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Everything posted by VanishedOne

  1. I'm not sure what green checkmark you mean, so possibly this is platform-specific? (I'm on Windows.) If it really isn't changing then presumably that's a DR bug. Just to check, though: are you looking at the inherited spawnargs list, and still seeing the old setting greyed out? What happens for me is that a new, non-greyed spawnarg is created with my chosen value, but near the top of the list with the other dark spawnargs, and the inherited value is still visible in the list of greyed-out inherited spawnargs.
  2. See my reply to grayman here. (Edit: I should have specifically said it's the speed potion's swimming behaviour I changed in the last update.) Given that both potions have a mantling-related bug, I suggest looking into that first, then seeing what state the slow-fall potion is in afterwards. It would be a shame to lose the sensation of drifting down to an enticing balcony. (Sensut's T2 FM 'Exile' on Normal gives Garrett infinite slow-fall potions; I gained a lot of appreciation for them while playing around in that.) Edit: Slow-fall: - Mantle bug: upward boost after mantling. (Disappears if the potion is disabled while crouching.) - Increased jump height? This is #2 on grayman's list from earlier. I just tested with the current script and couldn't reproduce it. Speed: - Mantle bug: forward boost after mantling out of water. (Disappears for jump-mantle if the potion is disabled while getMove() reports upward movement.) - Wall collision damage during free-fall -- fixed? - Problems diving -- fixed? - Problems swimming vertically underwater -- fixed?
  3. Okay. With this version vertical movement in water with the speed potion should be possible, but I think the diving problem is still there: Edit: well, the result of applying a vertical speed boost when swimming is that we have another potion that lets you get boosted out of water. Edit2: the reason diving isn't working is that I never set up the script to take your angle in the vertical axis into account.
  4. Here's a version that uses AI_ONGROUND to test for jumping. I ran around in Biker's test map again and didn't take damage running off ledges into walls this time. I haven't tested it in water yet. Does anyone know a way for scripts to check whether the player is mantling? I tried disabling the slowfall lift when AI_CROUCH is true, and that seemed to fix the problem of jumping after mantling, but it makes the potion wholly inoperative when the player is crouching.
  5. As I said to grayman, the potion isn't supposed to boost jump height (unless you're referring to the boost out of water here). If it does that's a bug. As I mentioned to Destined here, someone else might make a jump potion.
  6. 1, 11 - that's deliberate, and controlled via the drag_penalty spawnarg. It approximates the behaviour of http://thief.wikia.com/wiki/Slow-Fall_Potion(though if memory serves T2's slowdown feels more like a low-G effect, whereas mine isn't applied while jumping): 2 - It shouldn't, or at least not much; the lift force isn't applied while the _z of getMove() is > 0. Though according to the speedrunner's link below T2's does increase jump height. I did get occasional, hard-to-reproduce moonjump behaviour from an earlier version, so maybe it's still there: are you jumping a bit higher or much higher? 7,8,9 - according to https://kb.speeddemosarchive.com/Thief_2/Game_Mechanics_and_Glitchesbeing boosted out of the water is T2 behaviour as well and has a use: Exactly how much you bounce, though, depends on the lift_force spawnarg and possibly should be tuned down a bit. I'll look into the others. Thanks for letting me know about AI_ONGROUND.
  7. Did T2's versions have one? I can copy the timer code from the holy water script if people think it's needed. Edit: I'm not sure how that would handle multiple timers active at once...
  8. I'm looking through the light materials to make sure that's a consistent rule, and it looks as though lights/square_flicker, lights/square_flicker2, etc. use parm3 and parm4. Edit: also lights/square_strobe and lights/square_strobe_slow.
  9. One thing that's apparent from Bikerdude's test map is how easy it is to hurt yourself from wall collisions when running off ledges at boosted speed. The speed potion doesn't boost while you're jumping up (jumps were really dramatic before that, presumably due to the lack of friction) but what I found while implementing the slow-fall potion is that getMove() reports '_ _ 0' for both being on the ground and being in free-fall. So instead of checking whether you're falling, the script checks that you're not rising [under what I presume to be your own volition]. (Edit: I checked the behaviour on moving lifts. It may need looking at some more.) I thought about trying to change that for the slow-fall potion (by tracking getOrigin() across multiple frames, or using the trace code SteveL showed me to test for solid surfaces under the player) but didn't because if you add a bit more lift_force to that potion you start bouncing over water or flying anyway, so having some lift while you're on the ground isn't a problem. But if the speed potion causes inconsistent wall damage it might be worth revisiting.
  10. It's in the post with the defs/scripts, but it didn't occur to me that for people coming from this thread it might be a bit buried. I'll add it above.
  11. Well, optimally we also need a shop image for the slow-fall potion. (One already exists for the speed potion.) So you're welcome to volunteer for that...
  12. Do you have any other missions installed? They might be overriding your tdm_custom_scripts.script with one of their own. Did you #include potions.script in script/tdm_custom_scripts.script?
  13. Bikerdude requested a formal beta test of the new items from http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/17367-custom-items/with a view to adding them to the core mod, so we're seeking volunteers so they can be tested across a range of maps and computers. If you'd like to participate, just post in this thread. The defs are available here and the latest version of the script is here. Besides checking for glitches, this is also your chance to help fine-tune the default settings, e.g. if you think you'd never pay that much for a slow-fall potion.There are some spawnargs explained in the entityDefs which let you adjust the items' behaviour easily in DR. Defs go in def/whatever.def. Scripts go in script/tdm_custom_scripts.script, or you put them in script/whatever.script and add the following line to script/tdm_custom_scripts.script (changing 'whatever' as appropriate). #include "script/whatever.script" Note that installed missions can include their own tdm_custom_scripts.script which will make the one in your scripts directory not work.
  14. Well, I still don't know why the code change had that effect, but I've altered the slow-fall potion's default "lift_force" and replaced sys.waitFrame with sys.wait to be on the safe side. Now the question is how it works in other people's machines. I'll open another thread to request beta testers. Edit: and here it is: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/17370-beta-testers-sought-speed-potion-slow-fall-potion/
  15. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.thelivingmoon.com/45jack_files/04images/Krug/Duga_3_8263025.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.thelivingmoon.com/45jack_files/03files/Krug_Antenna_Circles_01_Europe_Ukraine.html&h=675&w=900&tbnid=2NRC3TMM0pV6kM:&docid=VqXCWp4zFb8ecM&ei=ou3qVZKjI8bV7AbB5KXgBQ&tbm=isch&ved=0CC0QMygNMA1qFQoTCJL8l8T_38cCFcYq2wodQXIJXA http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://99percentinvisible.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/dorchester_antenna_closeup.jpeg&imgrefurl=http://guycookson.com/tag/99-invisible/&h=2395&w=2293&tbnid=H_Zbq8q40V5euM:&docid=jqHWI3Wpmt-29M&ei=ve3qVdDEA8eU7QbMt4XoDQ&tbm=isch&ved=0CGYQMyhjMGM4ZGoVChMIkJfo0P_fxwIVR0rbCh3MWwHd Sadly, a lot of the old, rusting Soviet stuff looks too modern.
  16. I Googled for Tesla antennae and got http://www.instructables.com/id/Spooky-Tesla-Spirit-Radio/step7/Make-a-Peculiar-Tesla-Football-Antenna/-- is that the kind of thing?
  17. Here's the shader definition, and I don't see any use of parm4: lights/biground_candleflicker_shadow { { forceHighQuality // tels: the candles cast a shadow downwards, being obscured by the wax //map textures/lights/biground1_candleshadow // don't use black in the center //map textures/lights/biground1_candleshadow_noblack map lights/biground1 // switched back until shadow issues sorted out colored zeroClamp red ((.05 * sintable [(time * ( 2 + Parm3 ) ) ]) +.95) * Parm0 green ((.05 * sintable [(time * ( 2 + Parm3 ) ) ]) +.95) * Parm1 blue ((.05 * sintable [(time * ( 2 + Parm3 ) ) ]) +.95) * Parm2 } } What happens if you vary shaderParm3 instead?
  18. The lift isn't applied while you're jumping. (c0mputer-fr0d told me he might make a jump potion, though.) Yes, after I try to work out why the last code change I made seems to have altered performance. I'm wondering whether the call to waitFrame() could make the boost vary with framerate - something it would definitely be good to check across different maps and machines - but if the framerate in my test map were that variable I'd expect to have noticed before. If anyone would like to offer to beta-test, though, feel free to post to this thread now rather than wait.
  19. It looks as though the threading code I added to the slow-fall potion today has diminished its potency somehow. It still works but the default "lift_force" spawnarg is now badly calibrated; something 900-ish looks about right.
  20. Head-bob might feel a bit more noticeable because the scenery goes by faster. Footsteps don't seem to be affected, which is a shame. I ran into a problem when I tried to modify the walkspeed directly, so instead the potion gets your current movement and gives you a push in the same direction. Judging by this bit of my Darkmod.cfg footstep sounds are also controlled by persistent cvars, so the same problem arises: seta pm_min_stepsound_interval "200" seta pm_stepvol_crouch_creep "-7" seta pm_stepvol_crouch_run "4" seta pm_stepvol_crouch_walk "-2" seta pm_stepvol_creep "-5" seta pm_stepvol_run "8" seta pm_stepvol_walk "0"
  21. A thread for custom items which are not necessarily mines. To get the ball rolling, here are a speed potion and slow-fall potion, approximating the T2 behaviour. Update: to get the latest version of the script component check the beta testing thread. Default numbers aren't necessarily final, and of course, if you encounter any glitches please let me know. Defs go in /def/whatever.def, scripts go in /script/tdm_custom_scripts.script (or better still #include them). Also, if anyone's able and willing to create the missing art assets that would be great. Speed potion. (Lacks an inventory icon.) Slow-fall potion. (Lacks a model - or failing that a skin for an existing model - an inventory icon and shop art.)
  22. I think loot paintings use a _torn replacement skin.
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