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  1. LOL last time I brought this topic up it didn't go so well, and I wasn't even suggesting a mod, just asking for opinions. By the way, the end goal of that opinion gathering was this video. Some of you may have seen it. Anyway, I'm still waiting for a mod that instafails a mission whenever you get spotted or knock someone out. That's the most fun way for me to play, so I think everyone else should play that way too!
  2. A run doesn't feel legit to me if I use console commands, and ghosting rules disallow cheating altogether. This whole section kinda sucks if I'm blatantly honest. Nothing about TDM's mechanics supports this kind of level design.
  3. Another issue I ran into which I remember from playing the mission way back: you can basically softlock yourself here if you jump onto the boulders as they float up. You get stuck in them and can't jump anymore. Edit: if you just stay on one of these boulders for too long, you get stuck too.
  4. It's in the brothel(?) More precisely, it's on the top floor windowsill, but you can't see it unless you have frob helper on.
  5. I've figured it out. By the way, is the patch for this still in the works? There is still a black box in Marlow's basement, and the coin I reported embedded into geometry is still embedded too.
  6. I'm replaying this mission after beating it several years ago, and it's almost like playing it fresh since I've forgotten a good bit. In fact, I need a bit of help with
  7. Correction: skacky did not work on Dishonored or Dishonored 2.
  8. After updating to 2.11, the map graphics in this mission look like black squares. Any way to restore how they looked before?
  9. Any reason this attachment is no longer available? I thought it was because TDM god updated, but I can confirm this still works on 2.11.
  10. It does! I can definitely see how a designer might want to try and teach the player something through limitations. Similarly how no-KO restrictions can make one a better ghoster, I can see how no saving can make one better at combat or improvisation. Is it always successful? No, and, as seen from this thread, the majority of players would rather avoid such a mission/game altogether.
  11. If this thread is in the wrong section, I apologize. If someone can move it, please do. That it would go off-topic and into the discussion of TDM save rooms was somewhat predictable. What I did not expect is an outright hostile reaction. Do I really need to lay it all out? What if I was considering writing an essay on why designers put save restrictions into their games and why some players want to see these restrictions and then try to refute these points? I'm saying "was" because at this point, I don't think that's such a good idea anymore.
  12. Well, have you read my initial post, or did you stop at the thread title? I want to understand these reasons and make sure I am not seeing them exclusively through the lens of my own playstyle. Then, I can make better arguments in favor of quicksaving when I need to. I am not arguing for this change. I am not even talking about save rooms in TDM. I am talking about save restrictions in stealth games in general.
  13. Sorry, but I don't see the contradiction. The topic title is accurate. I am looking for reasons why there should be restrictions on quicksaves. This doesn't mean I advocate for these restrictions, which should become evident if you read the first post.
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