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  1. That's very encouraging guys. I'll get back on it ASAP.
  2. Thanks teh_saccade. It's not really ready to play yet, I'm going to get back to it soon to make it playable and get it working with windows and Xbox controller. I did play Deadly Shadows on pc with a logitech dual analogue controller many years ago, I was delighted with the controls but wasn't so happy with the direction the game had taken. I played The Dark Age with a program called PinnacleGameProfiler which was much better than Xpadder or Joy2key but cost €15 at the time. I certainly got my money's worth as I managed to play many games adequately with it including STALKER, Morrowind and Doom3. Anyway, I'd love to play TDM with a controller even though some here might think it sacrilegious. I'll try to get it to an acceptable state as soon as I have the taffin time.
  3. I've been trying to implement dual analogue gamepad support for tdm for many months now. This is my first real attempt at serious coding so the road has been difficult and slow. The current state of things can be found at https://github.com/crinkelite, all changes are in the joystick branch. It depends on SDL2 Right now, it will only work on Linux with a playstation 3 controller. Please understand this is a complete amateur hack job which probably breaks every rule there is. The good --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The players view is controlled by the right analogue stick Creep/Walk/run speed is controlled by the magnitude of the left stick. The gamepad buttons are mapable in the bind menu (use the mouse to initiate the bind for now). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bad --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cursor can be manipulated with the right analogue stick while in the menus and menu items can be activated with the R1 button. The approach I took to this is misguided and while it's playable, It needs to be rewritten. Any joystick button can be set as a shift button (IMPULSE_53), potentially allowing two bindings to be set to one button. eg. ( R2 = jump ) ( SHIFT+R2 = mantle ) The shift button can also act as a Lean modifier, when the button is held the left analogue stick switches from movement to lean control. This allows the player to lean to the angle given by left analogue stick and the tilt given by it's delta. ( this is barely working. it's very jittery and the trigonometry is not quite correct ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ugly -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The game crashes if it receives too many analogue inputs while the cpu is busy. You can avoid this by not pushing the sticks while the game is loading. I'm working on a fix but it will take some time. Rotating frobbed items is not yet implemented. The DPad East/West is somehow getting conflated with the triggers. Many many other disastrous bugs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm going grey(er) trying to get the kinks ironed out so I'm going to draw some attention to it here. If there's any appetite for controller support maybe someone reading this can help. Please let me know if I should provide any further information. TLDR You can (sort of) play thedarkmod with a playstation controller If you're on Linux.
  4. Ok so it seems this issue is a bug that I introduced through editing the code. I was sure that the bug existed in both my code and the latest SVN revision but this was a mistake. I had verified this by reverting to, and compiling the svn code and triggering the bug there also. I'm guessing that I may have had a debugging session open when compiling the SVN code which would have prevented the build script from copying the binaries into the run directory. This allowed me to mistakenly believe that I was running the virgin code when I was in fact running my broken code. Basically, a stupid blunder that wasted my time and yours. Please take everything I write in this forum with a massive pinch of salt.
  5. Sorry nbohr1more, I missed your post somehow. I'm pretty sure this isn't a configuration issue but I'll stick the Darkmod.cfg up anyway. Darkmod.cfg.txt autoexec.cfg.txt
  6. A very valid point. I'll have to see if I can change the title somehow. - EDIT: I can't Oh good. I had a nagging feeling that my non-packaged libs could somehow be the cause of this crash so it's good to know that you're not having problems. It happens consistently with "Q", "E" and "F" and on all maps. I managed to get some slightly more accurate information about the crash. The assertion fails at cm/CollisionModel_rotate.cpp:1616 assert( ((byte *)&start) < ((byte *)results) || ((byte *)&start) > (((byte *)results) + sizeof( trace_t )) ); I'll have to have a a look tomorrow with fresh eyes. Thanks to both of you for your replies and sorry for the 64/32 bit ambiguity. UPDATE: (gdb) p (byte* )&start $12 = (byte *) 0xffffc304 "w\037\337\302lr\256¨\274\207@\366(\336\302\034\234\257", <incomplete sequence \302> (gdb) p (byte* )results $13 = (byte *) 0xffffc298 "" (gdb) p ((byte *)results + sizeof( trace_t )) $14 = (byte *) 0xffffc304 "w\037\337\302lr\256¨\274\207@\366(\336\302\034\234\257", <incomplete sequence \302> It looks like the first part of the assertion is false because results is empty The second part of the assertion fails because ((byte*)&start and ((byte *)results + sizeof(trace_t)) are equal. Anyway, I'll look again tomorrow.
  7. I have all my dependencies in place and the game is compiling fine. It produces 32 bit binaries which runs as expected for the most part. /home/joe/games/tdm/darkmod/thedarkmod.x86: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=b0a31110c49260cde4db9c3c6e14e32516a44536, not stripped, with debug_info There is something subtle going awry here. As I've said, the game loads and is playable. It runs very well in fact but something goes wrong when the game tries to rotate the player model for the lean command. I'll try to provide more info later and possibly open a bug report. Got to go do some taffing work now.
  8. First I'd like to apologise for my lack of contribution in this forum in the last few months I am grateful to Hamlet and Nightstalker and many others for their efforts to get the linux version compiling and running. I would have liked to have provided more help but I'm a complete amateur with no formal training and it seems like every time I tried to write something contributory, I found I was unsure of what I was trying to say or lacking in basic understanding. For these reasons, I decided to remain silent rather than muddy the waters. Ok with that out of the way I'll explain my current problem. I'm still having trouble getting things working on 64-bit linux. (Currently -r6775) It compiles fine but crashes out at runtime with an error which I believe to be something to do with libboost_filesystem.a I've attached The full gdb session log as `gdb-packaged-libs.log.txt` After faffing around for days wondering what it could all mean, I decided to obtain the Boost source and compile my own 32 bit libraries. I placed the files in /usr/lib32/ and made the necessary edits to the scons files. Miraculously, I had caught a break and the game compiled and ran without issue... Or so I thought. I've now discovered that pressing the lean key causes the game to crash. I have posted the record of the gdb session in the attached file "gdb-system-libs.log.txt" A backtrace reveals that a problem develops after the call to idCollisionModelManagerLocal::Rotation() (frame 5) I have also done an `info args` and an `info locals` to show the state of the data. Presumably, this data causes the assertion in /usr/lib32/libc.so.6 (frame 4) to fail somehow. Anyway I've exhausted all avenues that I can think of so please help if you can. Don't hesitate to ask for more info/testing. ps. congrats on the steam greenlight thingy. gdb-packaged-libs.log.txt gdb-system-libs.log.txt
  9. Sorry about the delay but as I indicated earlier, I'm getting the same compilation errors on ubuntu-32 as with archlinux-64 I've actually spent most of the interim wrestling with qemu and installing slackware. It's not something I'm used to. I'll post my results if I can manage to get slackware ready for compiling but I hope nobody's holding their breath :/ I'm delighted to see some positive action on the Linux build. Ubuntu version 4.8.0-30 generic i686 gcc 6.2.0 ubuntu32-tdm_2.04.compiler-output.txt
  10. Ok so I decided to try compiling under 32 bit Linux. I installed Ubuntu 32 bit 16.10 via qemu and attempted to compile the source. I'll post the resulting output later tonight (when I figure out qemu's shared folder feature) but for now I'll just say that the results seem to be identical to 64 bit arch. Compilation fails with while processing pugixml.hpp with "reference to basic_string is ambiguous". Is it possible that this bug has been introduced by the pugixml project? I'll do my best to get the actual logs posted later and will attempt to set up a working Slackware 32-bit environment for further testing. Thanks to NightStalker for taking the time to look at the logs. I'd like to know what version of Slackware you're using so that I can try to match your environment as closely as possible.
  11. could I please get permission to view the beta testing forum.
  12. I get the same results with 2.04 as with the svn. I've attached both pre and post patch logs. Thanks for fixing the scons issue. I'm seeing substantial gains also. I would have liked to reply earlier but I was away for the weekend. I'm very anxious to see this get fixed so I'm quite willing to do any testing that might help. compile_log_2.04.txt devil_patched_compile_log_2.04.txt
  13. I think the file is auto generated with default settings if it is not found on startup. Delete or rename it and launch the program as normal.
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