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Status Replies posted by Diego

  1. http://dukope.com/ Papers, Please! I am pretty sure I have played this game before. Romania in 1986, was it?
  2. http://dukope.com/ Papers, Please! I am pretty sure I have played this game before. Romania in 1986, was it?
  3. "How do we make tool use acceptable and cool behavior?"... By not bothering with "uncool" crap like "stealth score"? Yes. Play _your_ game for _yourself_.

  4. A user has a machine that won't boot Windows anymore. I stick in a cheap thumb drive and up comes an accelerated 3d Desktop, with sound, networking, wifi, etc. User is amazed. They can even play their games on Facebook and watch Youtube. Everybody should have these in case of emergencies...

  5. Tested 35 missions in standalone so far. 17 of them are now complete or nearly complete.

    1. Diego


      I fear the werebeat is going to lag the release of the standalone :(

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  6. I felt frustrated trying to play some T2 FMs now

  7. Beleagured Fence now loads in standalone!

  8. Come again? Deadly shadows is 9 years old? I feel old.

  9. We're still being ignored... Is there some particular reason for this? http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTM0NTE

  10. System Shock 2: Still freaking terrifying. Get those things away from me! :o

  11. Ever find a player in an online game where the two of you cooperate and (as a result) win every SINGLE time? You stick around and help them build a base, then the two of you gang up on the enemy, box them in, and finish them. This is unusual for public games; usually people just do their personal thing even when it is a team game

  12. Greetings from the third world! the president of human rights comission said he doesn't blame black people for what they are because they are born that way, but gay people on the other hand...

  13. Greetings from the third world! the president of human rights comission said he doesn't blame black people for what they are because they are born that way, but gay people on the other hand...

  14. I presented my research project at a conference here in Dortmund the other day. It was very well received, which I am really happy about! :)https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/860576_314083732027389_967341234_o.jpg

  15. Half an hour and twenty leaks later, I think I'm done for the night.

  16. Worst flu I've had in years....

    1. Diego


      I admit enjoying more or less a flu. Feels horrible but I don't know, staying home under a blanket, having tea with lemon, sleeping 10 hours a day... it has its advantages ;P


    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  17. Huge accident in a nearby town :( I don't think I knew any of the victims so far.

  18. Huge accident in a nearby town :( I don't think I knew any of the victims so far.

  19. Merry Christmas!

  20. I'm 31 tonight! I'll celebrate on a bus, on the most boring road of the planet.

  21. I'm 31 tonight! I'll celebrate on a bus, on the most boring road of the planet.

  22. I'm 31 tonight! I'll celebrate on a bus, on the most boring road of the planet.

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