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Everything posted by Frost_Salamander

  1. The problem with the lever is if people have the frob helper turned on... And you're right about the cabinets - they can probably be moved. I guess I'll have to add these scripts to the ever-growing list of unreliable TDM features....
  2. Yeah and this is the problem - there's no way really to tell why it's happening. To troubleshoot this issue, we would probably need someone who has experienced the problem to volunteer for a lot of really boring testing.
  3. OK thanks. In the same game, are they also frobable when you don't noclip? Just trying to understand if it's random or not.
  4. So regarding the frobbing issues. The thing in common with the two areas is a location script executes when entering/leaving the area which sets the frobability of the items. This is to prevent them being frobbed from outside their location, through walls, etc. I've used this technique in my last 3 FMs without any problems. I'm wondering if these aren't executing for some people? Also: So for people having the issue - at your convenience could you try starting a new game and noclipping to the problem areas to see if the issue still happens? The location scripts should still execute while in noclip mode.
  5. If you mean I just retried both this and the cabinets in Jerry's on my test install of TDM and they both work fine. EDIT: I'm not saying there might not be an issue, but I can't reproduce them and if anyone can I'd be keen to hear the details.
  6. Maybe it's the volumetric lights? There are some in the ship. Can't remember if they are in the admin building, but apart from that they are used sparingly so hopefully you'll be ok.
  7. Basically someone always asks. We're all grownups here and it's in spoiler tags so...
  8. With as little fanfare as possible, I'd like to announce the release of the third installment of The Lieutenant series: Foreign Affairs. Huge thanks for my beta testers: @Bergante @Cambridge Spy @chakkman @Mat99 @Shadow @wesp5 For a full list of credits, please see the readme.txt that ships with the mission, or go here. More screenshots can be viewed here: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBr44M Latest version: 3.0 Download link #1: https://github.com/FrostSalamander/lt3/releases/download/3.0/faffairs.pk4 Download link #2: https://drive.proton.me/urls/Z0ZWGGRHWG#tVoIh1bm1WjU @nbohr1more here's the 800x600 versions of the screenshots: https://drive.proton.me/urls/MFGZ3WXCAW#WXXAnYkPgGZX Stuff to be aware of: TDM 2.12 required The only difference in difficulty settings is the (optional) loot goal If you see a tile material, chances are it's a custom version changed to sound like stone. I did this in order to preserve the aesthetic of the setting without making it maddening to play. Some vines are climbable, some aren't. Just try them and see. The FM makes use of latches on doors, a new feature created by @Wellingtoncrab and myself. Read more here: https://github.com/thedarkmodcommunity/test-latch/wiki Known Issues (UPDATE: This has been fixed in version 2.0). A minority of players are having an issue with things being unfrobable, particularly the jewelry cabinets in Jerry's Jewels and also another lever in a secret place. Try exiting/re-entering the area to see if that fixes anything, as the frobability is triggered by entering and leaving the room/area. Secrets Here's a list of the secret locations. Obvious spoilers:
  9. Isn't that just if you have a moveable or something behind a wall and its frob_distance is greater than the thickness of the wall? Walls don't block frobbing unfortunately, which is why you get those mapping bugs where you can frob paintings through the wall.
  10. The script might not be too far off what I was thinking anyways, because one of the reasons I wanted to be able to do it in DR is because you could then have a test script like 'Check for missing EFX on info_location entities'. So maybe we can just have a script called 'generate EFX file' or something like @datiswous is suggesting. The problem is that if feels a bit like a halfway house instead of a proper implementation. Also I think we all could probably agree the EFX file will never go away in case people want to do more than just presets, so we would have to support both the info_location method and the file method. Just thinking out loud here, and good discussion
  11. @stgatilov @nbohr1more I'm wondering if it would be possible to get this implemented for 2.13? I'm really not loving the EFX files - it's way too easy to miss/forget locations and just a general PITA. I am even considering offering to help implement - any reluctance on my part is purely down to lack of confidence. But with some hand-holding I could possibly accomplish something that isn't a total disaster. Maybe an alternative is to have a feature that allows DR to manage the EFX preset in the EFX file? Basically what I'd like is to be able to manage everything related to a location entity in the one place, preferably in DR. Not sure if that's ever been considered? @greebo?
  12. So path_follow_actor actually DOES work if you want it to follow the player. You just need to target the player entity dynamically in game. It doesn't work if you target the player_start entity. I can't remember if that's what people were doing (or even if that's what I was doing), but that won't work because the player_start entity and the player entity aren't the same thing. You can use a atdm:target_changetarget entity to do this, or a script: $path_follow_actor_1.addTarget($player1); Both can just be triggered by another path node, a atdm:target_callscriptfunction, whatever. Also you need to add the player target to the path_follow_actor node BEFORE the AI gets to it. If the target gets added after the AI reaches that node, it won't work. Video where the AI hits a node that triggers a atdm:target_changetarget entity: https://drive.proton.me/urls/A3DJW5EYFM#0WgYnCVOU6nv test map attached as well. EDIT: I have no idea why just manually setting 'target' 'player1' on the path_follow_actor node in DR doesn't work. I'll try to look into this. UPDATE: It appears the the player1 entity simply isn't there during initialization when the path_follow_actor's targets are evaluated. As a result, the 'actor' is null and the node does nothing. I didn't mention it before, but when I used the script method I just stuck in the map script's main function like so, and this works too: void main() { sys.waitFrame(); $path_follow_actor_1.addTarget($player1); } UPDATE 2: Wiki updated: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Path_Nodes#path_follow_actor path.map
  13. okay - bug report: https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6532
  14. I just made an interesting discovery. In my FM that's in beta I have custom main menu music, but it doesn't always work. Basically it works: When you first start the game (whether the FM is currently selected or if you change to this mission and the game restarts) during the text briefing It doesn't work (i.e. you only get silence) When escaping back to the main menu while in-game After quitting a mission and it goes back to menu As far as I know I had all the correct settings in mainmenu_custom_defs.gui: /// Menu music after startup (not in-game) #define MM_MENU_SOUND_CMD "music fs_muslim;" /// Played in main menu when in-game (ESCaping out of the game) #define MM_INGAME_MENU_SOUND_CMD "music fs_muslim;" /// Played during non-video briefing #define MM_BRIEFING_SOUND_CMD "music fs_muslim;" It turns out the problem was I had this line set in the sound shader: leadin sound/ambient/ambience/silence.ogg Commenting that out on a hunch fixed the problem. So you might be saying to yourself 'that's all very interesting but who cares?'. My point is: Just an FYI in case someone else runs into this I don't think there is anywhere on the Wiki that covers menu customization? @Geep you've done a whole bunch around GUI scripting recently - is there somewhere you can recommend I can stick this?
  15. For the FM? For beta 1 it's here: https://drive.proton.me/urls/H1QBB04GA0#oBZTb1CmVFQb I've already done around 100 fixes though, so you might want to wait for beta 2 which should be ready in a couple of days hopefully. All links are in the first post of the beta thread here: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22439-the-lieutenant-3-foreign-affairs-beta-testing/
  16. You mean Discord? That's fine, you are more than welcome to use the forum if you want to help test
  17. Funnily enough, I was going to ping you and see if you wanted to draw the map. There is something included which could technically be called a 'map', but it sucks. The issue is the FM doesn't cover a huge area, but there is a LOT of vertical overlap so the options are a single map which provides vague guidance (the option I've gone with), or loads of tiny maps for each area (which would suit an automap probably).
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