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Everything posted by sparhawk

  1. Just having it standing there would already look good. Much nicer then using the Zombie that I have now for testing. Ugly guy, that one. I know that we can test AI with DOOM AI as well.
  2. What is the status of oDDities priest model? I would like to have this priest in the Gallery ASAP. The model is finished, right? So what else will be needed for it except texturing of course?
  3. Shouldn't it be named Loch Renz?
  4. OK. I see if I can do it today. I tried to download form my company but that crap proxy cut all the files about 20Kb off.
  5. It still could probably use some ornaments on the spikes. But I guess this could be textured as well.
  6. So you mean something like an ambient shader. This might be possible. This would mean that the overall coloru doesn't change but a hue of the ambient colour is applied. Of course we need to know if there is something like an ambient colour in D3. Renzatic may know more about this as he is doing the mapping and work with the lights.
  7. What do you mean by that? And which colour would that be? If there are several light source with different colours which one would you take? I think going for dark gray to bright yellow should be ok.
  8. Nothing fancy. I was thinking of something like snaky lines tracing the outline or such. I think it doesn't look so bad if it were much smaller. Can you add some surface structure to the gem? Something like scratches or small deformations to make it look a bit worn. Never got used to it. I stick to Blender.
  9. Since it is WIP I guess it will get some ornaments on teh spikes and the North spike should be coloured differently. Apart from that it looks ok. Can you put it in a screenshot with approriate size? THis way we can better determine how it fits in. Edit: What did you model it with?
  10. Renz: Since you wanted some feedback on this. The filestructrure looks quite good so far as I have seen it. The only thing is. You must rename everything to lower case. Actually I can do this quite easily on my linux box, if you want me to. If you have maps with upper case names, I can convert them as well. It's just a simple script on Linux and saves a lot of typing. Just drop me a note.
  11. I guess you wouldn't tell us anyway.
  12. Hmmm ... I think I will wait with a comment until I see the final picture.
  13. Wow! Attack Of The Monster Lamp Part III. :lol:
  14. For example when we get a news on some site, so they can use it. I noticed, for example, that FPSCentral has a frontpage entry to our article and they used some Icon (I think for D3). When I saw this I was thinking that this would be the place to put our own logo, and when goldfhis posted his image I thought that this would be a good starting image for that. It's like a banner, only smaller. Where do we want to use a banner?
  15. Just look at the bottom of the forum main screen. There is a simple statistic about this. I also wondered where they all are. I'm not sure if registering is required to post in the public forum or not. THis could explain why we have a lot of registered users but not showing up in the devs sections. Edit: My guess of active developers is about 15. Probably less.
  16. I like this much better. Not so sterotype.
  17. Do you remember the intro movies from T1? With the keyhole that shines so bright with light coming out of it? Maybe something like that?
  18. That's right. I was looking at the sample screenshot that BlackThief provided for his textures and the characters of T3 look rather gameish. The models from T2 looked much more lively despite the poorer gfx engine.
  19. I already did that when I was looking for a volunteer on the lightgem code and got no response. Only the four people that are already active anyway. Currently we have Oofnish, Domarius, Napalm and me doing code.
  20. I'm missing the technical aspect of the Thief universe on all our screens so far. Most of the screens are done in the T3 style and they are quite different from the technical T2 style (Steampunk?). There are houses in shadows, roofs etc. but no machinery anywhere to be seen. On second thought. I think your mockup could serve as a nice template for a DarkMod logo. Currently we don't have one. Only banners.
  21. No machinery on any screen? Regarding the dark window. Don't you think we should use something more explicit? After all the user will be staring on the screen for several seconds. You can try how boring waiting for the load is by just loading the original D3 levels. D3 is not very fast in this regard. Probably a disadvantage of having ASCII data files that must be processed.
  22. If you want to do this of course I can't force any of you to stick to coding, but since we have currently only four coders, it would be great if we could focus on that. I think we have a larg chunk of work before us, and there are a lot more artists around it seems (at least from what I can see when the people apply for a job). Considering how many are activley doing something it seems the number of working members is much lower. We have 55 registered users so far, but only a minority seems to reall work on stuff.
  23. We will need a loadscreen as well. I just added it to the GUI design document. So please start thinking on some concepts. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...st=0entry3674 Do we want this to have a simple progress bar (like it is done for D3 levels)? I could think that the ornamented bar, that Springheel was showing for health/stamina, could fit rather good. On the other hand I must say that the original design is much more interesting to look at. The one with the clacks and whirling hands, not the boring one from T3. What I have seen from the GUI screens sofar they contain no machinery. Maybe we can add some as this is an important part of the Thief universe and atmosphere.
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