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Posts posted by Shaz

  1. Kingsal: You did it. You actually did it. Something I thought damn near impossible. You made me enjoy...nay, adore, a zombie mission. I even went into this mission with a sigh of 'ugh, zombies, I hate zombies, <sigh> well let me get through this one so I can hopefully rate it without prejudice' (doesn't matter what media, I really, really hate zombies).

    Now, I did not play on Expert, because I dislike the 'checkpoint' kind of saving system about as much as I dislike zombies, so I didn't want to start off with two strikes against this mission. I began full stealth, and maintained that (aside from the first prompt with fire arrows, to see what they'd do), for most of the mission. Then when I was almost done, I went full on zombie slayer so I could check nooks and crannies and find my last missing secret. I enjoyed BOTH the sneaking-past-zombies AND the killing-all-zombies (THANK YOU for modifying their kill requirements). My expectations were completely upended, and I end my evening absolutely amazed, and very grateful to be so very, very wrong.

    I had wished for more readables, something that might shed some light on what might've happened here, but then when


    I removed that mask from the pillar that then sunk down and zombies spawned

    I kind of had an answer, I think, or at least an idea. Good game, sir, very good game, bravo!

    • Like 4
  2. Oh goodness, a Grayman mission continued by Bikerdude? That will indeed be a treat to look forward to!

    And with regards to my request earlier about the item I was missing...


    Wow, seriously, where was my brain, I don't even... I HAD that crown. It was the blasted carafe I was missing. Which, of course, I found nearly instantly upon realizing what, exactly, I was actually looking for.

    Thank you, again!

    I also want to say that the post-ending scene was a truly beautiful tribute.

    • Like 2
  3. I'm all done with this excellent mission save one missing artifact.  It's probably another 'Shaz was totally blind despite looking straight at it five times' moment, but... help, please?


    It's the one item I can't distinguish in the lineup. Second from left in the picture. Crumpled/smooshed/pile of something? Thanks for any guidance!

    I'm so grateful to have this chance to play one last Grayman (plus friends) mission. Thank you JackFarmer and everyone else who contributed. The Thief community is an absolutely fantastic one, despite us all being taffers. I love you all for what you do, and I sincerely mean that.

    Oh! And I noticed a typo in the mission readme/info when you're selecting the mission to play. "Infiltrate a castle high up in the montains...". 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 34 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

    And as for your question @Shaz:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Check the readable near the lady in the sewer. That will lead you to where you need to go



    Is the readable one you can pick up, or is it stationary? There's no stationary notes. The only readable I have on me that might be pertinent (and it was a while back so not sure where I found it) is Sewer Note. Is that it?

    Edit to add: If so, I've been all over the sewers with the glasses on, fruitlessly.


    Especially given HOW MANY TIMES I freaking SCOURED this area

    And now, the mission is complete. Thank you for a wonderful experience, my own blindness notwithstanding!

    And...eww...um...that is a very... different ... pick'pocket'.

    • Thanks 3
  5. I've loved this mission, and I've pretty much completed it, but there is one door/gate I cannot figure out how to open.


    Down in the sewers, near the lady with the Cistern key, is a locked, unpickable gate. I cannot figure out how to get that open, and it looks like there's loot back there, which I must pilfer! I've gone all over the area with and without the glasses on, but I can't figure out how to get in.


  6. 16 hours ago, Wellingtoncrab said:

    Yeah sorry about that! Clearly I made it much harder to find this item than I intended.

      Hide contents

    There is an area of “affordable lodgings” which conjoins Southbridge and Blackbriar but it is elevated - you might see the balcony lit from from Ratsack’s point of view in Blackbriar Park, or glimpse another in the distance from the players apartment where they start the mission. 


    How many times did I run through that EXACT PLACE and completely miss those 


    windows?! Please excuse me while I smack my forehead repeatedly. 

    @Cambridge Spy

    I have one more memento than you do 


    Lunar Beloved

    but since I cannot recall where I got that one, I'm assuming it's where Wellingtoncrab speaks of.


    And now the mission is finished.  10701 loot, though I did spend some, not sure if that deducts from my total? And I ended by resting, so I fear I missed any alternate ending(s). Absolutely wonderful mission. Thank you oh so very, very much!


    The lore in this mission was fantastic.


    All the references to dreams and dreaming. "Whose dream is this?" graffiti on a wall. The repeated mentions of the White Pyramid, plus of course graffiti and least one painting, I believe. I want to know more and find out more, and hopefully I'll discover such when next I play this.


    • Like 1
  7. I have been lost (usually in a very good way!) over the past few days as I've explored this mission. However, there's this guy named Tobin who's giving me a real hard time.



    I cannot find his place for the life of me. I saw earlier in this thread, that the route could be spotted from Home and from around Blackbriar Park, but I'm just not finding it. I have climbed everywhere I thought I could around Home and so high up in Blackbriar Park that I was going out of bounds, but I'm still not seeing it. I need a bit more guidance.

    I even tried to give up once and just 'go home and rest' in an attempt to end the game, but since it didn't, now I have decided that instead I absolutely MUST find that spyglass before I continue to figure out how to complete the mission.

    My inability to locate this item notwithstanding, this mission is absolutely amazing. SO MUCH EXPLORATION, which is pure joy for me, and there is just -it bears repeating- SO MUCH of it. And it's all so beautifully put together. I know a lot of people enjoy the 'avoid the guards' mechanic, and I typically quite enjoy it myself, but I really appreciated the hostile/non-hostile markers and the chance to simply walk through some areas without worry. It was a lovely change of pace in a mission that I needed to spend so much time wandering around in.

    And those glasses! 


    They were my first purchase, and very much worth it! I'd already found lockpicks, and as no rope arrows were for sale, I figured I'd see if they were anything of use, so that's where my money went. They were VERY much of use, and those poor aging eyes wore them most of the entire mission. Fantastic!


    • Like 1
  8. I also don't say Thank You nearly enough.

    In 2020, amidst the raging pandemic, my home was hit by 2 back to back hurricanes ...well, 6 weeks apart, but 6 weeks isn't much of a break. I spent the end of that year either evacuated due to one other the other hurricane, or sheltering at someone's house that had not gotten damaged too much to live in. But prior to that in 2020, I was homebound due to Covid. I have a list of health problems, so I deemed it safer to remain at home with limited outside contact. The computer was my lifeline. Once I was able to return to my own home, and even post-vaccination, I've maintained a mostly homebound life. The internet has been a lifeline, and TDM, while it has always been one of my joys, has played a large part in keeping depression at bay.

    I cannot thank you all enough.

    • Like 1
  9. @NeonsStyle 


    The letter bundle goes on a desk in another room than that one, I think? I know I dropped on one desk to no success and went out that room, down a walkway and into another room and the desk there worked.

    I at first tried to use the mask on the pedestal like using a key on a door to no success. But when I used the 'use item' hotkey, it worked. Have you tried that?

    Regarding the fire trap: Maybe (probably?) I was just really really lucky, but once I realized there was no way to put the fires out, I sat and waited until it seemed I kinda sensed a pattern, then ran through and took no damage. Maybe I was imagining a pattern, but no jets flared when I was within damage range.

    Regarding the jump: I did this jump twice. The first time I made it across no problem, got the mask, left the area, and BARELY HEARD <mumble mumble gold mumble mumble> as the player voice volume was ridiculously low (despite being set to max in settings). So I had to reload from a save I had right before the jump and go again, because I wanted to hear what was said, in case it was important. I then failed the jump 3 times before making it across again.

    I'm sorry I can't really be of help in giving advice on how to avoid the obstacles, but it is possible to do them.

  10. Thanks, Lzocast. I didn't check past the obvious door on the stand of the first one, but the other two, I scoured those locations for the keys. Two or three times each, because they seemed to be likely locations, but obviously unsuccessfully. Once more unto the breach!

    EDIT: Found the keys, but I do have to say that sometimes TDM makes *seeing* keys pretty painful. The sewer key blended in so well to its background that I might have never seen it had I not been told it was there. I really wish keys could stand out more.

    Thanks again, Lzocast. All that's left is for me to decide if I'm up for finding more Hidden Loot items!

  11. I could really use hints for some things I am unable to find the key (or switch or what have you) to open:


    1. Display in Harwoode's gallery

    2. Thief's stash (have what I assume is the key for the trunk inside, but I cannot open the door)

    3. Sewer door below Marlow's manor

    Thanks much for either nudges or blatant answers, because I can't figure out any of those for the life of me!

  12. I'm currently making my way slowly and haphazardly through this massive mission map. I've had nothing but WOW reactions so many times, but I will say this might be the first mission to make me incredibly aggravated that unlike T1/T2 we cannot make notes or mark on the map in the game, because I keep encountering things that seem usable (but I can't use yet) or locks I cannot pick or just places I know I want to come back to later. And not just one or two of these locations! So I'm left taking notes out of game by either turning a light on (Thiefy blasphemy!) so I can jot a note, or tabbing out of the game. Or simply forgetting about exactly where these places are, which my MS-damaged sieve of a brain is really good at. That's not a negative against this mission, though, simply something I suppose the engine isn't built for. The only negatives I've encountered so far that are specific to this mission have been: 


    1. The map is wonderful, and I am so very, very grateful there is an automap location function, but some of the smaller text is incredibly difficult if not impossible to read, and I'm not sitting that far from my monitor.

    2. After coming out of the Andersarken area (THAT WAS AMAZING BTW) I could BARELY hear that the PC was making a comment. I had to reload a quicksave I'd made just prior exiting and turn up my speaker volume a LOT to be able to hear his comment on the golden death mask (and I already have both voice volumes up to max)... and then promptly turn down speaker volume because everything else was way too loud. 

    I'll be returning to those streets/roofs really soon, and I'll probably be there for days. Marvelous.

  13. Finally reinstalled TDM (double hard drive death 1 day apart, yay!) and this was my introductory dive back in. This was fun! I absolutely loved the 'bag' (and had a big laugh at the comment when I tried to pick up something). I felt I scoured the mission fairly well, but came up quite short on loot total. 1564? I feel like I must have missed something significant for that! Or perhaps in my investigating the clutter, the corners, and up on ceiling rafters I missed something large and evident and out in the open. The extra objectives were great, too. I did get grin at being in the school's backyard (it was the first place I went after leaving the hideout) and


    well I guess I wanted to build a snowman! But it seems it's time to find some coal for eyes... and then, The Bag happened, and I got both really nice non-coal eyes AND an objective to complete said snowman.

    Were the optional objectives 'kill spiders' and 'remove posters' the only bonus ones?

    Thank you, Goldwell and Kingsal, for a very enjoyable time! The only issue I had wasn't one that caused any problem to playing, it was just trees popping in. Didn't distract me from having a good time.

  14. Thank you! I was craving a little bit of Thief, started this up, and I really enjoyed this mission. 85 gold shy of max, which is close enough that I might have to go scour even more vigorously with a fine toothed comb, but I'm pleased anyway. Thank you for the mission, but curse you for

    incredibly non-obvious buttons that didn't really highlight so I just had to click and see if they actually WERE buttons.


    I both love that very much and hate that very much at the same time. Love wins, but that is ever so slightly dastardly wicked.

    • Like 1
  15. I finally got around to finishing this. I started it nearly 2 years ago, but, well...


    John freaked me out and I shut the game down right there.

    Playing through it now I was like 'really, wow, that was easy, what happened last time?' and I have no idea. Maybe I was seen and it traumatized me so much that I had to let the memory fade?


    Anyway, this mission was so full of surprises! Unexpected and great surprises!


    I have a lingering question, however. Near the end, there's a locked door that I could find no way through.


    It's in the building where the silent guardian roams, and is across the hall from the barracks.

    Is there a way in, or anything in there of note? I already know I missed some items in one room earlier on, but that was purposefully.


    I tried several times to loot the zombie doctor's room, but frobbing anything aside from his journal always woke him up, and so I just noped right out of there.

    That'd be part of my missing loot (5868/6167), but I'm not a 'must get it ALL' person- aside from secrets, which I got all of, thank you so much for adding them!


    I'm really looking forward to where this goes next; your missions are always a pleasure to play.

  16. I noticed the see-through part on my left coming back up the stairs from the basement. I don't recall seeing it when I went down the stairs, just when I came back up them. I thought it was very weird at the time, I had a very 'how the heck did I miss THIS?' reaction when I saw it, as it was quite large.


    Re: the conversation- I agree that what happened with Crowley went perfectly, it was far more fitting the way it panned out. The ineffectual feeling was a sum total of everything, but it didn't prevent me from enjoying the mission.


    About loot- I don't think I read Toby's note, but from browsing the thread I think it might mention

    the item on the rafters,

    which I found. I had more than enough to finish the mission with, I'd just checked the thread before to see if I'd somehow missed

    another secret area

    or something.


    Edit to add: Yes, the dark theme. Someone who creeps around a house and finds all the secrets is going to occasionally find much more than the family jewels, and some secrets are horrible. You didn't glorify it, and I thought it was handled well (aside from not being able to do much myself). And, heck, look at the reaction I had to it as described in my post earlier. That means I really got involved in the story, which is a good thing!

  17. So I've come to this mission late. Not that this is a bad thing- it means I was able to play after the updates, and I had a mostly flawless playthrough as a result (there were only a few visual glitches, such as a see-through wall at one point and a few other display errors, but nothing that effected gameplay).


    I really liked this one, NeonsStyle, thank you. After I finished, I perused this thread as well as the one on TTLG to see if anything big popped out that I missed (I ended short 710 of max loot), and I'll agree with something brought up- I really, REALLY wanted to take some part

    in actions vs. Crowley after I read his journal. Like lit-my-ass-on-fire this man is going DOWN, which at least I was able to have some part in, though I was only able to hear the action through the door. The real heart tugger, though, was when I was down in his private area, and I heard the girl crying... not being able to do something about that, or about the remains in the well, made me feel really ineffectual.



    All that said, though, I'll reiterate that I quite enjoyed this one, and as this IS your first mission, I'll end with the fact that I'm really looking forward to what you come up with next.

  18. This was pretty much exactly what I was in the mood for. I really enjoyed this, Bienie, thank you! I LOVED the secrets. I know it's different adding those into TDM, since there's no inherent secret system in the coding like there is in T1/T2, but I absolutely love them. Some gamers like achievements, or figuring out the tactics for winning a fight, or getting the best gear... I like exploring and finding secrets. The first one I found was

    the ring in room 3

    , and when I got the pop-up I literally... um, made a joyful noise, let's say. So I went and found them all! :D I also love secret objectives that trigger after you complete them (such as the 'would have been nice if' one commented on before about giving a certain someone's secret journal to his boss), since I also think those are great (and wish they were used more often), but at least we had the other, official optional journal objective.

    The only issues I had were a couple climbing into/out of things (getting back in the sewer at the end, I had to jump into it from a standing position a decent distance away, as trying to mantle into it from nearby (crouched or standing) got me completely must-reload-to-fix stuck), but those were all easily gone past after reload/retry. SuaveSteve early in this thread mentioned the

    thieves trove on the rooftop


    being partially embedded, and yes, I had to randomly click until all I was doing was raising/lowering the lid to (I think) get it all.


    Missing a bit of loot (3429/3500), and no way was I going to steal the tooth fairy's reward (SO glad I picked up the note first), but I found all the secrets so I'm happy. I look forward to your future FMs!

    • Like 1
  19. Also that's great that you noticed the sink draining, I put a lot of little details like that into my missions and it always makes me smile when people notice it :)


    Thank you for the secrets list, now I can soothe that itch.


    And I will try to remember to point out when I find such things, because I love it when I notice them. They always make ME smile, and if it makes the creator smile to know I appreciated it, then it behooves me to make sure that they know :)


    Looking forward to discovering more little details in the next mission!

    • Like 1
  20. I have really enjoyed this mission!
    I've completed it, but the fact that I'm still missing one secret is driving me bonkers. I think if I were missing more than one, it wouldn't be quite so bad, but the whole 'You're only missing ONE!' is driving me batty. I wasn't keeping notes as I was finding them, and I can't recall one exactly (I keep remembering things that I don't believe were secrets) but I do recall these, and believe they were all actual secrets:


    Coin bag under a desk in Walter's place

    The hidden urn
    A hidden chest in Wiverton's house
    A coin bag in a room you have to rope down to

    In bookcase in Garrett's shop



    Plus loot 4085 out of 4404. On that, I say 'close enough!' and am very pleased. But the secret, OH the secret, that one secret!


    The only issues I noted were that it felt strange to have to swim to my apartment, though I can understand after perusing this thread (looking for my missing secret), though I wish the guard would make snide remarks about my dripping wet clothes. :P Also, the drunk's voice (Farnham?) is too quiet to really understand most of it, even if it is mostly drunken babble.


    Edit: Ok, can I just add that a few things stopped me in my tracks due to their wonderful detail? Like that ritzy apartment in my apartment complex, with the sink that fills and drains. I loved that!! Completely inconsequential detail, but I LOVE stuff like this.


    I am so excited for the rest of this campaign!

    • Like 1
  21. This is a fantastic mission, Kingsal, thank you! 1667 in loot, and it wasn't until I was done that I realized I never searched for what those Ancient Keys unlock. Ah well, something to find next time I play!

    One of the secrets nearly tricked me.

    The Torc way up high. I made my way up there, saw the corpse, thought about how many of those I'd seen, then meandered my way around trying to spy another way off- another place to explore. When I saw it was a dead end, I groused and went back the way I came. After I passed back by the corpse I had a 'waitaminute' moment. All that's up here is a corpse? So I moved the body. Saw only a sword. Went to leave again. Said 'no way there's JUST a corpse up here', went back and finally noticed the Torc. Almost missed it!



    Again, thank you. I've greatly enjoyed both of your Volta missions!


    And for ridiculous niggling detail, even though you may never need to patch this mission again, I found a... typo, I guess? If you happen to knock out the guard in the city at the very beginning (please don't judge, it's instinctual), his body is labeled "Unconscience Guard" or something very similar. Unless it's on purpose. To make my conscience guilty over blackjacking a non-hostile. Or it's possibly correct in another language. I don't know, I just wanted to mention it!

    • Like 1
  22. This FM was amazing!

    Oh, but did all the verticality and various means of entrance & egress make my heart sing. Entering an area one way, exiting via another, and possibly re-entering via a THIRD later on? Joy! I'm an avid explorer in games that allow it, and this FM was a lot of fun to explore. I'm not done yet, because at some point I'll have to go back and see if I can discover the 1426 in loot I wound up missing. I'm guessing it's not in that SW corner of the map, since there didn't seem to be a way there in this mission?


    I also really liked how well placed much of the loot was!

    That stash in the stairs? That sword behind a brick in the wall? Exciting to find these 'secrets', something I always loved in Thief. If only a 'secret discovered' sound could play!



    I greatly enjoyed the architecture and overall design, it was all very visually pleasing. The only 'bugs' I recall specifically noticing were: bottles hovering a bit above the surface that they should be sitting on at a couple of locations in one particular cellar, and the inventory readable 'Servents Journal' should be 'Servant's Journal'. I noticed a few typos elsewhere (in journals and such, not counting the ones that had intentional literacy issues), but that's the only one that stuck with me, due to seeing it in my inventory over the course of the game.


    I'm just so happy right now. After about a year away from all things Thief, I've now experienced Volta and the Stone, A House of Locked Secrets, and this gem. I feel really spoiled. You builders (the best kind of builders, FM/mod builders!) are so amazing, and I appreciate you so very much. Thank you. I really look forward to the continuation of this campaign!

    • Like 1
  23. My response to this FM can be succinctly summed up with one word: WOW. I knew I was in for a grand treat from the very first moment that my screen flashed white.

    The following spoiler block is going to be far more a short stream-of-consciousness response to the mission than an actual review:



    I accidentally completed the first mission without solving the spirit's woes. Well, I had to reload there, of course, and return to hunt down the statuettes in order to appease him. I think that's fantastic- you can finish and move on, or you can get more out of the story if you put more time & effort in. I just couldn't bear the thought of missing out on something!

    Then in the second mission, things got hairy. The Bad Man (G) scared the bejeezus out of me, and my husband had too much fun sneaking up behind me when I was sneaking around avoiding G. I'm not a fan of horror games in general, but this was done more in the style of Thief 3's The Cradle, which is the one part of that game that I well and truly loved. Hiding in the wardrobe? That was immensely stressful!! (And thanks again, husband, for your comments when I was cowering in my computer chair during that time.)

    Guards I have to avoid because they're KO-immune? More stress, but hey, I'm just now getting back into Thief-ness after about a year's break, so I needed the refresher course anyway.

    The only issues I can really point out as having would be:
    Non-speaking spirits: The priest in St. Yorra's and the one in the warehouse. It seems, after reading this thread, that the latter isn't supposed to speak. What of the former?
    Confusion regarding the braziers behind the bars surrounding G's heart. Using the holy symbol to do something besides transference to/from the spirit world was unexpected.



    I love puzzles, so I greatly enjoyed them, though I wish they had gotten harder (or that optional harder ones had been added).

    I greatly appreciate the automap! Thanks for implementing it (and thanks to Obsttorte, I believe, for the creation of it for TDM?).


    Thank you for a very enjoyable mission, Moonbo! One question regarding the book: Does the discount coupon work for Amazon? I'm a Kindle user, so I tend to get my ebooks from there. Regardless, I'll be purchasing it soon, and look forward to reading it.




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