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Everything posted by Geep

  1. Here's another new wiki page: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=A_Full-Screen_Slide_in_Mid-Game As you can see, I'm cleaning out my "attic" of a number of draft wiki articles from the last year or 2. At least the ones that just need to be finalized. This one shows some GUI examples and related scripting. Can just barely write this post... still in a food coma from Thanksgiving dinner.
  2. @datiswous, about the figure in the box office/giftshop you found "creepy"... You clearly haven't spent enough time in women's clothing stores. I suggest image-Googling "headless mannequins with hands" to see her tribe.
  3. @Dragofer, I'm wondering what template tags to give to this page, besides the usual "Editing". I'm tempted to add "Physics", but are force fields really considered part of the physics engine?
  4. Yet another wiki page added: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Force_Fields
  5. In the rear, between the kennel and Four Flags buildings, there's now a door...
  6. Added a new wiki page "Video Cutscene Creation", as well as a section "Patches and Terrain" to the end of the "Patches" page. The latter is short, mainly organized pointers to useful content.
  7. @tapewolf This was a big existing map I had to build out and populate, so the AI density can be a bit low in any given area. There's not many available TDM AI animations that are casino-appropriate either... I used them all up throughout that floor. Storywise, my excuse is that it's the wee hours... who knows, maybe a Monday? As you noted, the look of the deposit boxes is subtle, possibly too subtle. I didn't want to make them look like the duct vents & hatches used elsewhere, so went with cabinet drawers. I added a lantern specifically to make their dim drawer texture more obvious. Agree with that; also can hope for a new PC when the GPU drought ends.
  8. @michael_a Yup, frobbing through the wood... that's cheating. I thought I had prevented gamers from doing that, but if not, will add it to the bug list. Of course, if you're using noclip, can't stop that.
  9. @pbruno37 Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed crawling through the ducts, & @MrMunkeepants helped you out.
  10. @pwl Thanks, glad you made it through. Since "away0" is a prequel, there is already a follow-on mission "Away 1: Air Pocket". No Away 2 planned yet.
  11. @fraten I'm glad datiswous helped you out. Yes, the problem you & he discovered with the alternate path to Hornsby is unfortunate, and I've logged it. The triggering and scripting in that area is a bit complex (e.g., because you might have to revisit Hornsby a second time), so probably an eventual fix will take some thought and fiddling.
  12. @datiswous Reasons include - - gives the mapper more freedom to intermix closeups & distance shots - can use video editing transitions, - you can do shots that work from exactly one location. For instance, NSFW Emily removing her bodice is done with fakery, which I believe would be impossible to do convincingly with in-game cutscenes. - AI when pathing doesn't always do the same thing... sometimes it's wonderful, sometimes it stinks. This way you keep the good stuff - time can be sped up/slowed down a bit as needed - You can use multiple sets (i.e., instances of where the scene occurs), each with its own triggering/pathing for a given scene, rather than layering them spaghetti-like in a single set. There were about a dozen of Emily's bedroom used for away0. For the benefit of future mappers, I'll write about pluses and minuses of all this in the wiki at some point.
  13. All - The deposit box puzzle is, by design, pretty challenging. I've glad many of you figured it out, and helped each other. @tapewolf's explanation is on point. As noted, the earlier solution posted as "Outright Spoiler" is not quite right.
  14. @datiswous I located all the positions shown in your screenshots except for the following (where all filenames start with "away0_2021-11-14_") - 22.27.23 ??? 23.23.52 Got stuck here 23.31.50 Badly aligned textures? Could you either describe where they are or give coordinates (e.g., from g_showviewpos 1)? Thanks.
  15. Updates to the "Doors" wiki entry: Under "Auto-Closing/Opening Doors" : Collapsed long text block of older method no longer recommended. Broke out & expanded: "Allowing the Player to Interrupt Door Motion" Corrected default rotation speed, and revised text, in "Speed of Door Opening and Closing" Added new section near end: "Alternative Method: Door with a Separate Lock Plate" Added new section: "Controlling Door by Scripting"
  16. In letter 6, because I had Emily say "each scroll", there was a switch to the singular "her" from the plural "they". Grammarians may differ on this. RE cutscenes - It is allowed to finish the mission by an alternative exit, without encountering the cutscenes (that would not make sense). The normal course, however, is as follows:
  17. @JackFarmer Thanks! I'm happy too with that change. I was looking to add another female character, and thought a mask and robes could work together. Once I realized I already had a location where this character made perfect sense.. shazam!
  18. @Heuli - The sitting kitchen women is not Emily, and it doesn't matter all that much if she runs away. (Yes, I know, it's the same AI face model as Emily... I exhausted TDM's set of unique female faces. I compensated by keeping her in darkness. At least, as you'll see eventually, the clothing differs from the real Emily. I tried hiding her face by putting a hood on her at one point, but too many artifacts.)
  19. @datiswous Speaking generally, I know that OS-dependent bugs (as well as hardware-dependent bugs) are at least possible, though I agree not real likely in this case. I've personally only been testing using Windows 10 (TDM 2.09 & 2.10). After 3 beta rounds, I'm more than a little burnt-out on further testing at the moment, but will look into what you report eventually.
  20. Please do upload the screenshots and associated comments here (or by PM). Are you playing under Linux? Don't know if that's a factor. As you can see, bugs never end. I'm logging them privately in a spreadsheet on my dev machine, for a possible future update, maybe at 2.10 TDM release time.
  21. The main difference with "hard" is that you are short a lockpick, so you have to do more key pickpocketing to succeed. At one time, there was a difference in an Objective, but it wasn't beneficial overall, so the difference was removed. You are the first to notice & report that particular location as a problem... similar issues reported further up the street were fixed. I've logged it.
  22. Thanks! Yes, it was a big bite for me. I started thinking about this in Dec 2019, got serious around April 2020, and by June had begun building on _Atti_'s prior work, with assistance from JackFarmer too. So the project was essentially the same gestation time as a giraffe or elephant. Felt like it at times too.
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