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Posts posted by datiswous

  1. Here is an index of video's: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=DarkRadiant_Video_Tutorials , in case you need more.

    5 hours ago, Something Hank said:

    On my actual first map I'm trying to work with, I've been using the idea of VERY roughly outlining the level layout with sloppy brushwork, to get a feel for where everything should go and how the place should flow. Ideally, I've set myself up with very primitive versions of what the level should look like, when I begin decorating it and making it LOOK nice and functional later.

    I had this idea as well. I have not made anything yet. Nice to see others agree with it as well.

    I thought some aspects of this mapping guide of Unvanquished are interesting:


    Don't use a linear approach to making your map

    Many people become frustrated when trying to create a map from one end to the other. This puts a focus on small detail (micro) rather than the map itself as a whole (macro).

    These two map making approaches are highly recommended:

    1. Planned: Create the layout of your whole map in rough shapes and test it. Then slowly add more detail all over, layer by layer.
    2. Modular: Create and detail detached, individual rooms or modules. Choose the best and discard others. Then link and duplicate them all together into a map.


    Source:  https://wiki.unvanquished.net/wiki/Tutorials/Mapping_guide

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  2. Ok, but the blackjack system in the dev version does change the blackjacking I think. I now get like 70% more misses while playing. I often don't knock them out anymore because it became so hard to get a propper hit. Maybe it's because of the missing manifest file?

    Edit: Well, actually I should just have included the manifest file off course, instead of continue play without.

  3. 15 hours ago, Oktokolo said:

    If you are really limited on time, go for Iris first.

    That makes no sense. If you are limited on time go for a smaller mission with a very structured plot and objectives. Iris is very loose, so let's say you play it a couple of hours spread during a week, you often might not know what you're doing or don't get sucked in enough because of lack of time.

  4. I have this issue since 3.0, still present in 3.2 . When I am in free camera mode (right mouse button in Camera view), I can't zoom in and out with mouse wheel scroll, keyboard arrows do still work.

    Somebody else (Nort) mentioned he/she couldn't reproduce the issue under Windows, so maybe it's just my (Linux) system and therefore I decided I don't add it to the bugtracker yet.

  5. I installed the Flatpak version via my disto (Manjaro) package manager without problem. I think it should state: 3D level editor for The Dark Mod and Doom 3, instead of the other way around.


    Originally DR takes over the system theme that is selected. So in my case the dark theme, but with the Flatpak install, only the light theme is used. It doesn't take over the system theme. Is there a way to force the system theme? I guess using the light theme does have the benefit of good looking icons.

  6. 4 hours ago, Loginnerer said:

    Maybe you want to Sort by Newest/Oldest and type them in then, because if a mission has less than 4 ratings, it is not meant to show up when you search by rating.

    Ah that's the reason then.


    4 hours ago, Loginnerer said:

    Can I ask what are you taking into account when rating them?

    How much fun I have, how much immersion, Story, objectives structure, creativity with map design, amount of WOW-moments, how well it ages. For example In A Time of Need 1 looks really dated.

    A rating is a bit shallow, reviews are better for giving an opinion, but I usually give my feedback of missions in their mission thread, or the beta thread (when I beta test) on this forum.

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