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Posts posted by grodenglaive

  1. Here's another question (the last for this mission, I'm sure)!

    I'm using info_location for the ambient sounds, which works quite nicely, but I don't really want the sound to loop endlessly. I tried adding s_looping 0 to one of the info_locations, but the sound still loops there. I also tried that on the global atdm:location_settings, but it still loops. Is it bugged or is it just me?

  2. I tried to add a custom collider to a pot so you could, for example, hide a key in it that would fall out if the player tipped the pot upside down. This doesn't seem possible - any collider that isn't a single solid polygon gives me an error on map start. 

    For example, something like this doesn't work:



    Is this just a limitation of the engine or is there a way to do it? It's not super important, I just thought it would be cool to do. 


  3. I'm looking for the decal often used on the floor in front of secret doors. I've searched though textures/darkmod/decals and many other locations, but can't find it. Does anyone know where it's located or can post the texture?



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  4. The diffuse maps works as expected, but the shader just ignores vertexColor (and inverseVertexColor) for the bump maps and they still get applied across the whole model.

    For example: in this material, the grass bump appears everywhere so my dirt path has a grass bump pattern visible in it, which does not look good.

    	qer_editorimage textures/darkmod/nature/grass/grass4_ed
    	description "grass"
    		blend diffusemap
    		map textures/darkmod/nature/grass/grass4
    		blend bumpmap
    		map textures/darkmod/nature/grass/grass4_local
    		blend diffusemap
    		map textures/darkmod/nature/dirt/dry_earth_muddy
    		blend bumpmap
    		map textures/darkmod/nature/dirt/dry_earth_muddy_local

    I've tried other textures with the same result. Note that this shader was made using the built in material editor in DR 3.8.

  5. 52 minutes ago, HMart said:

    If you already know this ignore it but if you don't, then know that if's in materials stages turn on and off those stages, so you need to make sure you are setting parm11 to a valid value above zero in a script somewhere.

    But if removing those, didn't solved the problem, then the problem could be the vertex colors itself, are you sure the model has the correct vertex color info on it? Afaik the engine only supports grayscale vertex colors in the RGB format no alpha.

    Also instead of blend diffusemap keyword try the blend add (gl_src_one gl_dst_one) not sure if this matters but the basic example for vertex colors in this link uses it.

    I haven't used vertex blending for a very long time so all of this is rusty on my mind unfortunately. 

    Also not sure what you mean with ""lawn_vertex_blend" is the vertex-blended DDS image file exported from Blender and is also referenced in the .ase file." but a material name like yours "textures/darkmod/map_specific/lawn_vertex_blend" shouldn't be a link to a real texture, in reality that is just a virtual path to a fake folder that DarkRadient uses to display in the media section of the editor. 

    You can have a material with just a single word on its name and it will show in the media tab, just not inside a folder but in the global space.

    it is like this:

    virtual path/material name { material code }  or  material name { material code }

    Cool, I think this should help a lot. First off, there is an alpha channel in my vertex-blend texture, so I'll remake that without it.

    The "blend diffusemap" was from the DrVertexBlend tutorial, but I'll try using "blend add" instead.

    I had mistakenly thought the first line of the material file was referencing the vertex-blend image, so I should just be giving the material a name there? OK, I'll fix that too.   


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  6. 1 hour ago, datiswous said:

    I think you can leave out the if ( parm11 > 0 ) stuff, because that is for frob highlighting, but is not needed anymore in material files since 2.11

    I don't think it will help though.

    I just wondered if the blend specularmap would work correctly if it's only defined for one of the two textures blended.

    Btw. I don't know much about it really. Hope somebody else can help you.

    Thanks for the input, I have updated the material file based on that. It still isn't working, but it didn't make it worse anyway:)

  7. I'm not having much success with vertex blending a cobblestone path with grass. I've applied it to an .ase model imported from Blender.

    I followed this tutorial: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=DrVertexBlend_(tutorial)#Vertex_Painting_Each_Object

    In DR, my custom material file does show up in the material editor and it seems to be getting applied to the model but incorrectly - it's just a uniform green.  In game, the model is greyscale - I think it's getting textured with my vertex-painting, instead of the grass and cobblestone.

    Here's the mtr file. Have I overlooked anything?

        description "grass"
        qer_editorimage textures/darkmod/nature/grass/short_dry_grass_dark_ed.jpg
    		blend	diffusemap
    		map		textures/darkmod/nature/grass/short_dry_grass_dark
    		blend	bumpmap
    		map		textures/darkmod/nature/grass/short_dry_grass_local
            if ( parm11 > 0 )
            blend       gl_dst_color, gl_one
            map         _white
            rgb         0.40 * parm11
            if ( parm11 > 0 )
            blend       add
            map         textures/darkmod/nature/grass/short_dry_grass_dark
            rgb         0.15 * parm11
    		blend	diffusemap
    		map		textures/darkmod/stone/cobblestones/cobblestones02_square_dark
    		blend	specularmap
    		map		textures/darkmod/stone/cobblestones/cobblestones02_square_dark_s
    		blend	bumpmap
    		map		textures/darkmod/stone/cobblestones/cobblestones02_square_dark_local
            if ( parm11 > 0 )
            blend       gl_dst_color, gl_one
            map         _white
            rgb         0.40 * parm11
            if ( parm11 > 0 )
            blend       add
            map         textures/darkmod/stone/cobblestones/cobblestones02_square_dark
            rgb         0.15 * parm11

    "lawn_vertex_blend" is the vertex-blended DDS image file exported from Blender and is also referenced in the .ase file.


  8. 19 hours ago, Amadeus said:

    And in terms of the long stretch of wall that surrounds the property in the second picture, I would recommend breaking that up with perhaps a stable, a guard tower, a garden shed, or maybe even something as simple as a wall-mounted fountain. Just consider something to break up that long stretch of wall, which will go far in generating visual interest

    A garden shed sounds good, thanks! Now that you mention it, they could use a garden too.

  9. 14 hours ago, Amadeus said:

    These are some really cool screenshots! Glad to see you've taken up DR and are working on an FM. If you'll permit me one suggestion, I think you should have some hills and elevated terrain in the yard in that second image. The yard and paths look pretty flat and could definitely use some height variation.

    Thank you! Yes the yard is pretty flat overall, I'll see what I can do.

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