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  1. I was just thinking I could supply anyone who wants it with a male and female template, they're anatomically correct, and just have to be pushed , squashed, resized, tweaked etc. Of course it doesn't make it any easier, and it isn't cheating, you still have all the modeling to do on top of it, but it does give you something perfect to build the armour/clothing around, and saves the time modeling hands and feet and a new head for every character.. I use them as a base for all my characters, even monsters. I was just thinking that it may halp some people wo want to model but aren't confident enough to start a character from scratch. I'l post shots of them later.
  2. Ever tried Lightwave modeler? Much better than max at that job. But I suppose if you're alreay used to max, it's a pain to learn another app. Maybe its just the flat lighting in those shot than makes it look like one contiguous mesh. How many polys so far? And a thought that just occured to me- since this is first person, we aren't actually going to see the model in-game?
  3. HEh, Garrett'll have to problem spotting that guy in the dark) If you really want to texture it, I'll send you the model. As for the animation, yes, Doom only supports verts that have been moved by bones , so we'll just have to add extra bones on a per character basis depending on where they need them. I won't be actually animating a cloth simulation, just basically moving it out of the way at key frames to stop it cutting through the mesh. This means that we'll have to use max for the animations, since we can have a base animation for all the humanoid characters, save it out as a .bip and .fig file, and then use that as template and add in the extra bones per character as needed. That way we won't need a completely separate rig and anims for each character. Here's some wires as requested my DeepOmega. I wouldn't pay too much note of the shape of the mesh in that pose, since I basically twisted the polys around manually to strike that pose, not paying to much attention to anything that was out of shot.
  4. ....whoa. You just made an already awesome model even better.
  5. Hi there Im Dieblein, Leader of the Rpg project "Return to Mana" for Hl2. (http://returntomana.mods.de. I just rushed in here to congratz you to the work done so far. Thief is one of my all time best games I ever thought of making a nice sequel or mod based on it in the future. So I hope you can proove the will to not break up until the mod has been done. I saw your modling threads @cgtalk, its good to post there because that really imroves the quality of the 3d work. As you may know its so important to keep looking and comparing yourself with the worlds top notch artists because you can always learn more. Stop learning is the worst thing that can ever happen to you. So I hope you can go along with the project, In any case I wish you best of luck with it and perhaps we can chat a little and maybe I could help you out with some of the model work later. Is there an Irc you usually hang out? Dont give up, keep up the good work! Greetings Dieblein
  6. If you find something out then you should probably download this http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=255 and incorporate it there to test it out. My next plans are to figure out how to change the buttons, and how to let the SDK do something for me.
  7. But since you can define different bones for any model, I don't think it should be a huge problem.
  8. It's coming along very well now, but you seem to be trying to bevel all the detail into the main body mesh, rather than making everything separate parts. That's ok for a low poly character, (even then if you look at the UT characters for example, every detail is a sperate mesh)but for a high res one there is no poly limit, so it's looks better if you model all the detail separately. Studs, straps, belts etc. Also try not to make everything look so perfectly geometric, mess the verts around a bit. What program are you using?
  9. Please guys, stop with the praise already or I be unable to squeeze my swollen head though the door of the computer room, and you won't see any more work Having said that, this is the best model I've ever made (which isn't saying much since I've only made about 12) but I suppose I have Springheel to thank for the inspiring concept art.. I think the key to success on projects such as these is enthusiasm and a desire to learn new things and improve on whxt you previously thought you were capable of. Springheel - yes, it was a toss up between expensive satin shoes or sandals, but I can't see him wearing big armoured boots. This all looks fine and dandy as a static model, but I can see problems with animatng it. All that cloth around the arms and legs makes it very difficult. The animations would have to be very stilted. Unless it's possible to animate it in a 3d app with real cloth dynamics and then export it to the doom engine complete wth the new animatons. I dn't know yet if doom will only recognise vertices that have been animated by bones.
  10. Not really related in line with what we were talking about here....but I just mocked this up for fun. Someone at the ionstorm forums asked if we were going to change the name or just leave it as "The Dark Mod". Thinking of how Eidos and Ionstorm may take to us creating a mod inspired by one of their intellectual properties, I felt it would only be fitting to call the game THIS. On a half serious note...*L* I think I might even like that name. HA. @ pakmannen: Wow, I love that mock up. @ Springheel: I see where your coming from. The inspiration for that idea came from the idea that the fans will be creating prophecies in a sense. Fan Missions are essentially adding to the story. Kind of mystical and fantasy oriented I suppose, but it's also in line with the Thief universe, just approaching if from a different and I think more cerebral direction. Kind of quiet and reflective, like the game itself. As more fan missions are written, it would be like the prophecies unfolding. Just some thoughts to ponder. Anyway, enjoy my silly mockup.
  11. Yes, I really love the book idea. I'm not sure we should display the Thief in action since we're a first person perspective game. It may lead the player on a bit in that respect. We do have that lovely Thief model... , but we'll get to see it on other Thieves thank goodness.
  12. oDDity has been assigned the Builder Priest model, and this is the thread for him to post any work or comments regarding it. I know it's not exactly priority stuff, but if oDDity can do these as quickly as he says he can, then it won't matter.
  13. Hey, some of you might recogise me from the ISA forums, or maybe not. I'm normally called "The Nay-Sayer". Anyway, just thought I'd drop in and wish you guys luck since the D3 SDK just got released. I've gotta say those engine tests in your gallery are great, particularly the original old window one, the colours are just so awesome, the ambience is just right and it's only a test. And the one of the really dark stone hallway is great too. But really I love the old window shots, looks better then TDS even. Best of luck with the gameplay and stuff though, obviously that's whats most important. Cheers and "god"speed.
  14. oDDity, please post any work in progress shots for the builder in this thread.
  15. I whipped these up right fast cuz I thought we could use a few more shots for the website. I decided to stretch out the texture window to give it a nice cinematic widescreen (everyone loves a good widescreen shot) and threw in one of the old lightgem drawings to give it an ingame look. lol, I had to go to the old boards to find the lightgem I had in mind...it was a blast reading through all the old posts and seeing how far we've come in just a couple of months. Anyway...on with the show. This is my semi finished art gallery, what originally started out as quickly built room designed to help Springheel test out his textures turned into a 500 brush monster that's probably one of the better maps I've done in awhile. I dunno if I like the angle of the screenshot too much, but eh...I've already doctored it up. Oh yeah, I also added a specular to the beige wall, which improved it considerably. The Gallery And the tried and true basement shot with a slight specular added to the wall texture. I'd replace the old basement shot on the webpage with this one. The Basement Also, see if DeepOmega wants to post his newer Thief model up in place of the old one. The face, along with the smoother look, is worth the update.
  16. Lowpoly. That's the model that's actually used in game. Man, I can't wait to animate this guy - character animation is my one, sole, natural-born talent.
  17. That is so damn awesome DeepO, you've got skills...I can't wait to see him textured and running around ingame . Speaking of which...when you animate him, do you animate the highpoly model, the lowpoly, or both?
  18. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?act=Post&CODE=00&f=1 WOOT!
  19. I'm a big fan of your thief model, but our intent (at least at the moment) is to have only a single model as the main character. Multiplay is something we have talked about but it won't be attempted until we have the basic mod done, and probably even the campaign. So the idea of being able to choose between different models is probably not useful. But... We do need to have different thieves in our game besides our main character. Deep Omega was thinking about using the main model minus the mask, but it might be better to use a different model. What if we used your thief model for that? It would be for other thieves, assassins, etc. (although I wouldn't make them too 'cool' with the double knives...our main character should be the coolest.) What about the other models on your site? As I was looking at them, I noticed several that would fit very nicely into what we're doing. Are they something you would be willing to donate or are they already spoken for?
  20. The usual convention is to model the frames, otherwise they'll look like posters. A lot of the Dutch master's painting look great in thief games. And Springheel could alays knock up some custom ones depicting burricks etc.
  21. Yes. You should talk to Fingernail about that. He can give you access to the teams forums where we have the concepts and everything.
  22. Guest

    Modeling Deal

    I'm not sure which of your models we could use in a Thief game anyway, they seem to be all fantasy D&D types, ans we all ready have the thief class which we need) I love that monk model though, very nice.
  23. We're eventually gonna come to a question about DeepO's character model that is of dire importance, a question that we've all been dreading and might potentally cause massive fights to break out across all the boards in a neverending war of flames. But still...this question must be asked... "What kind of hair style should our thief be sporting?"
  24. I think I remember seeing you around on the ISA forums back before Thief 3 was released, that render of the Thief jumping the wall looks really familiar (and absolutely completely amazingly awesome). I'm impressed, everyone else is impressed, and you're already a member of the team as I write this. Welcome to the team, man..hope you have fun.
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