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Everything posted by wesp5

  1. If the "box on the head" mechanism is already implemented, it shouldn't be too difficult to modify this for the player.
  2. For newbie player I might recommend my own Unofficial Patch which makes some things easier. For example it removes the IMHO very illogical complete knock-out immunity guards get once they are alerted. It might be this what causes you problems to knock them out!
  3. That's one of the reasons why I usually knock out everybody as well :)!
  4. I never played a Hitman game, but I know this approach from other games, like Cyberpunk 2077. I use stealth until I am discovered and then I use force! Sadly I never figured out to fight with the sword in TDM so it isn't an option for me here. Also most missions have a no kills condition...
  5. I agree with that and, oh boy, do I hate all the games that don't place these correctly, but instead e.g. before a long unskippable cutscene up front to a boss fight or before a long winded pointless way to reach a jumping puzzle instead of immediately before the place where it gets dangerous!
  6. I think the Predator description is a bit off, I don't pile them up. I hide them where nobody alive might see them :)!
  7. Also even with my patch, which removes the KO immunity of alerted guards, you can't knock out anybody without stealth!
  8. Then you should better have watched a ghosting video ;)!
  9. That would imply that the guards check in any few minutes because this is usually the time I need to knock them out :).
  10. That only works if there is anybody left to notice that somebody has been knocked out which never happens when I play ;). Otherwise it would look like the second area security magically knows what has happened, like in the Dishonored games...
  11. First of all what about players that have a real life and need to be able to save and quit a game whenever it is necessary? Also to me most of the dread and terror came from backtracking to the save points, which also had the nice side effect for the developers to prolong the playing time a lot without having to actually add any new content.
  12. I agree. Players should have their freedom, nobody has forced Ghosting a mission yet either, or did they?
  13. In my opinion these white stripes are completely superfluous and I would choose not cut off mission names every time. P.S.: I quickly removed the stripes and I like it! I never noticed that the background images were different until now :)...
  14. Thanks for the tip, I might use it in my patch. But as with many of our "hacks" shouldn't this be part of the core game?
  15. Great to have this finally, I can remove a lot of stuff from my patch soon ;). One suggestion though: Maybe the font size should be reduced? As you can already see in the screenshot, most campaign mission names will probably be cut off!
  16. A great little map! I always love it when simple missions have a story twist in the end and I liked this one. Like STRUNK I didn't find the intended way out though and used the same trick, so maybe you should add text to the priest's journal to hint at the lever? Also if you are going to patch the mission, I found a lot of floating rats and I agree with others that the flowing water is cool but should have a puddle at the bottom. Last not least there are some text issues unless it's intended that some notes are missing several words...
  17. Why does this only effect some missions? Do certain assets need to be used?
  18. Weird! Go to fms/wizt, delete darkmod.txt inside or the whole folder and then redownload the mission.
  19. A wonderful mission but something weird happened to me which I just have to report. I bribed to get the master key, but forgot to actually pick it up and only remembered when I already had opened the normal Orchid entrance door. Was this supposed to be unlocked without the key?
  20. I always found it helpful to see which version is active when moving the mouse there, so I restored it in my patch already!
  21. That's exactly what I meant. I more or less only stumbled upon this area while looking for the missing plaques ;)...
  22. I agree. And the last ones were really hard to find! The one you only see on your way out after you spend ages to search through the rest of the map, and the one nearby that you can only reach from the roofs, but which looks as if it should be reachable from the exit area as well. Maybe that should be fixed? Also a map would work wonders to find the exit area...
  23. I will have some time over the weekend and would like to do a beta test!
  24. Indeed, those were not loud enough on my setup to understand without making anything else much too loud...
  25. So I finally tested this with Bikerdude's new mission and while it might be fine for new players, you should better add this to your modpack and make it optional as it feels kind of intrusive and gives tips at moments where you don't need them and will forget them anyway until the moment they become important ;). I also tested the teleportation skill and while the technical aspect is fantastic, it really makes a lot of situations very easy to get out of. Still it fits nicely with your modpack and again, I would rename this to "The Magical Thief" or something as just calling it modpack doesn't do justice to all the cool stuff you implemented :)!
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