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Everything posted by Zerush

  1. https://doompdf.dev/doom.pdf
  2. Laptop ACER Aspire 3-15, AMD Ryzen 7 5700U with Radeon Graphics, RAM 16 GB, SSD 512GB, WiFi v7 600 Mbs, de-bloated Win 11 Home 24H2
  3. Mastodon is a good alternative
  4. Congrats for the release, nice little mission. Somewhat basic environment, but good playable for TDM Newbies or as stealth training. Played yesterday, 15 min, 2 KO, all loot, score 0 in difficult mode.
  5. Zerush

    Free games

    MDK anyway isn't a pirated game in this page, because it was catalogized Abandonware long ago, the company Shiny sadly not exists since may years ago, it was bought by another company which also not longer exist. Because of this there are also several sites where you can download the game for free, but this, it won't longer work in a modern PC. The alternative is to buy the combo MDK I+II in Steam (€9.99) where it works with an emulator by Steam in current PCs Specs (somewhat better than a Toaster) Pentium 300Mhz 64MB RAM HD 650MB
  6. Zerush

    Free games

    I¡ve also the original CD, but CD units rare in current laptops. Because of this it was a nice surprise to find the full game to play in the browser (the site use an DOS Box emulator)
  7. Zerush

    Free games

    (??) The Browser version works fine and flawless on my laptop (16GB AMD Ryzen, AMD Radeon GPU, ~600 Mbs internet speed), maybe it has a framerate limiter, it's not too fast.
  8. Zerush

    Free games

    I played it, in those years it was a real sensation, far ahead of its time. Too bad Shiny didn't survive long after MDK 2. This and other games they created, such as Earthworm Jim, were sold to Interplay Inc at the end of the 90. MDK, this gem is now archived as abandonware and freely downloadable from several sites, or playable like here, in the browser. The marvelos soundtrack in YT, Spotify, Soundcloud and some others.
  9. Zerush

    Free games

    Play MDK right now in your Browser One of the more unique action games of the 90s, MDK featured stunning, unusual and often comical game design, while breaking new ground graphically. It also offered an intense (if sometimes frustrating) single-player campaign. Original soundtrack from Tommy Tallarico https://playclassic.games/games/action-dos-games-online/play-mdk-online/play/
  10. The Builde Blocks has less
  11. Works flawless, but I think that it need a test in the Hazard Pay mission in hard mode, because there are only possible saving in certain save points.
  12. Levels of evil
  13. https://enshine.bandcamp.com/album/transcending-fire
  14. If you want to uplad it later to YouTube, there you can edit the video using the own editor of YouTube. Alternatively there is also https://www.veed.io/tools/video-editor
  15. There is an Foss solution bsed on Blender https://infinigen.org
  16. Zerush

    Free games

    Agree, these games are nice for an half hour break without complication, even better playable as the before mencioned Dark Sector, which handling is a mess with keyboard and mouse, graphics not so much better than these from this browsergames it's only longer and more complex. But also free games can have a good standart, as some from the DigiPen Institute which are on TDM level.
  17. Zerush

    Free games

    From the same author of the FPS above, there are also a lot of other games to play in the browser or locally https://studiohammergames.itch.io
  18. Nice little mission, beginnerfriendly without big challenges
  19. Next time TDM
  20. Zerush

    Free games

    Nice little Browser FPS (Downloadable) The malevolent mansion of evil
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