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Everything posted by grodenglaive

  1. I don't think I'll be making any more changes, I'm working on the next mission
  2. Thanks Skaruts! I don't really like auto-door close either, but I put that on the exterior doors for performance reasons (to close vis-portals). "stop_when_blocked 0" is a great idea for drawers; I didn't know about that. Random head turning looks easy to turn off. I have always found that annoying too. I would probably save it for select guards, or maybe just have it enabled when they are on alert. Yeah, the "ShouldBeClosed" door property seemed like a good idea, but can be troublesome as it's noticed by all the AI and not just the room guard.
  3. Sorry for the late reply, I missed the notification somehow. Did you try moving around on the riverbank near the boat? Maybe it's possible to miss the end-mission trigger.
  4. Congratulations on your first mission!
  5. and working for me as well. beta212-04
  6. I had to do a similar thing for the antivenom in The Spider and the Finch. I can get you half way there at least. For the inventory item use an atdm:moveable_custom_item. To use it only on certain objects is tricky. I couldn't figure out how to do that directly, so I used a script to check if you were within range of the object's location when you use the item. This would be pretty clunky for multiple objects though and maybe not precisely what you want. Hopefully someone will chime in with a better method.
  7. Never mind, I was being stupid. The thunder sound effect still works but the lightning flash does not appear Back to the drawing board I guess.
  8. @JackFarmer I just double checked - the lightning still works for me. Did you copy the entire lights.mtr and just insert "ai_see 0" under lights/biground1? btw, to test it I just used a func_fx for the lightning entity that the player triggers.
  9. I think this is subjective, but after "The Jaws of Darkness" I have to agree.
  10. I just think of the ai_see property as " affects_light_gem"
  11. I haven't played any Thief mods before or even looked at the game since probably 2000. Going back to the old Thief graphics was a bit of a turnoff at first, but the gameplay more than makes up for it. Wow, this mod is massive. I'm over 20 hours in and just started The Jaws of Darkness (mission 8 of 10). Really enjoyable so far, great maps. It can get pretty intense at times, but in a good way. I ran into a couple of frustrating places where I couldn't find the objective and resorted to google (that sprawling mansion early on was easy to get lost in). Overall, very fun though.
  12. also @HMart who suggested moving outside the 2nd bracket, which I would not have thought to try.
  13. I got it! Just needed to move the ai_see out of the brackets. lights/biground1 { description "Round point light." { forceHighQuality map lights/biground1.tga colored zeroClamp } ai_see 0 }
  14. fwiw, I tried cloning the material def for lightbiground1 (materials/lights.mtr) and added ai_see 0, but that gives an unknown token error. lights/biground1 { description "Round point light." { forceHighQuality map lights/biground1.tga colored zeroClamp ai_see 0 } }
  15. Yes, it would be good to have a warning on the installer. FWIW: unless you have already revived Astrid, I'd recommend starting over with the latest version.
  16. It sounds like the saves are tied to the game version. I know if you update the game engine the older saves are no longer compatible as well. @nbohr1more is there any thing Crisius can do to use his old saves?
  17. I couldn't figure out how to use the S/R spawn function, but Teleport worked fine. https://youtu.be/E856ePPCyMQ
  18. I also tried to deactivate the inherited water S/R (right-click on it to select that option), but that didn't have any effect. For a workaround, I guess you could apply the S/R to the whole torch and then add a third response to spawn an unlit torch model in it's place.
  19. OK, if I put the response on just a torch flame, it doesn't work (the script doesn't run). Maybe the inherited water response is overriding it.
  20. It's working for me. (edit) oh, wait. I put the Response on the torch itself and the whole torch obviously disappeared. Let me try on just the flame.
  21. Thanks chakkman. I would like to do another - I think something in the city.
  22. Interesting. It would be fun to take some time and play around with it.
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