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Mr Lemony Fresh

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Everything posted by Mr Lemony Fresh

  1. It's funny you mentioned pirates, i was hoping to include pirates in my fan mission (given time to finish it!) But yeah, i'll probably end up making some myself if there arn't any when the time comes. I'm lucky enough to have some 3ds max experience
  2. Oh yeah, good idea all i need is to cycle through those selections anyway
  3. Has anyone seen this? http://www.tsl-game.com/ Everything you need to know: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=mCQpbL-02cM I don't know if many of you have ever played any of the kings quest games, but even if you haven't this is just downright scum. When I look at this game and it's community I can't help thinking about the dark mod. Remember this 8 year long project when ever you start to take for granted this great mod and the great community that goes with it. But aside from that, i, personally empathetic for it given similarities. I'm signing the petition for them to continue development. If you feel the same way you can visit the petition HERE
  4. It turns out i might not even do it, but in future, i'd loved to. I've always wanted to combine a fps with the satisfying puzzle solving of a good adventure game Anyone played Kings quest 8: mask of eternity? It's a pretty cool game, but it really lacked a little something in terms of adventure game uhhh... goodness plus the fps view was a little tedious to control . I was pretty keen to replicate and enhance that experience in a newer engine. For the moment it can wait though, i think one ordinary mission is enough for the time being while i get use to making stuff
  5. Thanks for the kind words Melan I reckon i needed a compliment after all this trouble i'm having with my computer and my drawing tablet X( As for the spaces, i wanted to make this part of the mission small because it's only the first third of the entire mission, and it'll need to render a fair bit of water that fades out quick enough. If that isn't enough, the island you need to go to is surrounded by water, so yeah, trying to be strategic . But i could probably upsize everything a little when i can. My mapper is currently working on it but he's only going to be doing the detail that can be established with 16 grid in quark then i'll have to see what i can do with it in dark radiant (although damn, I've never used it!) but he doesn't want to and i don't really want to do the whole thing myself :/ EDIT: unfortunately, my project will have to be put on hold for studies and band practice and the like. Didn't get a whole lot done on the holidays unfortunately because of computer problems. If anyone wants to help, ask me via pm.
  6. Check it out. It's concept art for a mission i may or may not finish. Note the gallows/guard post that serves as a warning for pirates and criminals I got the idea from pirates of the Caribbean.
  7. Hmm Yeah, i thinking the least i could do would be to get a basic dialog option going (like text on the screen) I'm really aiming for something like the conversations in dues ex except without worrying about getting the different angles during each bit of speech. As for getting voice, it would be good, but not essential. I might look around and see if it's been done in some other mods, and who knows, i might need to just learn the engine's language.
  8. Hello, i was wondering if it was possible to give the player choices of words to say to an npc to make the npc do different things. I want the player to be able to ask a shop keeper to fetch something from a locked room so that the player can run in, smack him and take what ever he needs from the room. Well i'm sure it's possible, but i mean for someone like me who knows little about scripting menus and the like. Does anyone know a quake script that could make that happen? or is there an in built method? The reason i ask is, i was planning my map, when i realized a few parts of my map could become a lot more interesting with this function, but we don't have anyone to code it.
  9. Hey, i played through and thoroughly enjoyed it except for the problem where loading causes crashes. I think a pair of guards got stuck on a door at some point (the one behind the stairs coming up from the basement It also would have been nice if you made it so that the doors that didn't open, didn't have a handle. overall a good play. I reckon 7.5/10 personally (would have been 8.5 if the loading worked.
  10. Nope, that's it, I've had it. I finally found the switch (it was stuck in the beam for some reason) i pulled it, the block came up, then i couldn't get out (guessing i needed the heart >X( ) loaded the game, put some boxes there to stuff it from coming down, spent 15-20 minutes trying to get that dick, sam to come out of his hole. I swear i tried to shoulder him in a million different directions and proximities and limbs, and not once did he shoulder. Eventually i just shoved a box in, shouldered a million times and eventually he flew out and the box stopped him from going back in. How weak is our hero if he can't drag a skeleton out of a hole? so i took him to the alter (santified place) chucked out some douche from a coffin, chucked in sam, (with fantastic difficulty) put on the lid AND!.......nothing. I was just about ready to shout myself hoarse. It doesn't get more sanctified than a place of worship!!! Anyway, it's not just that, i'm sorry mate, but this level is very frustrating, i'd skip that and finish the rest but i don't want to. Some nice scenery though, and for the most part it was fun to explore until i started getting lost.
  11. I hope this is the last time i need to ask for help! I reckon i'm going to have to give up, this mission is a tad bit to obscure for me. The only one so far too. Sorry Fidcal
  12. I'm not sensitive to it, but i'm not turned on either I'm just wondering why waste framework frame-rate on pointless polys? and furthermore, why make it in the first place if it won't have a purpose other than giving you a chuckle when you noclip into their dresses XD btw, how do you kill that spider? i can't stand leaving a spider alive in a game... especially when i have to be close to it. Better question, what do i do after lowering the heart into the center of that spider room? I feel like i tried everything... except read every book in the mission... please tell me it isn't true i have a short attention span, it's like removing all of my teeth one by one... Nevermind i worked it out! (can't remove the god damn cross line format~~~~~!!!!!
  13. I forgot to mention she has tits as well.... But seriously, i can understand modeling the shape, the guy who made it has applied a pubic hair texture and everything! check out this anecdote btw...
  14. hey, i tried those suggestions and it seemed to help a little bit... I also tried changing the image cache size from 20mb to 512 (why 20mb??) but it automatically reset. EDIT: i got an alert, but it must have bugged, because i wasn't anywhere near the area (guard post) that was alerted and i just came over there to find out that the area had been alerted. It was very difficult to overcome the guard post with that happening. EDIT: OMG you guys aren't gonna believe this... Eleanor... has a vagina. physically. Why? it's somewhat hairy and featureless, but it's there... don't believe me? noclip under her bed sheets and you'll find out... Also if you hit her in the head (you gotta get just the right angle) you can make her vibrate and make the sound of Velcro grip being pulled apart. very sexy mod team XD EDIT: Wow she has a pair of jugs as well. what went through the head of the guy who made this when he was modeling this? Is there going to be an fm where you visit a whore house or something? EDIT: oh, and just to make sure i haven't confused characters, it's the one who's been put to sleep.
  15. This is very nice it's quite big for those of us nostalgic for thief sized maps. However, performance wise i just have one little problem... I'm not getting any crashes but the frame rate is constantly sub par. It usually drops to around 15-25fps when i open a new door and goes back to around 30-40 in the same room if i'm lucky. This is strange considering my system specs; Geforce 8800 GT 512mb 2.39 GHz, 3gb of Ram core2 quad cpu service pack 3 etc... I'm going to be upgrading pretty soon so it won't matter, but i just find it kind of frustrating that my computer can't take it, it's no brick, It ran games such as bioshock 2 and crysis fine. I heard there was a way to speed up the way that doom 3 read it files, but last time i tried, i ended up deleting something vital Xs
  16. that sounds like a pretty good offer, If we get some headway, we'd be happy to have some recordings.
  17. haha, no fear. I'm guessing it's happened a few times before
  18. Hey everyone. Me and a friend like the way that the mod is coming along and we've decided to take a crack at mission making. We only have about a week and a half at the moment, maybe we'll get some more done later. Anyway, i was just wondering how strict the rules are with making a mod in terms of faithful adaption. We want a quaint/rustic little port town and a little island about 5km off shore (not physically of course, it's invisible from the mainland as the story goes) is there a place in the dark mod universe for this, or can we make our own place? Also, we wouldn't mind the flexibility of voice acting for the main character. We could get someone who sounds a bit like Garret from thief (if he's willing) but not necessarily like the original guy who did the voice for st lucia. (or the thieve's den?) How does that suit everyone? I just love one liners and sly observations, they really add to the mood I won't say too much about it because that would ruin the story... not to mention put me and my friend on thin ice
  19. Like i said, This is something i need to leave alone. I can't really help having an opinion, but i can tell it's not going to help to trying and stress it. To be perfectly honest, I haven't submitted to on a personal level to what people have to say. I only want a peaceful resolve. I understand that you play a major role in the project and that it was important to say you're peace, but on the other hand, what has been said has been said and I've acknowledged all views and opinions. I'm sure you can do what has to be done, and I trust that you'll do a good job.
  20. Oops... sorry, i'm used to sarcasm, . If that's how you felt, then i withdraw my words. I know you mean no offense though Of course not, i merely wanted to test the length i had to go to try and be helpful. It's easier to see now, that I need to let someone else worry about it. But i hope you like my trinket arrow idea , Not saying you've gotta use it, it but it's a nice little thing to add if at some point it calls to you. (the team of course )
  21. Thanks Actually, i might use it if i ever get the time to make a mission my friend is a mapper, so you never know, i might just make a mission with a lizard frog man some time. considering the strange creatures you find in thief 1 and 2
  22. Look, for the most part the people on this forum are very descent and friendly, so I've come to a decision. I just now went back and played and finished the tears of st Lucia mission. It was a nice mission, but i can see that there is a difference in the game play quality from then, even until now, so i think, to try and keep the piece here, I'll let it lye, because i like the forum, i like the mod, and i want to join as a helpful member, and not someone who will go to no ends to stress a point. I'll say that The team members have come this far and it's pretty cool so far, so i have faith that they will be able to fix any problems at some point. I can see you're point about being irritated by someone who appears arrogant, so I'll leave it. If you want my help as an artist, I'd be happy to help. I'm not spectacular, but i'm alright. here's my deviant art. http://sim-mo.deviantart.com/ It's a bit of a taste of stuff I've done I dabble in a few things, so anything art related if you want. I'm a little busy with study, but i'd love to spend some free time helping out.
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