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  1. If no one objects I thought a thread with music to help inspire all of us on the team or even just give a mood for a moment might be a good idea. The files don't have to necessarily be for the project but maybe "inspired by" or "in the same vein as". And, I guess all of the files have to be originals. We don't want to steal anyone else's work and post it for everyone to grab! Anyone can post here and add to the mood of the DarkMOD.... Thief-y moody piano/strings piece
  2. Just curious who did the music in the teaser?
  3. So, Sparhawk wanted some music for his "trailer in production". So here are one and a half pieces of what you all hopefully thinks somewhat resembles the "thief" sound. (Yeah yeah, the drums sound weird, I've heard it all before) 1 track 0.5 track The first one is pretty much finished. (Still, please feel free to come with suggestions) The second one is, well you guessed it, unfinished. Also, I will be able to start recording SFX again this week (hopefully, otherwise next week, that's for sure). So things will start happening again here at the sound department. The SFX will be done, even if I have to do them all on my own. That reminds me, Springheel, could you add "Soundengineer" to the help-wanted list?
  4. So for those who don't know, I've just been accepted by pakmannen as one of the musicians here. In Thief, traveling to different areas within a level the music/ambient sound would change, like when going from an outside area to an inside one, or entering a dungeon/basement area. I'm wondering if anyone knows how this can work in the Doom 3 engine, and also how to make the sounds loop endlessly while the player is in a given area?
  5. Hey sound folk. Napalm is currently working on getting the main menu into the mod. Could you guys suggest an ambient track that you'd like to see playing during the menu sequence? It doesn't have to be the final one, but I'd like your recommendation on something we could use for the time being.
  6. After some fund raising we were able to get a IPB perpetual license which makes us able to upgrade from an unsecure 1.3.x board to a fully updated 2.0.4 board. Feel free to poke around and look at the new features etc. The skin is reset to the default IPB one, because the old one won't work on this version. We'll get working on it ASAP. Happy posting!
  7. Jeez, I'm really loving the forum community for TDM. I mean, the replies I get for my topic is damn amazing. I jus post a topic asking about a release date, and I get 50 replies talking about wether or not we should add a bloody sword to the game(I personally think you should, as it came in handy when I got cornered). And im getting tired of people saying "If you get caught, or if you run out of flashbangs to use to run away with you dont even deserve to be playing the game" or something like that, I mean, not everybody spends so much time playing a damn stealth game so that they never ever get caught, plus a sword, and (my favourite weapon by far in any theif games) the bow, added more replayability, so you could always replay the game and just try to rampage through the level, or sneak, but be a bit more brutal, using the aggression to pick off your enemies in the dark with the sword, or bow, or (I almost forgot another useful tool) the blackjack. If theres one this that I dont like about the forums its that I cant figuire out how to reply in a topic... or maybe thats just my problem for being so stupid, but either way, can somebody please tell me before I have to start a new thread everytime I want to say something?!
  8. Hi, It s TYROT. One of my devoted Thief follower friend point me out this MOD. If you guys accept me i can help you on many things. I was searching for a decent mod for years. I think this is the ONE Im using lightwave for years. I will add to latest works i have done. And trust me. I may help you with the musical scores too. you can check some work i have done in www.ivedaproductions.com website. I made many logo animations, architectural renderings. Although the musics over there made many many years ago.. In texturing also you may consider me. Cuz i love Photoshop ..if you want i can even make MATTE painting for you. Just for a present ..i will upload some textures just for you to download ... i ll let you know and yes. Im an old fella .. 31 years old. working in animation and Tv production field..I made game reviewing on TV shows. Im gonna start a new one soon. And im preparing a DOCUMENTARY about THIEF world... so will you let me accept me into Guild. And the friend whose showing me this MOD is a great writer. He graduated from newyork film academy and he is writing feature length movie scripts around the world. Probably he may join you in terms of narrative writing. He knows everyword in whole thief series....think about the obsession:) Im so happy that faithful followers of Looking Glass gathering over here.. Im extremely excited...
  9. Here are a few quick sample files I just created to give you a small feel for what my Roland keyboard is capable of. Nothing polished or final here, just a quick sampling of different effects and atmospheres. There are hundreds of sounds in this keyboard and considering each can be manipulated (slowed down, sped up, layered, pitch altered, fade ins/outs, etc.) through software, I thought it might provide some help to this DarkMod endeavor. Each of these files are around 3 to 5 MB in size. Let me know if anything here makes it sound like my keyboard has potential: Probably best just to 'right-click/save as' to your hard drive... Edited URLs because file locations were moved...
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