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Everything posted by sophisticatedZombie

  1. How about this: (creating new work for everyone) The player chooses his/her getup in the store. Each cloak has a contrast value associated with it. Each material can have either a sampled, or tagged constrast value assigned to it (black and white detection in the eye is more sensitive than color detection in low-light conditions). The clothing contast value is compared to the texture contrast valueif the surface beyond the player along the line of sight. The "light gem" could have an outer ring that shows the contribution to the light gem brightness caused by visible contrast with the most different of the surrounding surfaces. Essentially, a simple way to do it would be to raycast out in the 6 directions of a cube from the player and see what the worst contrast would be (other than up?) and then have a second part of the light gem that included that information. Perhaps even cloaks could be a piece of equipment. ie, switch from the green cloak to the brown cloak when going inside.... Ok, now I'm preparing myself for the fashion model jokes.
  2. I don't think abolishing copyright would help too much. The problem isn't that the creator's of the content have no imagination, its the consumers that are the problem. If the producers could cut loose an artist, and still get a return on their investment they would be happy. However, nobody can make a living doing that because most people would rather pick at their athlete's foot than watch a movie, read a book, or play a game that isn't exactly what you hate. The problem always has been and always will be that most people just don't get all that involved in sophisticated content. In fact, they don't LIKE sophisticated content. I know that its an elitist thing to say, but the more I see of life it seems all the more true. Its not a matter of intelligence, many of them are very bright. It requires more effort and involvement than they feel like applying. Its kind of like me and wine. I don't drink much, so I think all wine tastes the same. If I drank more I'd probably start to appreciate certain wines... but I just don't feel like spending all that time drinking wine. Most people are the same way about content in games, movies, and literature. They already enjoy the ones they like, and they don't need anything beyond the hollywood hack to get the sense of entertainment they want. (Just like me and wine... yeah its bitter tasting and got me drunk... yay). In conclusion, sophisticated taste is a disease resulting from prolonged exposure to a type of stimulous and desensitization to its typical attributes. Finer qualities of the same stimulous are required the more you are exposed, until you wind up whining on message boards because nothing is good enough to give you a fix. We need a clinic.
  3. I think our Thief should be hideous. just my opinion. Seriously. But I know I'll never win on that one. But regardless, Springheel, you are damn talented.
  4. Mantling! Ah, even LGS couldn't get that right! Ok, I'll fly at it. Who should I get in touch with to discuss what has been done so far?
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