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Everything posted by AluminumHaste

  1. I first create a simple rectangular brush, usually 192*32 units, then hit Shift-P to make "Simple Patch Mesh" (3x3). I then use the various views (X,Y,Z) to bend it to the shape I want, then when I have the right angle I hit Shift-C and select Inverted Bevel. That's when nothing happens. And it's weird because sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Maybe my map file is corrupted or something. Sorry for bugging you. Okay just tried it and this shows up in the console patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patch has invalid control points patchCreateCaps
  2. Well you see, it's not like I'm asking it to cap a complicated patch, it's just a 90 degree curve. If it can't even do that then something is wrong. Saying that it just "doesn't work" means that it's a bug. The feature is there to perform a certain task, and it's not doing what it's supposed to be doing, that's a bug. And whether I create a patch manually to be 90 degrees, or create one using the menu, they are both 90 degree bent patches, they are the exact same thing. they both follow the grid points as I always have grid snap on. So if the program is able to cap the menu made patch, it should be able to also cap the manually made one end of story. It's a bug.
  3. EDIT: Okay it's not working at all in the map now. Can't cap hardly any patches. Please help. I found a pretty annoying bug in darkradiant. I only tested this using the Split layout. So this is the problem, if create a patch in the bottom left window (X - front view I think) and then manipulate it into a 90 degree curve (using any view) like in the picture. I then want to cap the selection using Inverted Bevel cap selection, so I hit Shift-C and the cap selection window pops up. I select Inverted Bevel and click OK. Now in the console a new entry pops up saying: patchCreateCaps. But nothing happens, the caps aren't created and no error is thrown. Here is what I'm working on: As you can see, it is a simple patch bend that I'm trying to cap for the cathedral entrance but nothing happens. Also on another note, is there a way to time stamp console entries?
  4. I always do this now too. Ever since I started making maps for quake 3 years ago, I notice that when driving around, I tend to look at the architectural details of houses and buildings. Windows and entry ways and roofs capture my eye the most, but I also love the materials house and buildings are made out of. I used to keep a camera in my car but it won't turn on unless you plug it in so now I have to wait until I get it fixed. But whenever I get mappers block (which for me is so bad that I've never released a map) I take a break for a few days but I always see some interesting architecture or arrangement of houses that I want to model and play around with that I get back into it. Good luck.
  5. Hmmm, you're right I thought that that's what it said in the readme for thief's den, but I can't find that info. I just noticed that the path in the readme is without spaces: "c:\games\doom3" Okay nevermind about my "advice", I'll shut up now.
  6. In order to avoid certain problems, The Dark Mod should be installed to a path that does not contain any spaces, so it should go like C:\Doom3\thiefsden. You have it in c:\program files\doom 3\thiefsden, which is no good. I had to reinstall Doom3 to my root drive in order to get it to run properly without problems. Also if you install the demo to the wrong folder, the executable switch (+set fs_game) won't find thiefsden and will crash the loader. All mods need to go into a sub directory directly below Doom3's main folder. IE C:\Doom3\<ModFolder> otherwise the game won't find the assets it needs. This is the way all doom3 (and quake3/4) mods work. Good luck.
  7. I checked and it looks like you can't set the players gravity, which was the whole point, but you can set the monsters (AI) so yeah, we can have AI walking on the walls lol.
  8. I suck at math lol, didn't understand the math at all. It's similar but I'm not sure that it would work that way I want. It can pull or push you in any direction of course, but your relative orientation (what you see as up and down) does not change, your feet are still pointing along the z axis, so this is not the same. I want to be able to re-orient the player so that his feet are pointing up and he's upside down. I'm not sure if that tutorial allows you to do that. I will need someone more technically inclined to figure that one out for me.
  9. Does the engine need to be modified for this or is this functionality built in and just needs to be exposed? I've made a map that has a giant cube with an intricate maze on all 6 sides (made from a real life 3d maze) and I would love to be able to spin it on 3 axis and use local gravity on the cube to make the player stick to the surface so the world would turn upside down and stuff.
  10. My favorite is the rock texture that is from the beachhouse mission. It looked amazing in the screenshots.
  11. Not sure if anyone here has used this cool little tool for uvmapping, but when I was modding for Freelancer, I purchased the pro version for like 75$ and I'd hate for it to go to waste. So if anyone wants it, they are free to use it for free. Just email me at: derick.boe @ gmail.com me and I'll send you the reg file and installer. This is software that I purchased. If you don't know what it's for, check it out here: http://www.uvmapper.com/ for more info.
  12. In order to get the assets, run the installer and it will install to a base directory that you choose. It will then run the game patcher but will fail because the game isn't installed (if you do have the game installed, just hit cancel). then go to that directory and the textures will be in the streamingtextures folder.
  13. I've already downloaded them, there don't appear to be any specular maps, but that's fine. They are all DDS and all come with Diffuse and Normal maps so named with _d and _n. All textures together come to about 169 MB once unpacked.
  14. I politely asked John P that since he didn't have time to help us out, that we could use his assets that he created for Thief DS. He courteously assented. Here is his email to me: My only concern at this point is whether or not his assets are usable (which I personally think they are), but also whether they infringe on any copyrights, but since Eidos holds the copyrights not Ion Storm, I might ask their permission. Although, as John pointed out, the textures are "based" on original assets created by the Ion Storm team, so that needs to be taken into account. I'm sure you guys have already discussed this at great length, but I was playing Thief 3 with his texture pack as few days ago, and thought that it is such a waste that hardly anybody is going to see his work, and that it would be a good opportunity to get our hands on some finished (and dare I say, professional) assets. Please leave any comments and/or thoughts.
  15. I was following the guide on the wiki (Link) How to add textures to the dark mod, and I was wondering; How do I upload to the svn repository for textures? I have an SVN client somewhere, which I used to download the source for DarkRadiant to take a look at, but I don't have the password/login details needed to access SVN. I know that you guys were restricting this to just certain users, but what about just for uploading not downloading? Can't you set permissions?
  16. I've been trying to do that for ever. Thank you.
  17. But he'll still need the original doom 3 cd key in order to re-install the original game, can't use the expansion cd-key for that. Hang on............. You can use mine. Make sure you either shut off your network card when playing doom or add the server to your hosts file. EDIT: REMOVED PS if this is not allowed, just let me know.
  18. Thank you, very informative post But that's fine, I don't expect it to be a problem to not have shadows.
  19. Oh there's other reasons to use cheat protected cvars, such as r_lodCurveError (which defaults to a terrible 250 units and is cheat protected) and r_subdivisions (which defaults to 4 and is also cheat protected). Look at the difference in the curved hallways and architecture, see what I mean? the curveerror cvar tells the game at which distance to lower the Level of detail for curves, which is 250 units, but I would like to change that to the max of 9,999 (or 10,000) but they are cheat protected and can only be changed using the devmap command. Changing sv_cheats to 1 only gets it changed back to 0 when starting the game. This is using the defaults of r_lodCurveError = 250 and r_subdivisions = 4 This is using r_lodCurveError = 10000 and r_subdivisions = 1 There is a huge difference. More examples: But we're getting a little off topic, thanks for all the help guys
  20. You guys must have some very crappy monitors to not see that. Which would explain why nobody except a few people notice the horrible compression artifacts on some of the official screenshots.
  21. Oh no, I know for sure that you can't change certain vars unless you use devmap. For example, load up quake 3 with the latest patch and try changing lodCurveError. It is cheat protected and you have to use devmap to change it. EDIT: Also. changing sv_cheats to 1 doesn't work unless you use devmap. I've tried.
  22. You should also be able to just add the idnet.ua-corp.com to the hosts file and block it that way. Open your hosts file (you'll have to search for it) located in Windows\System32\Drivers\etc, and add this to the end: idnet.ua-corp.com That should work. Any request from that server should be redirected to the localhost. Hmmm, I'm going to go try that right now. EDIT: oh yeah that worked like a charm
  23. I was playing around with the editor some more, and found that at high angles the bumpmap looks even better. Take a look. there's no light coming from the inside, it's only being lit by one light (which could be substituted for a skybox) and looks realistic. Without the bumpmap I don't think you would see much if anything at all at that angle.
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