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Everything posted by ZylonBane

  1. And if modesty, patience, and discussion don't prevail, the crack Flame Squad stands ready to perform a little housecleaning.
  2. Wow, it must be great to be a mindreader! Please. I severely doubt that whoever released these maps did so with the expectation that they'd be turned into playable missions. I find them fascinating as historical artifacts. If we happen to get to play them at some point in the future, well, that's just a bonus.
  3. As a lifelong programmer, I can say that's one of the best feelings in the world.
  4. To say that's disconcerting would be an understatement. The very reason Thief made such a lasting impression was because of the insane level of polish. Heck, the lack of polish was one of the reasons Deadly Shadows was so quickly forgotten.
  5. Saint Dogbert would like to have a word with you.
  6. When was it ever common for games to have in-depth video configuration options? Seems to me that it's always been somewhat rare. I just finally finished Painkiller, which isn't that old, and it lets you get pretty specific with the video settings.
  7. "negative idea attacker"??? You have no chance to survive make your time. Ha ha ha ha . . . .
  8. You're the only loony who seems to believe that time spent on a message board would otherwise be spent working. Doesn't work that way.
  9. I'm not sure what he's on about either. His grasp of the concept seems about as firm as his grasp of the spelling.
  10. Bruised egos? You mean someone on the team actually thought "Inventor's Guild" was a good idea? Granted, it's a better name than "Astronaut, Fireman, and Racecar Drivers Guild".
  11. Not sure I've ever heard that rumor. Maybe some people thought that because in some situations the lighting makes it seem like that's what's happening.
  12. Oh gag. I'd much rather the game just automatically award a stealth bonus whenever the player is against a wall.
  13. Then I extend my deepest sympathies to you and your loved ones for your learning disability.
  14. How about, "Automatonists"? Eh, didn't think so. But seriously... what about "Engineer's Guild"? "Engine" was the term used for all complex machinery back in Victorian times. Steam engine, siege engine, analytical engine, etc. It just that, the more I think about it, the sillier "Inventor's Guild" sounds. I say it, and I picture a convention hall filled with mad scientists. One just doesn't think of inventors as the sort of people that band together. They're quirky and individualistic. EDIT: Just saw Ishtvan's post. The problem with explanations like that... is that you need an explanation at all. A good name doesn't need to be explained to make sense.
  15. No, that was just a happy coincidence. Seriously, what else would you call a guild of craftsmen skilled in building machines? Calling it the Inventor's Guild would be like a group of carpenters calling themselves the Architect's Guild.
  16. Wait... there's an INVENTORS guild? Hoookay, that sounds slightly neat at first, but what would that mean in actual practice? A guild of nothing but people who invent? Seems like something that would have, at best, maybe a couple dozen members in an entire city. What would they even need a guild for? How often does anybody ever say, "I need to hire an inventor!"? No, the steady money isn't in inventing, it's in building other people's inventions. A machinist's guild would make infinitely more sense than an inventor's guild.
  17. One could say the exact same thing for ALL genre fiction. And one would be wrong. It's just that, as in all things, most of it is crap. And clearly you've never read any of Terry Pratchett's work.
  18. As someone in the clear minority on disliking "frak", you really ought to explain WHY you hate it.
  19. And I said this where? You really shouldn't presume that everyone is as narrow-minded as you are.
  20. Oh, now this is rich. You challenge people to come up with arguments that aren't based in morality, we do, and you not only reject those arguments, you reject the existence of those arguments. Oddity has truly achieved a new high in... ummm.... Oddityness. No, I'm quite happy for the weapons selected by the mapper to be available by default. But we've all already had that rather lengthy discussion, so of course you already knew that, so I can only presume this comment was an attempt at raving froth-mouthed misdirection.
  21. Hey, smart guy-- that means there would be a delay before another object could receive the highlight, or that multiple objects could be highlighted at once. Either scenario would, I believe, be grounds for a cockpunching of whoever decided to implement such a stupid thing.
  22. It's so cute the way you make a seemingly sarcastic suggestion, blithely unaware that many Thief FMs have in fact done this.
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