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Everything posted by BlackThief

  1. anyway - here's a better screen. the door looked a bit low-res on the other screen, but that was just a rendering issue:
  2. no - I made this texture myself about half an hour ago Don't have NV's textures yet...
  3. here's a new door-texture also in Thief2-style. however the normalmap isn't perferct yet and it probably needs a heightmap, which doesn't work for some reason.
  4. the thief1/2 main-menu, books, etc. have a different resolution than the game - so it always takes some time, when you want to read a book, or your objectives, because the game first has to change the resolution.
  5. thx - wasn't much work though (10 min) I left out the normal in the shader for the red and rosa version, cauze they turn out pretty strange with a normalmap - here's a screen:
  6. credits to oDDity, who send me the link to this wallpaper-page I made several versions of it - with similar colours like in Thief 2 I'll upload them to Textures/Dark_Mod/Mansion/Walls/Wallpaper/ the files are Mansion_Wallpaper06a - Mansion_Wallpaper06d
  7. great work again oDDity ! they will really rock with some great textures on them !
  8. what about the physics ? when the globe consists of 2 totally seperate objects, how will it react, when it's knocked over ? I don't think that it'd react realistic...
  9. I don't think that this would be good idea. It'd be rather hard to place the two objects correctly together in the D3 editor. wouldn't it be easier to make it a md5-mesh object and animate it ?
  10. looks still pretty cool ! speculars are really a bit strange I know that....
  11. BlackThief


    ok, the textures are on the ftp (/TheDarkMod/models/props/loot/plate_g/) I'll wait till there is a tutorial, how to prepare a blender object to import it in D3 and upload the model then. currently all my models aren't rendered properly in d3.
  12. yes you certainly don't HAVE to use mirrored skins. they just used that to get more high-res skins with less memory. we would just have to reskin the zombie-model. but I think the zombie is not a very important object for our mansion pack, so I'll continue my work on it later.
  13. yeah, I also thought about that. the difference in quality is so small between them that's not really worth it. and it'd make the file-size of the whole mod a lot smaller --> more people are going to download it
  14. hey thx - bookmarked this site this wallpaper feels really like Thief2 for me, I love it. I'm going to make it with various colour and then upload it to our textures!
  15. great work oDDity !! maybe we should just remove the names on the globe, then it'd be fine. BTW were's the wallpaper-texture in the back-ground from ? looks really nice - almost exactly like the old T2 ones, just very highres
  16. sounds fine so far maybe a little more bass in the first one ?
  17. BlackThief


    of course - I just don't wanted to leave reflections on the actual texture
  18. BlackThief


    ok, here's it with a loot texture: what do you guys think ? lootish enough ?
  19. BlackThief


    I'll wait till kat from d3world.org releases his tutorial, how to import a model created in blender correctly into d3, cauze I noticed some rendering issues with my models - here's the thread: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?p=66321#66321
  20. well I think we should first agree on one final structure - then I could manage this stuff as long as renz is not around. I could structure it on the ftp, but I won't upload everything in a rar - my bandwith and my traffic is still limited. would be great if someone else could do that from time to time for the 56k users - tgas compress VERY well !
  21. BlackThief


    thx. Yes I just use the nvidia plugin for PS for the normalmaps, cauze I don't even know, how I could generate a normalmap with a 3d app Is the model ok, how I built it ?
  22. BlackThief


    that'd be no problem - I think a more gold looking one, maybe with small gems would fit for a loot-plate.
  23. BlackThief


    Ok as I mentioned in the Mansion Model Reuqest thread I'm working on the model for a plate. However I'm not sure what's the best way to do that. Here's a screen with the model I did: http://www.dark-project.com/BlackThief/plate1.jpg on the right part you can see the wireframe - I built it with 2 cylinders with 16 vertics (--> model now has 128 triangles). so to the experienced modellers out here: is this ok ? or is there a better way ? BTW the skin is mirrored - I thought we could safe some graphics memory this way
  24. well these are all 3rd-person games and it was nice to look at. but where're making a total 1st-person stealth game, so I think a cloak is really unnecessary. anyway I think that springheel is right - it be would rather unpractical for a thief wearing a cloak. Imagine you're chased by a bunch of guards and suddenly your dead cool, black cloak is stuck into the door :lol:
  25. I think the max payne player model has a cloak.
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