currently it seems to be black which is puzzling me because it uses the same shader as lockbox_02 which shows fine. But it does work, I just need to sort the shader prob.


I think lockbox_lever_o2 will work fine with chest2


Also, lockbox_01 (with lever) and lockbox_02 (both in door_related) are ready to be set-up for 'on the wall' lockbox prefabs.



chest 3 is ready to go, also can use the same lever. So you are ready to go Fidcal



Doors: At least the main door models will be set-up with handles attached and working. Possibly locked and unlocked, locked will have a key next to it. If the author creates 10 locked set-ups that use the same key # they can delete as many keys as they want.

Once the prefab is created the author can then move key to desired world position.


Furniture: Would be swell to have furniture set-ups that make sense. ie:

Diningtable_small_bare - a small dining table, correct number of chairs, no plates/goblets, ect...

Diningtable_small - same as above but with addition of plates, goblets.

Again, author can delete a plate, rotate a chair, ect... to customize, alot quicker than creating each model individually.


I haven't set-up doors or chests yet so it'll be great to have someone do the laymans work and I can just come thru and slap stuff in. However I will try and put some basic prefabs together myself, stuff like furniture that doesn't take any technical knowhow.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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