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  1. I haven't had access to my Gentoo installation so I hadn't come back to check posts here. When I installed Windows XP Pro x64 again (wiped it out accidentally when I installed Debian, which was before I replaced it with Gentoo), but Windows broke GRUB as usual, and I've tried every solution I could find and still can't get it to find the Linux kernel on my master HDD (Windows is installed to a small slave drive). Everything seems right; I'm hoping something didn't happen to the partition when I was trying to fix GRUB with the Gentoo LiveCD.
  2. I saw the guide but thought the same about it as you do. I've played Thief's Den previously (never played Thief by the way) but I wanted to play it again and try making some maps for it. I guess I'll just make some maps for Doom 3 since I started playing Resurrection of Evil again (I never got very far on it). One of the reasons I like Gentoo is the great performance you get from having all or nearly all your applications compiled just for your system. I'd hate to not be utilizing the full capabilities of my hardware, especially when there are (for me) very few compatibility problems when using 64-bit Linux. I'm using the precompiled 32-bit Firefox because when I used the 64-bit version on Ubuntu with nspluginwrapper for Flash, I couldn't view fullscreen Flash video without crashing my browser and there were frequent freezeups when viewing a page with a Flash player embedded.
  3. I've got the 64-bit version but obviously it doesn't work, leading to my question: http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php/Thief%27s_Den#FAQ Getlibs is purely for Debian-based distros I believe, or at least it has no ebuild in Portage. What can I use on Gentoo?
  4. This post helped me, too. Thanks.
  5. You're right about that. What messed me up is that I bzipped the incorrect folder (last time I compiled I made darkradiant_svn_2008-04-26.tar.bz2) and then tried the same one when I compiled. Also, when I make a C++ project in Code::Blocks, it puts the executable in the bin/release folder so maybe that has something to do with me using the wrong one (build/release looks similar).
  6. DarkRadiant stopped working for me. I was running my previously compiled version for the first time since I upgraded to Ubuntu 8.04, and I assumed recompiling would fix it. However, after recompiling and attempting to run the newly-created binary, I get the same error. The files eventmanager.so and xmlregistry.so are present in the modules folder (/home/nef/darkradiant/install/modules).
  7. I had the same errors with dm.d3hook as this guy, which were resolved by commenting out lines 411-432 instead of the suggested 410-431, which was odd since I actually removed the line earlier, which should have made it 409-430. I guess something has changed in the SConscript file in SVN since then. GCC 4.3 isn't the problem as he suggested, since the versions I have installed on my system are GCC 4.1 and GCC 4.2. It's now compiled and running successfully on my system. If there's anything I can do to help you figure out what the problem is with that plugin, let me know.
  8. I've run into another error. I had to install the following packages that weren't mentioned in README.linux: libgtk2.0-dev libglew1.5-dev libgtkglext1 libgtkglext1-dev Copied from first error down to the end:
  9. Oh, sorry about that. I've seen that page before but when I encountered the error all I thought to do was search Google. Odd, that line is already there... Why's my error message different than the one in the wiki? I'd use the deb since I'm on Ubuntu and can use the force-architecture argument, but it's for an older Ubuntu version (I'm on 8.04) and I like to have the latest bug fixes and features, too.
  10. Beginning C++ Through Game Programming, Second Edition
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