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Posts posted by Wellingtoncrab

  1. Sorry for the arm chair UI programming as I understand everything is ultimately easier said then done. I definitely understand the mechanical reasons for different browsers, but I do think it limits to perception of content which is actually available to user and is ultimately more confusing not less. To place in an object in a map it will either be in the model browser, entity browser, or prefab browser and even after using darkradiant for years now I am often stumbling onto new things and have probably forgotten more content then I end up using. I would like a system where if I want a chair - I search the object/asset browser for "chair" and you then pick from the relevant moveable entities/lod entities/static entities/prefabs etc. This would then appear in a "frequently used assets window" like frequently used textures do in the textures window. A tagging system would also prevent the need to have every descriptor in the object name and can visibly delineate between say a static entity and a moveable or LOD entity which share the same mesh and would otherwise appear identical in the browser, but there may be a better way to achieve the same effect. 

    But hey - even if that doesn't happen I will still be using darkradiant - and thanks for reading!

    • Like 2
  2. @Dragoferattached is the original brushwork if that is helpful.

    When your local version is done I will put together some prefab variants for the hutch and the curio cabinet.

    Edit: also there was a texturing issue with the feet on the filing cabinet which I have correct in the main post


    • Like 1
  3. @Dragoferwow thanks for taking your time polishing these up! If anyone “gets” cabinet1 it’s you, so please feel free to make any alterations you like!

    -I will fix the path convention in my skins going forward.

    -I actually am using the latest release of DR - Since these were thrown together with brushes, while I tried to caulk everything which was not visible I imagine there is some sloppy work/excess faces in there that could just account for the excess vertices?

    -I actually forgot the table was in the pack. I feel like the concept of “cabinet1 as table” could go a bit further than that simple model, but I did find in my map there was a need for a table with a narrower desk like footprint as sometimes a table just looks more natural in a space than a desk.

    5 hours ago, geegee said:

    Oh yes!  The prefab with openable doors works perfectly with the desk3_complete.  Thanks!

    @geegee no credit here! I yanked the doors from the incredible desk03 prefab itself - only tweaked the movement speed and angle - definitely check that one out as well as the desk02 prefabs as there is an awesome amount of detail put into those!

    • Like 2
  4. The modules are models and thus they are not actually sealing geometry. So a room made only with models - ie no world spawn brushes - will be exposed to the void and will leak. You will need to do what you proposed above which is create a sealed room with world spawn geometry and then use the modules to provide the detail within the sealed room.

    • Like 4
  5. I think r_showtris 1 only shows directly drawn triangles, which if I understood correctly from the DR tutorial videos aren’t all the tris calculated by the engine when rendering a frame. While there are not so many tris directly drawn in your scene, there could be overdraw if there is a “leak” between intended visleafs or just by the nature of the long sight lines and open portals in your scene. You could perhaps see by using r_showtris 3.

  6. Thank you for all the effort you all put into DR!

    We were discussing on the discord how much time we spend in the different content browsers and how to potentially speed up locating and placing of assets. We were wondering if it would be possible to expand the media browser to be a one stop shop so to speak by expanding it to include models/entities/prefabs etc. Perhaps with togglable content filters that allow you further narrow it back down.

    Additionally the existing "textures" tab is really useful for locating commonly used textures in a project and it seems like this could also be useful for commonly used models or the other assets types as well.

    This would probably require something like drag and drop placement of assets from the browsers since you wouldn't be accessing the browser from the "create model" prompt for example, but something like drag and drop could also significantly speed up the process of adding things into the scene.


    Thanks again for the time and consideration!

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  7. @peter_spyha yeah - been that way for years! I imagine they basically have a depreciated business model as I don’t think there are so many people looking for single angle photos (many which are untileable) to convert into materials these days. Though I guess they have some PBR stuff now. But if you were diligent with your 15 free credits per month you could get a decent reference stockpile. Some of mine I downloaded probably over a decade ago - who knows maybe even their licensing info was different back then.

  8. Hi Everyone,

    I am jumping over from the discord, from a tangentially related discussion which was occurring there regarding including “licensed” assets in FMs. Admittedly as a new author the idea that I could not include ostensibly “free” textures or ones I had purchased with a commercial license in my FM did not occur to me, though it retrospect it was perhaps obvious. One of the reasons this did not occur to me as I have years of images I have gotten from sources like cgtextures.com, many of which I used to use when I was tinkering around with TDS editing and I recognized right away many of TDM’s core assets are available from the same source. Many of these are my some of my favorite textures in the game:



    So I assumed this was a kosher source to derive TDM textures from. This appears to violate CGTextures terms of use which states they you may not “release the Content or derivative products with Content under Open Source Licenses” https://www.textures.com/about/terms-of-use

    If you go through the core asset library there are other examples. Hopefully there is some record of these textures being sourced originally as CC, and CGTextures.com are the actual bad guys here, but it felt like quite a blow to me and peter_spy thought I should share that with all of you.

    Hope it is helpful.


    • Thanks 1
  9. On 3/17/2013 at 10:57 AM, Obsttorte said:

    How to create a diary/note book


    There once was the question on this forum, if people like taking notes during the game. The answers varied, but there where some who said that they don't like this, as they are playing in the dark for example.


    The best solution to this problem seem to have some sort of diary that the player can carry around, and in which notes are automatically added once a certain condition is fulfilled.


    Hey Obsttorte, 

    Thanks again for posting these scripts on here as they cover a lot of features I want to incorporate into my map! I am trying to add a log book which this diary script seems set to perfectly address. I know you wrote the script a long while ago but I am running into an issue where my log book isn't able to contain more than 126 characters - at that point it seems to stop accepting any additional text. This doesn't seem to matter if the source feeding the log is a single long gui_message or multiple smaller ones - once it hits this limit it stops. I have gone through the configuration quite a few times and it seems like I have it setup like you described here and on the wiki page but haven't been able to figure this one out. Again the script seems to work perfectly up until this character limit is hit.

    So far I don't seem cut out for much more than the most basic of scripting, but I don't really see an issue with the script itself. I did find reference to a "127 char size limit on script strings." within the TDM script reference under "setGuiStringFromKeybut not sure if that is actually related. I does seem like (in my amateur interpretation) the diary script is appending the new text onto the same "pageX_body <text to go here>" spawnarg line on the diary entity by capturing the content into a single string variable named "thisText", and that if there is indeed a limit to size of a single string variable than that limit would be reached eventually.

    Any ideas or insight you may have would be greatly appreciated!

  10. On 5/9/2013 at 11:25 AM, Obsttorte said:


    • I've tried to check for all possible bugs in the code. Anyways, if you find one or notice strange behaviour, please report hear. Thanks.

    Hey Obsttorte,

    First off I just want to say thank you! - I have learned so much just watching your tutorial videos. This script is amazing and was incredibly easy to implement. I did encounter an issue and I am wondering if I have set up the player observer script incorrectly. In my map when I have the "observer" script object active on the info_locationsettings entity it works just as it should except it seems to prevent any call_on_entry or call_on_exit scripts I have on any info_location entities from running anymore - I can't even get them to print to console.

    I am an incredible novice when it comes to scripting but I cannot see why there would be a conflict (it seems like the observer script only interacts with locations to see the status of the hostile flag) and I am wondering if there is anything I need to set up in my scripts to take into account if the player observer is running.

    Thank you again for the amazing work!

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