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Everything posted by Obsttorte

  1. ok i used the stim response editor i select my func_static (a generator model) then go to the SR-Editor i go to responses, and push add, change the response type to water and add the effect toggle_light, the target name is the name of the electric light entity to toggle it works with frob and with player e.g. but not with water or shield e.g.
  2. i have a question to the stim/response system i want a func static to react to water arrows shot at them, so i would use a water response the problem is that doesn't work if i use a frob response and set the func static to frobable it works is there anything else i must do
  3. allright well i fixed it by putting an one doom unit thick brush behind the readable, that is just of the same size both are bound to my iron gate door, and it works pretty nice another question: it seems that the intensiveness of the text whom can be seen without frobing it depends on the amount of light shining on the gui surface. as i don't have very much light in the intented location the text looks a little bit blur is there a way to manipulate this, so it becomes a little bit more "light sensitive" and the text can be seen better without frobbing it
  4. the xdate have all the format "readables/mymap/something_like_that" no spaces or strange signs nothing is blocking the frob if i put it on the wall it works fine, if i move it some doomunits away from the wall it works not btw. by solid i also mean models the error doesn't depent on what text i use even if i create a prefab immobile paper without changing its xdate_content this happens it's just a guess but couldn't it has something to do with the way the frobsystem works as far as i remember it was like looking straight forward for something to frob until there is something blocking frob (like a wall) and than create a box if nothing was found and look if there is something to frob inside this box maybe the first step doesn't work all well whit those rather thin readables Did you try to put it into the air and frob it than
  5. ok i've found it it seems, that the readables entity has to touch something solid, like a worldspawn or another entity i wanted it to be attached to an iron gate which is not fully solid, thats why it doesn't work, funny
  6. another thing is still this readables bug the mobile ones working, the immobiles not i even tried it by creating an mobile version first, then set up the text and then change the entity class to the immobile version, as it seems Melan did this in Fiasco at Fauchard Street, but it also doesn't work the xdate enty is in the xd file as those for the mobile ones i also get no error messages, console tells me that he can load the xdata definition and i'm even unable to frob the paper, although it should be frobable EDIT: I'll just checked it with an open book, there it works, very strange
  7. understood, thank you very much I'll see if i can get it working on an alternatively way
  8. here is the zip file with a more approppiate test level https://www.yousendit.com/download/TEhVa0ZZNHZxRTAwTWNUQw first try to sneak to the middle of the crate pile, than grab one of the outer crates and use the mouse wheel to move it towards the direction of the room the ai is in he will get alerted as he cant see you (this is intentioned) now take the crates away (in-game) and try to pass the area where they stood, it doesn't work the func_static is in the room you've started, so far away from beeing able to block you on the crates i only et the folowing three spawnargs "absence_noticaility" "1" "absence_location" "ls" //the name of the func_static "absence_bounds_tolerance" "220"
  9. @grayman: in the post you've mentioned if the func_static is still in this map delete it and see what happens another guess would be, that as also the immobile readables don't work, something is wrong with my darkmod installation but i'm pretty sure they work in the fms, i'll check it out EDIT: checked it, it works in the fms
  10. ok btw. any idea why this readable thing doesn't work EDIT: in the uploaded map there is no func_static, cause the eroor even occours if i set the absence_location spawnarg without creating the specified func_static, so in the map there are only some brushes(the room) and the crates but you cannot enter the area where the crates where standing on map start i'm pretty sure it's a bug, maybe unnoticed as noone seems to use this mechanism so far (as far as i can see) Edit2: (readables) i created a book (no prefab), it works nice, but the sheet still don't work, strange i created a mobile version of the paper, it works, so it seems that only those immobile versions doesn't work, but why
  11. but the func static is on the other side of the crates and in my map (not the one i posted) it is even behind another func_static so the player and ai can't reach it the funny thing is, that if i move the func_static a bit and do not dmap, it actually works as intented EDIT: the quote refers to my real map, not the test map
  12. update: the error message is gone since i gave the entity an inventory name (why ever as it is immobile) but the text still don't accours, and the entity is still unfrobable i also tried the prefabs, same thing i packed the mission and installed via the mission installer but there it also doesn't work
  13. @Fidcal: as I said the func static is rather tiny and not within an area reachable for the AI or the player the blocked zone is where the crates are standing (even if i move them away), I can even climb on it, but dont see anything there you can see this in the test map ive uploaded another question i just tried to set up a readable, i created a "readable_immobile_paper01" entity, turned it so i can put it on the wall end used the readables editor to put text on it, the problem is i always get "non_existing xdata declaration"-error, the text can not be seen and the paper is not frobable, althoug frobable is set to 1 i looked on the wiki, tried to move the .xd-file to other folders, but nothing seems to work
  14. doesn't this make sense, as they are trained guards and you are "only" a thief btw: is it intentionally that you are able to retrieve the last arrow used to shot a person from its body what may be a good improvement would be, if it were not possible to kill a guard with one shot to the head if he is already searching for you / alarmed, because this in addition to the arrow retrievement thing makes it quite easy to clean a whole map with just one broadhead arrow i mean this enforces the mapper to set a "don't kill anyone" goal, if he want to make the highest difficulty level at least a bit difficult (i mean for experienced players) what frustrates other players as they may don't like this kind of goal (i read this in some forum posts)
  15. why didnt you just test it there are some nice coloured light textures EDIT: well, as far as i can see it doesnt seem to work, so youll have to use the two light thing i think
  16. the alert thing works perfectly, that isnt the problem the problem is, that in those areas where the specified objects stand at map start something like a clip brush seems to be created, making it unable to pass there
  17. already tried this it doesnt work doesnt matter if i use clip, nodraw or just a decorative func_static as target, the error always occurs
  18. i want the player to put back the crates after he trespassed the hole, but i cant be sure that he will put them back in exactly the same order so the player has a higher degree in changing the crates location in vertical and one horizontal dimension as in the least horizontel direction pointing away from the hole therefore i place the func_static way behind the hole and add some absence_bounds_tolerance to the crates (didnt do that in the test map btw.)
  19. i want the player to put back the crates after he trespassed the hole, but i cant be sure that he will put them back in exactly the same order so the player has a higher degree in changing the crates location in vertical and one horizontal dimension as in the least horizontel direction pointing away from the hole therefore i place the func_static way behind the hole and add some absence_bounds_tolerance to the crates (didnt do that in the test map btw.)
  20. just uploaded an example map, pretty sure its a bug https://www.yousendit.com/download/TEhWZFhqMGNGR0dHR3NUQw ps: this is a zip file
  21. well i tried it again with a standard textured func_static it seems te problem occurs, if i set the absence_location spawnarg on the crates the complete area, where the crates are at mapstart is blocked if i delete the spawnarg on the crates and restart the map (with or without dmapping) i can pass through again
  22. well i tried it again with a standard textured func_static it seems te problem occurs, if i set the absence_location spawnarg on the crates the complete area, where the crates are at mapstart is blocked if i delete the spawnarg on the crates and restart the map (with or without dmapping) i can pass trough again
  23. it seems the problem still occurs if i move the absence location func static as mentioned above, the problem dissapears as long as i only rebuld the AAS if i dmap again, the problem is there again so maybe its a good idea if i explain what exactly ive done i created a brush with clip texture on it and converted it to func_static than i have some movable crates in front of an hole and give it the spawnarg that let AI get suspiciuos if the crates are moved away i set absence_location to the name of the func_static and added the average distance between the crates and the func static as a spawnarg to the crates (forgot the exact name) the func static is not within the reach of the player and is quite tiny (4x4x4 i think) the sense is, that if the crates are moved away AI gets suspicious(as they could see the hole), but on the otherside the player don't has to put the crates back in the exact order they were before after he trespassed the hole the whole thing works pretty nice, the only thing is this blocking problem i have no idea where it comes from
  24. ok here is the next problem i created a func static for an absence location the problem is, if i set absence_location on the objects that should not be moved away, the terrain between the object and the func static becomes inaccessible in detail it seems that the area where the object was seems to be unaccessible if i delete the absence_location spawnarg, the problem dissapears EDIT: OK, i solved it by moving the absence location func static but i think its strange that you cannot cross the border between the absence location and the objects location
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