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Everything posted by DeTeEff

  1. Where in the folder structure do the models live? I guess they're stashed away in the fms folder? Then,when you open DR without specifying which mission you're working on, the paths are wrong because DR looks for them in the root folder.
  2. I believe that has to do with folder structure and paths. When you built the mission, you probably used an isolated project approach and that means DarkRadiant goes into your fms folder to look for your stuff, not "out in the wild" ie the "root" TDM folder... Some more skilled person should probably confirm my tips before you start rummaging around with the files though
  3. If you add the standard keys, the one's designed as the dev team "intended" they are stackable, but never dropable. I made custom keys to allow dropping just because some people like that (ghosters for example). I love that you took time to look into this and your findings confirm my thoughts on the problem. I just have to revert to use non dropable keys, and the problem will go away.
  4. There are both entity attached keys AND laying keys in the mission. There are several instances with the same keys so they need to be stackable, and to avoid cluttering in the inv I want them droppable. It's not game breaking but I want to fix this bug...
  5. Still a no...
  6. I tried to put used_by_inv_name Door 4 key but it doesn't work
  7. I'm having problems with keys in my mission. I've made them stackable and droppable and when you stack some and drop and pick up, they seem to loose their name in the stack so they don't work on the door anymore. Locked doors use the keys entity name to open with the 'used_by' spawnarg but I wonder if there is a way to use the inv_name in some way...
  8. Still 30 mins remaining of the day here Version 1.01 is up in the beta test forum, if you're still interrested, @jaxa
  9. Of the game itself, that would be 2.12. If you ask of what beta version, I'll try to release ver 1.01 today, (local time is now 08.00).
  10. Depending on which character I would say about an hour. The alpha stage got rushed so I don't have much data...
  11. I'll have to postpone this until at least tomorrow... (Got to aid my girfriend in some cleaning up at home before the guests arrive... Bad tension otherwise... )
  12. Hello! The time has (amost) come to enter beta testing for my entry to the anniversary contest! It is almost weekend and I believe people may have more time to test then. Therefore I'll start to ask for betatesters now, then I have a few hours where I can make the last arrangements so I have a playable mission(s). (There are several playstyles. Why make stuff easy DeTeEff)? So you'll have the day to sign up, and (hopefully) I can post a thread in the beta testing forum with a download this afternoon. /Cheers
  13. @kingsal I say shoot! The point of the contests are to get more missions to the table. If I can get this to beta soon I might be able to catch the deadline :)
  14. As I said, I would join the contest but no guarantees for making the deadline. Due to my limited build time and how much time it seems to take for me, to build stuff I have no realistic chance to finish before deadline. As someone said, you cannot enforce art. Yes, I could cut down on some stuff but that would leave a an empty shell of my ambitions and that would kill the purpose of this mission. I will trudge on; this mission WILL se a release, but I think more Christmas rather than Halloween.
  15. Hi! I have focused on building and haven't played any missions recently so this is probably an old issue since the release of 2.12 but I've noticed that the candle in holders is buggy with the lighting. Either the flame doesn't cast any light or there is a black box around it.
  16. @nbohr1more Update: As the leaking occurs in a corner I tried to add two separate slivers of shadowcaulk (turned into func_static). It leaks. But if I combine the two into a single L-shaped func_static, the leak disappears. I didn't add forceShadowBehindOpaque 1. So I guess I'll try the method of adding shadowcaulked func_statics to the problematic sections... Not a clean solution, but who said mapping should be a clean affair?
  17. Maybe I'm an old fart that just want to build clean and caulk is a really noticeable texture, which also can be filtered out. And it's nice to use caulk because I know that as long as something from the module is visible it will be rendered in front of the caulk. Nowadays you may surely be right in that the performance hit is negligible. @nbohr1more It's a sealing brush so making it into a fun_static wouldn't be so good. Perhaps if I add an internal sliver of shadow brush inside the wall, func_static it and try your solution... Nightshift tonight so won't be able to test for some time though...
  18. Hi! I'm doing the module approach with my current mission and I'm using shadowcaulk to seal of the individual locations from leaks/portalization etc. But at some random places, the light seeps through. I have encountered this before and then I used shadow brushes to try to cut of the light, but this doesn't seem as the ultimate solution When I seal with just some random wood texture I can seal of the light, but it feels wasteful of resources to use those textures inside walls... Do I just have to leave the caulk solution and use some "ordinary" textures or is there a workaround?
  19. Okay. I got it this far: I'll write a list so another noobs, like myself, can follow: 1. Create a custom.def in your def folder 2. insert this model CUSTOMNAME_tdm_ai_priest { inherit tdm_ai_proguard mesh models/md5/chars/builders/priest/builderpriestmesh.md5mesh channel torso ( *Spine_Dummy) channel legs ( origin Pelvis Pelvis2 *Hips) anim idle_eat_muffin models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/idle_eat02.md5anim //reaches out to table and eats food { no_random_headturning frame 1 object_call syncLegsWithTorso frame 21 attach atdm:moveable_food_muffin muffin hand_r frame 48 sound_voice tdm_crunch frame 125 sound_voice tdm_crunch frame 130 destroy muffin } } 3. Then add the spawnarg 'model' 'CUSTOMNAME_tdm_ai_priest' to your muffin eating man. 4. Target him to a path_anim with the spawnarg 'anim' 'idle_eat_muffin' You may need to restart DR/The game to make it reload definitions and god knows what...
  20. Hello! This will surely be seen as a silly, easy question, but I want to change the model that gets spawned when the AI eats stuff. I believe all the animations are stored in "tdm_ai_guard_proguard_devel.def" and here I have found the carrot animation and thought it would be easy to just exchange the carrot for ex a muffin but no, not so fast, DeTeEff. I guess I'll have to create some kind of def file for my FM but exactly what do I put there? Do I have to copy a whole AI definition and add the muffinanimation or can I just add the muffin somehow?
  21. Is it possible to mute all player grunts/sounds?
  22. Ooohhhhhh, it's twitching in the build intenstine, as we say in Sweden (or do we? :D) I'm quite eager to create something. But they're releasing new skaven models for Age of Sigmar 4 this summer... And I have a 2 year old... And work... And a girlfriend... And too little time... I will try to create something at least. If I run out of time, I'll run out of time; then I at least have built something that can be released after the contest... Count me in, with the caveat that I may pull out before deadline...!
  23. Glad you liked it! Yes, there are parts that aren't optimal but I redesigned the level quite heavily during betatest; when I entered beta, it was meant for the player to stalk the Sergeant from the mission beginning, but that meant that the player couldn't explore anything up to the bar (until you backtrack later that is) and the testers thought that was a missed opportunity which I totally agree with. So I moved him to the bar and made the stalking part not start before you reached the bar. I could have included an ingame map but because the map is quite linear and I didn't think players would get lost, I didn't prioritise that
  24. Tiniest question...how do I kill the player via script if $player1.kill(); doesn't work? I have tested and yes, the script fires as it should...
  25. I'm glad that some of us are coders and others' are designers. I'm sitting here in my room nodding and smiling
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