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Everything posted by Fidcal

  1. I was about ready to give up the game after several hours on and off trying to get into the reactor room and part of that time fighting the technopath in waterprocessing. I hardly made any impression on it. Wasted all my bullets and emp and it health meter barely went down a fifth before I died. Found the main cause of my troubles is that the difficulty level was somehow two levels higher than I chose. I know I chose the easiest level very carefully. I've seen this before in one game where having chosen the difficulty level early in the start process, it defaults to normal before launching. (although that might have been because some games expect a confirm on exit while others you just exit.) Another possibility I tested just now is that on the Playstation the left joypad is used to move up and down the option menus and as you do so, the tiniest side pressure changes a setting as you pass over it to reach another. I recall setting subtitles on the same page and changing it later. Now I've changed the setting down I defeated the technopath reasonably easily. (still used most of my ammo and all my emp though.) If I'd played on easy from the start then likely I'd have accumulated more ammo and medkits by now instead of barely scraping by from monster to monster. I mean, one single enemy and I'm left with almost nothing is ridiculous. I went all the way back to cargo bay to recycle and the nightmare turned up again! I still think the difficulty I experienced was too hard to be called 'normal'. I'd call it hard most of the time, very hard here and there, and impossible in places without enough supplies. I mean, give me 50 medkits and a 100 shotgun shells and I'd have been okay and had fun. As it is, I pick up single rounds or maybe 2 or 3 at a time! What use is that? Will I survive the reactor room with almost nothing? Dunno.... :(
  2. It may be sweet but a somewhat sticky sweet like toffee. I'm stuck again last night. Can't get into the reactor room. Just not enough info. Managed to find an overhead route into water processing and gathered some resources but also lost many in fights. The Technopath I found unbeatable but could sneak around it. But ultimately I'm back in the passageways leading to the reactor room with its damaged keycard thing. So last night I googled and found no help except to suggest the technopath is causing the electronic corruption. How is anyone supposed to know that? And what's the best way to kill it? I've emptied my guns into and it hardly scratched its health bar. In addition, I recall an audio message from a russian-sounding lady but can find no record of that in the objectives or audio messages at all. So I next looked at a dozen or more utube walkthroughs of this quest but they were all confusing and showed passageway I could not identify. I came across a ref to a body to the left of the reactor room door of someone called Talia I think who has the keycard. No such body can I find and the screenshot I saw showed a round door - not the reactor room at all. Grrrrr! The GAME should provide better info. I mean, I'd never in a million years think I had to kill a monster in another room to fix a damaged lock. Nor would I search for a keycard to a lock that's obviously damaged. Mind you, I scavenge EVERYTHING I can find anyway. There's also a storage room nearby. Why is its lock not corrupt then. But I don't know its number either. I've studied my inventory of keys but can't see anything. Also about info, it seems some objectives disappear after their done so I can't refer to them. I see messages like plug something psycho into the water supply. Why would I? I've no idea of the pros and cons of that so I left it alone. I do recall a message asking someone to do it but I don't think it said why. And it makes it an objective? Why? And that saving people thing - why? - I'm about to kill them all! For me, the weakness is all about good info. Especially since I'm playing on EASY which it definitely ain't. I'd still score Prey in the low to mid 90% but it would be more like 99% if it had better info (and a better organised inventory - I STILL have to shuffle through silly pictures to try and guess what's what. Yes, I can recognise easy ones like the big glue gun, but most of the rest are fiddle fiddle shifting through to look at what each one is one by one to find what I need. But that's the modern way - flashy graphics come before practicality. That reminds me, I see references to repairing weapons. None of my weapons has ever broken down yet (perhaps because I avoid combat if I can?) How do I tell what state they're in? And how do I repair them? I've tried dragging those spare parts onto my shotgun but it just swaps places with it in the inventory (which is a bit pointless because as soon as I re-sort then they are back where they were!) To finish on a good note, I got that morph perk and used it as suggested to become a bottle and roll through one of those cross-beam door barriers. Neat! And wisely I moved the bottle near the door to save psi points but with the added bonus that I hadn't thought of - when I came back that way I could target the same bottle through the barrier! Must remember that one.
  3. thebigh said: Morgan is the only person on that space station who eats the peel along with the banana. Lol, yeah. Reminds me of wine etc in Fallout 4 where there's no empty bottle left after you've drank it. Empty bottles were really useful in early stages of Survival mode for gathering portable water. thebigh also said: I could never really warm up to the protagonist. Yes, that's a big flaw, much of it because he's mute. That is weird. I mean, they have the voice actor for the early video so why not use it? So, emotionless, I don't like him. a big part of good storytelling is about conveying feelings. From his pov he wakes up and should be excited ready to start a new job (he thinks.) It's not too long before he gets a vid from himself telling him to blow up the entire 3/4 kilometre space station and kill hundreds of people including himself! Silence. Imagine in his head yeah ok then. He should be screaming Noooooo! and arguing with January before he finally yields to what has to be done. In fact the robot January shows more emotion than the robotic Morgan Yu. And it would help if he could contact January for help in a frightened tone. Hey January, I'm dead here! There simply aren't enough working turrets so I can't get through!!!! January replies: The damaged ones might be working sufficiently; give them a try. That would be useful and make story sense. And that sort of interaction would give the protagonist an identity - like we cared about Garrett and others. Incidentally, that reminds me I never did find the plan to fabricate turrets which the objective said was 'nearby'. I scoured the area over and over and over. There's no objective marker for that plan. Not that I had enough resources to recycle anyway, I guess.
  4. The connection is inspirational: hero on space station with strange extra-terrestrials and being hunted, hence 'prey'. I got into this because I read about the original and watched some utube of both games and decided to try them both - the earlier one first. Unfortunately, it's either not on PS4 store or it's a 'freebie' on on their 'PSN' but you have to subscribe. I've bought quite a few games in the last couple of months but I don't generally buy many games, preferring to find one good game that I can play for months (or even a year or two like Fallout 4.) There was another game I wanted like that, maybe the first Hitman. It's annoying because they'd have made a sale if they'd also offered them for sale separately. Thought it was gameover last night when I simply could not get enough turrets in the cargo bay mission (incidentally another nod in the direction of Looking Glass with the objective title: 'Shipping and Receiving'?) Damn sure the second or third mission in Dark Project or was it Metal Age was the same. I recall the excitement of starting that. Anyway, I only had one turret and two damaged. After exhaustive searching I decided to dump them in place in the hope maybe an engineering operator would fix them, but apparently they were sufficient. Wish I'd known that two hours earlier. I also think 'first person shooter' is understating 'Prey'. I mostly feel I'm playing a stealth game with some combat. Like yesterday, once I'd opened the cargo bay door I backed away and hid and let the turrets and NPCs take the hits to save my bullets! I love the freedom of different strategies like that and not being too forced to dance to the tune of the game developer! :D
  5. Right, thanks Orbweaver. I've only got one neuromod at present but if I get more I might save and try psi to judge whether any of it is more important than the other things I need like more health and stealth.
  6. OK, now I understand why I've never been using psi - no info. Yes, I was vaguely aware of it but too much else going to spare the time. Now I actually look I find... nothing. There is no device in the inventory so it's not a weapon I can equip. There is no tutorial in the tutorials (though they are not really tutorials but ultra-short summaries anyway so even if it had been there it would have probably said something banal like 'use your psi abilities to blah blah...) Next I check every header in the erm... whatever that big menu is called. Can't see anything except under neuromods. Maybe I have no psi powers until I select one? I've always had more important ones to select so never selected any - probably because I don't understand what advantage they might give me, whereas increasing my max health is simple to understand. Next I look at the controls in the pause menu. Ah - the ps4 controller uses left trigger for psi power. So, back in the game try it. No effect that I can see except I die faster. Do I aim it? Use it as a shift key? I have noticed that sometimes the scope gives a message like 'now you can manipulate this' but doesn't say how. Hit different buttons. Nothing.
  7. I'm on Playstation and you're right chakkman, aiming is loose and sloppy. There's no aim assist I can detect. Not sure what's missing but I feel no positive 'connect' in fights. Compare the skull-cracking metal pipe in Last of Us! Another thing missing from this game so far is not a single human apart from the very start. Even the audio transmissions seem to be accompanied by a cartoon still. And, like the mute deputy in Far Cry 5, the player is dumb apart from cries. And no companions. I prefer the taunts of enemies I can identify with so it's more satisfying when I get retribution! Prey is definitely impersonal - up till now anyway. It's a ghost ship full of bodies. Anyway, I found water fountains upstairs in the fitness centre and a couple of extra neuromods enough to boost my max health up to 200. Takes ages to keep drinking but at least it's an option. I went back there after one more fight to regain 60. Not fun. There's a bug. I could not enter the maintenance hatch in the tulip bar - which is essential to continue the game. I tried closing and opening it over and over, jumping at it, angling into it - even hitting out with the wrench in case there was invisible glass! Nothing worked until in a frantic effort I pushed against it while it was closed and clicked open as I was doing it. As the hatch raised I suddenly found myself going in! After that it was ok and normal. Strange. Having got the voice recordings I had to make a blind run to escape and got lucky I guess because once outside I just kept running hoping to hide somewhere and accidentally ran directly to the deep storage entrance! But before entering I hid and saved. The Nightmare countdown reached zero but now I have to figure out what to do about the phantom or just dash to the deep storage entrance. Not even tried psi yet so I'll take your recommendation, Orbweaver and experiment with it. Have I mentioned the inventory is flashy but inefficient? Needs better grouping. Give me plain text lists any day. I spend ages flipping through what is effectively a children's picture puzzle trying to identify what's edible, where the medkits and ammo are, and so on. They should clearly block group anything that restores health for instance.
  8. The difficulty for me is that even though I scavenge every scrap I can find, and mostly fabricate 9mm ammo and medikits, I'm always low on both. When I entered crew quarters yesterday, I reloaded several times before I realised there was nowhere to hide and that Nightmare is forced on you. I emptied my gun into it pointlessly. I really thought that was game over for me. As a last resort I just ran forward to find somewhere to hide. After several reloads I found a niche upstairs, killed one or two extra mimics and phantom, but now I was down to about 45 health with no medikits and no ammo in a place that had seemed to be swarming with enemy. Then up comes 'Objective Completed!' - 'kill or evade Nightmare'. I didn't even know it had been an objective. Got a shotgun from somewhere but again only 3 or 4 shells at a time. I used to love my silenced 9mm auto handgun in Fallout 4 and hate shotguns because they were so slow but now that's reversed. Had to use Utube to find how to get in mail room for more shells but still no medikits. Poltergeist took my last shells b4 I killed it and now down to about 2 health and no ammo. Any enemy contact from now on and I'm dead. Is it even possible to continue? Need medikits or lots of bananas. And ammo, did I mention ammo? I prefer the freedom of Fallout 4 where you could pretty much always escape and come back with a mini-gun and 20,000 rounds! :D
  9. Aah, thanks, chakkman - that was it! Radiation poisoning. Strangely, the HUD shows just the radiation symbol but no value so I assumed that meant zero rads. But the status page gives all the details: 100% rads, stumbling, slow health regen and so on. Now fixed with anti-rads. Good game btw so far. Real gamesaves! and I couldn't believe my eyes when I discovered LEANING round corners! And it does appear to work like Thief, ie, enemies can't see you when you lean (not sure about shadows yet.) There is a ref to Looking Glass servers in the fiction. Can't help thinking they've drawn on Thief's origins. Climbing, crate stacking and so on. The carrying is nowhere near as good as Dark Mod though, no fine positioning only clumsy drops or throw. Still, heaps better than the Ministry of Silly Jumps you get in most games, if at all, and climbing seems to work on anything that looks climbable! But it's hard even on easy. Fair hard, not unfair restrictive checkpoint hard so you can quickload and try different strategies.. I don't see how anyone can fight through this. I can just about beat one phantom then use up my average few medikits to recover from the fight! So it's almost forced stealth to preserve resources. Probably I'm not developed my fighting and weapon skills yet though. - Hip
  10. In Prey 2017, I've reached the Arboretum but noticed somewhere along the journey through GUTS I now got permanent wobbly legs which is annoying. Keep shaking about every few seconds. Why? And can it be fixed? Health, Psi, Suit, and Rads okay far as I can tell. Not drank any alcoholic drinks.
  11. Thanks. Interesting but I doubt my feeble PC will handle it. I downloaded Dark Mod again the other week and even a small mission was jerky. Just a cheap basic graphics on the motherboard. Might be interesting to glimpse what it looks like though. I've now redownloaded Plague btw and managed to get past where I was stuck. The game is totally staged. I never needed to defeat the entire squad of guards but only two and then the escape opened up and the guards froze behind me (off screen. I know because of a glitch when I saw them frozen! When I moved away from the escape, they killed me!) The trick is to keep close to the escape area but not on it, then a cut scene shows you escaping. None of that happened b4 and I tried quite a few times even going up into the parapets to buy me time to kill them!
  12. @chakkman: Maybe my memory of Thief is hazy but I thought there were lots of areas where one was free to go back and forth anywhere - and certainly fan missions. In Bafford, there's the streets then the mansion itself is the (small) open-world. You're not forced along set corridors which are blocked behind you. In fact if they'd not made escape back to the streets the final objective but 'escape with scepter to streets then they could have easily let you back into the streets anytime (maybe you can? I forget.) Anyway, without checking through every level I wouldn't argue your point except that my memory of Thief is one of open freedom where you can choose your routes. Downloaded Skyrim, Dying Light, and Little Nightmares last night. Not sure why you dream of city hubs (like Thief 3 and 4 I think) because they are just open world where for tech limit reasons each area has to load (slowly) as you move between. Not sure if that's been implemented in Dark Mod yet but it could be. @Shadow: I'll definitely try Styx 1 and 2. Look good even though 3rd person. Thanks. @Destined: Maybe I was unfair on Plague. I got stuck in only 4 places: the armour guy I mentioned. The 'run' from early on (because I now believe my ps4 controller is getting 'sticky' and jerky in some situations (not sure. I'm getting a new one delivered today I hope.) I died over and over until I carefully watched the utube vid and saw it was almost exactly how I was running (as far as I'd got) but now I knew for sure I finally managed it. (this reminds me of the horse ride escape at the start of Kingdom Come which was also impossible for me until I saw a vid and started the game again and it worked out differently. Anyway, third problem in Plague was my own fault (Unbelievably I passed an open (recessed in gloom) side doorway multiple times with even seeing it! Kicked myself when I saw the vid. Then finally the being ovverrun by multiple enemies thing. Now, fresh from the good game but spoilt experience of Far Cry 5, I was absolutely sick of trying. Maybe I'll check a vid and see if there's a trick to killing a squad of men face on with only a sling (a ledge?) I'll take a look at Seven: The Days Long Gone - thanks for that. Finished Dishonored 1 but abandoned Dishonored 2 when I I suffered the 'what's the point' syndrome in a later level but also got sidetracked into Fallout 4 after that. @peter_spy: I know what you mean about Plague. I think it just needed a few more hints as to direction (like Last of Us 2) plus additional 'simple' stealth rather than every ten steps there's a puzzle, plus I don't know what to add interest plus (for me) a 'skip puzzle (like in LOU2) and skip boss' option. I mean, I want part of my money back because imagine buying a movie you can't finish! @STiFU: Thanks I'll add Prey to my list to check out. (Unless that's that Predator on a space station game? I suffered nausea on that and had to stop. Also got bored quick. Wow! I'm getting overloaded with possibilities I never found even after many Googles over many weeks. Perhaps I was too focused on 1st person. @freyk: assassins creed I'll rethink but I'm doubtful because of previous. & watch dogs I'll check out but suspect it's that hacking game? Didn't get along with that far for some reason I forget. Gameplay? Confusion? dunno @Carnage: Thanks, I'll add Sniper Elite 3 & 4 to my ever-growing list! Wow! My original post was kind of rhetorical because I didn't really expect much if anything after all my previous Googling. Thanks Everyone!
  13. Never was any real Open World stealth game? Well not in the modern sense I guess. But Thief and Dark Mod are open - but just relatively small worlds with the missions accessed in a linear fashion. That's got me imagining a future where someone produces Dark Project and Metal Age each in one large world but you can't access all the missions immediately. Maybe some would work out of order though. But say you need Bafford's scepter like a key to get into the Boneyard - but you could go there and try - pique your interest in getting the scepter. LGS and Darkmod are still miles ahead of anything I've seen for stealth and climbing. Oh, no, Dying Light was probably the best climber. Climb anything you'd expect to. In Plague you can walk beside a three or five foot wall for miles but can't climb it until you reach one spot - much the same as everywhere else - but with the 'climb' marker. Little hedges are solid. I might take another look at Skyrim. I finished Oblivion twice but never finished Skyrim because my interest/immersion faded. I recall something like a crypt where something like you find 7 things and plonk them on 7 places to open up something and I kind of couldn't make the effort. Now, having made Thief and TDM missions myself, I know all games boil down to go, get, put, kill rules, so the story has to be dramatic, emotional, and fascinating enough that you WANT to! (and obscure the rules.) Maybe I'll try Dying Light again. Must be years since I did that. Prepare myself for DY2. Another one worth a mention I really like the look of on utube for originality is Little Nightmares (sequel coming) interesting horror platformer 3rd person but 1st person mod for PC (apparently.) I was almost ready to buy when I discovered it was only 3rd person because I'd seen the 1st person vid on utube. But now I'm desperate enough to get it. One thing put me off is I read in the story you proceed blah blah then are trapped in a cage when you go in for food. So my feeling is I hate being forced into failing! I mean, if I see that now, I'll know - but there'll be no other option. Ultimately I'll get Dark Mod again but my current pc is really basic and very slow. I downloaded TDM the other week but jerky even on a simple mission start. Later...
  14. Deleted 5 disappointing unfinished games last night that I'd downloaded recently, and that's not counting Last of Us 2. That at least had a lot of good things enough to make it playable to the (unsatisfying) end. Most recent was A Plague Tale: Innocence. Now this has a huge amount of stealth but it's a third-person, rigid corridor world, albeit with great medieval graphics - probably the best graphics I've seen. Dark Mod would be brilliant with this engine and resources. But spoilt by zero game saves except the single auto save inventory and last checkpoint, endless replaying of frustrating puzzles (which would have been brilliant with a little optional info and hinting when needed) resulting in me having to play several utube walkthroughs else I could not continue. (Can't help thinking there should be a law about games that are unfinishable without outside help (sometimes unfinishable for many of us even with help, see following.) So yes, the ultimate killer for me was occasional forced combat but especially big boss fights: You play a 'weak' teen girl hampered by having to help her sick little brother along. Now this appealed to me because I played Fallout 4 over TWO YEARS to all 4 endings on difficult setting. Yes, it's 1st/3rd person switchable! Discovered the most fun was before you got loads of armour, power weapons, when it was far more edgy, so played on Survival level. Finished that then started again, designed a 'weak' teen pampered girl who wouldn't wear any armour because none of it was 'fashionable' and she refused to murder humans (yes, it is just about possible to finish the entire game that way, and if anyone wants details, post here. You need some imagination to immerse in your own personal fiction) Then I played it again as this teen but with NO companion to help and NO perks. So imagine my delight when I read about 'Plague' with loads of stealth and a weak girl protagonist. But back to the boss fights. Your only weapon is a slingshot your dad taught you an hour ago! Later (feels like almost the same day) you fight a big brute of a guy in heavy steel armour, in a confined space. I ran around trying to find a way out, then reluctantly tried my sling but my little stones just bounced off his armour (surprising that.) Oh, yeah, by the way, he has only five sentences he repeats endlessly during the 50 or 100 replays I had to endure before killing him. Anyway, I had to go on utube to see you had to hit key points on his armour until parts fall off and finally his helmet. Maybe that's a common trope in games? But last night, captured by the English army and trying to escape, I had endless frustrating tries (really good tough stealth though) before reaching the gate without killing anyone. But then there's a staged (everything is bloody staged) combat with 5 enemy rushing at you. I managed to kill two before being over-run again. And again. And... after 5 times I exited in disgust and wiped the game. If you don't mind occasional tough combat mixed in with good stealth then I recommend Plague even though it is third person. (might be a first person mod on PC?) The newer Hitman 2 I mentioned elsewhere was spoilt by third person. Abandoned during the tutorial. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice has 3rd person stealth but I wasn't enjoying the forced combat, third person, and silly jumps instead of genuine climbing. The Outer Worlds has some first person stealth but had no immersive character/story for me so I soon found I didn't really care what happened. Endless weak humour trivialises everything you do. Zero tension. I couldn't get excited about finding spare parts for my vacuum cleaner bot. Far Cry 5 was the most playable, stealth and huge 1st-person open world and whatever combat you want/don't want. But about 15 times during the game you magically get a dart in your leg, are captured and have to endure staged frustrating corridor taunting torture events (this literally feels like Ubisoft torturing the player.) Plus, I read you can't really ultimately 'win' in any satisfying way at all (worse than LOU2.) The best I could do was start again, complete the small island tutorial, then set yourself as a rebel. Fuck the Cult, fuck Dutch, and fuck Ubisoft. Play as a rebel opportunist thief who's daddy got him the job of sheriff's deputy. Don't play Ubisoft's game. Refuse to be their hero. As a looter/thief you seize the lawless opportunity to make a fortune (I aimed for $100,000) then make your 'imaginary' ending by 'escaping' the inescapable valley. You can run up the hill behind the giant YES sign until you hit the boundary warning and pretend its says WELL DONE! YOU HAVE FINISHED THE GAME! or there's what I think is a nicer 'exit' to the right of Hurk Drubman's house - right fork there is a tricky but do-able rock climb, then pretend the hollow beyond that has an old tunnel out of sight. Make sure you find out how to backup the single gamesave (VERY important) and do it VERY regularly. Now, regard the 'Resistance Points' as 'Get noticed by the Cult Points'. Instead of trying to GAIN RPs you must AVOID them at all costs. To do this you cannot liberate any cult outposts nor kill any VIP cultists nor release any captives nor destroy cult property. Shoot any captives first else if they're not tied up they'll run off and you'll be 'penalised' with RPs. An alternative of course is to tolerate a few RPs so long as you don't cross a division in the list. Apart from looting, there's LOADS of treasure stashes to find. And just cruising around is great fun for a while. Not sure it's worth full price for this game though. So, any recommendations for good stealth, first person, preferably open-world games on PS4?
  15. Just deleted about 5 games off my PS4 last night in a fit of erm... annoyance, including Hitman 2. (I never got beyond the tutorial on that.) I've downloaded these 5 games over the last few weeks and all disappointing. Mind you, they've all got their good points but I'd almost rather see a bad game (movie, book) than a good one that's spoilt by things that could easily have been fixed. I might have a rant in a new thread somewhere actually.
  16. Thanks. I'm on PS4 and have pretty much shelved this game while I search for others. I am noticing many games have a first person mod on PC, but the PS4 is virtually unhackable without hardware I guess.
  17. Aaaahhhh - that explains it. I hadn't realised there are two Hitman 2s (or is that Hitmans 2? or even Hitmen 2?) Anyway, thanks, it was reduced to £16 on PS4 so I'll dump it and see if they still have the old version. They certainly had tons of confusing stuff relating to Hitman 2 it was hard to tell what was the main game so I went on the price reduction from £54.
  18. Wikipedia says: Hitman 2 features mission-based gameplay, from a third-person perspective, which can optionally be switched to a first-person view. That was one of the factors that made me just buy it. But damned if I can find any option to switch to 1st person. Anyone seen this?
  19. Anyone confirm you can lower your weapon in this. I hate moving around with a gun sticking up all the time.
  20. Well, this was depressing. I suppose good fiction is meant to evoke strong emotions and not necessarily good ones, but when I finished this last night it took a while to shake off the mood of futility. Worth playing but lots of frustration and slow slow scenes you're forced to plod through. That toy arrow game with Owen and the absurd guitar strum were crazy. Puzzles are ok when you know what you need to do and have to figure out how to do it, but so often I didn't, and finally I didn't care. I used 'skip puzzle' entirely after the first few. The freedom of multi-choice open world games like Thief, Dark Mod, and Fallout 4 have spoilt me for this type of corridor game. It feels like acting scenes in a movie. You're allowed to ad lib a tiny amount (move left round a crate instead of right) but if you act out the scene wrong then the director shouts 'cut' and you have to perform another take over and over. In fact, as with the LOU1, I'd rather have watched it as an edited-down movie (I did download a full walkthrough video at the time but it failed to play on my system so I had to persist in the game to see how it panned out.) Still, LOU2 must have something going for it or I wouldn't have kept going (despite abandoning it overnight at least twice and swearing never again!) It's kind of a must-play - though it feels like a gun at your head. Maybe it was just the £54 I paid and wanted my moneysworth. No, that's not fair, there are LOTS of good events in the claimed 30 hours of this game (I clocked 29 in the game saves but I played on the 'easiest' level (it's not - parts are REALLY hard except for hardcore enthusiasts maybe and I had to use a couple of walkthoughs for two combat scenes which seemed impossible and took 40 or 50 retakes before I got through.) Looking back at my start gamesave date it took me eight days of say two or three hours a day. Eh? That can't be right. It's definitely eight days and I reckon I must have played at least double the 29 hours of gamesaves. Call it 64 hours, that's 8 hours a day? Seems impossible. I know I played it a lot but... No, must be the fixed scenes take up so much of the time, and I only played over and over the awkward checkpoints... even so, I must have played 5 or 6 hours a day? Wow.
  21. Fidcal

    Metro games

    Thanks Carnage. I'd gladly use cheats but I'm playing on PS4 and I've not found any. It's a closed system with no file management other than backing up gamesaves to a flash drive. No way of tinkering with a cfg file or anything like that. I'm fairly sure I played 2033 on survival mode because it read to me as if it were easier and the name 'spartan' even sounds harder! But I wondered about that after re-reading so I played Last Light on Spartan. I couldn't really tell the difference - but then different games or even the same played again would have a different feel so might not be able to tell. I couldn't really check what style I played later. I mean, I think you can change the difficulty from normal to hardcore (I played normal) but style - couldn't find it anywhere. So many games are so very close to being GREAT, even perfect, but certain things spoil them. In Fallout 4 (the best game I ever played) it was the repetitive dialogue that really irritated. I hope I don't put off anyone else playing these Metro games, but be prepared for some frustration unless you play on the PC with cheats. Several times I had to reload an entire Chapter which felt a bit like replaying an entire Thief mission because the single gamesave is determined by the game itself which took no cognizance of your health or ammo or how close to death you might be. I sometimes anticipated that and, after I had spent some time (and used up filters and/or ammo) finding the way through, I reloaded the checkpoint deliberately before the game saved the next one and left me gasping and helpless! Now discovered my Fallout 4 DLC needs fairly advanced gamesaves to access them! And I wiped all my gamesaves when I had to make disk room for Kingdom Come and other games! Never mind, there'll be incentive to play to reach them. I started yesterday. The freedom to play in so many different ways is refreshing quite frankly.
  22. Fidcal

    Metro games

    Only near the end did I find out how to lift the wristwatch and only after beginning Last Light did I discover how to reload my weapons! Both are only mentioned once as a brief popup while you're fighting for your life - miss it and tough luck. Even if you see about the watch (and I never did) it doesn't work if you are showing the clipboard! So, even if you try the tool selector icon it doesn't work so you assume that's a future tool like say night vision goggles and forget about it. Talking of which, just before I exited to the swamp in Last Light, the character with me waved vaguely and muttered something like 'put that on'. I searched around for what the hell he was talking about. Eventually I found a kind of suit in an open closet. Clicked it. It's on. WTF it is I have no idea and never did find out. Made no visible difference to anything. I don't even know if I look cool in it because it's 1st person. Anyway, after a huge effort I had to give up Last Light too because it was impossible to get past Red Square with the limited ammo and filters I had. I entered there with seconds of life left. After several reloads of the checkpoint I found a filter which gave me a minute - then another. Not sure it would matter though because I was helplessly outnumbered, brightly lit, and just kept repeatedly dying and restarting. Three or four sessions of that and I'd had enough. I checked on the net for a video walkthrough. The guy must have had a filters cheat or something because he never even looked at how many filters he had left. Plus a better weapon. He nonchalantly took his time picking off the assailant above one by one. None of them came down till later. With me, I shot one or two then was overrun every time. I laid down mines near the window they came out off but they must have just avoided them or were too strong for them to matter. Nothing I tried worked. I saw from the vid that an exit opens up later but it never did for me. It was no fun at all. Overall there were some great battles though, and good stealth but often it was a matter of reloading checkpoint after checkpoint - learn by dying then act out a sequence that worked. That big momma for instance, all my ammo ran out in seconds. I resorted to stabbing it until my hand hurt. It seemed unkillable so I checked for a walkthrough. Again, the guy had infinite ammo, but at least I saw it could be killed and that was the only way forward. Back to the stabbing... my hand still hurts from two days ago. Great game spoilt by lack of info and bad checkpoints where it can literally save as you are dying! I think Rockstar have got it right with their 'three-reloads-then-a-skip-option' which means you at least get your money's worth. I recall in Red Dead 2 having to rope a runaway bull. I had never once succeeded in roping even a friendly horse so I knew I wouldn't be able to rope this MF. I gave up and waited to die each time until the option came. I certainly won't be paying full price for the 3rd game in the Metro series knowing the chances are I won't be able to enjoy the whole game. Not sure I'd even pay a tenner for it now. I'm now downloading more content for Fallout 4 - at least I'm certain you can't fail that game because there's so much freedom to regroup and try again under better circumstances (plus true gamesaves!) On and off, I had TWO YEARS' WORTH of enjoyment with Fallout 4 which is brilliant value. And now I get to play it even more!
  23. Fidcal

    Metro games

    Thought I'd watch a walkthrough of the end of 2033 and there's a gas mask and at least one filter I was always too busy dying to go scavenging at that point but now I'll try again to see if I can finish it!
  24. Fidcal

    Metro games

    Couldn't quite finish 2033. I scraped though the D6 chapter with no ammo and began the final chapter with no ammo and about 1 minute of a filter left. I did find one filter which gave me about 2.5 and I did manage to get across the car park just by stabbing and even got up the tower and get a gas mask with, presumably a filter. But I ran out within seconds of killing the demon up there. So no way of finishing the game. I restarted the chapter a few times but never reached the tower again no matter what I did. There's just that one box of ammo near the truck and precious little else so that end was doomed from the start for me. I mean, scavenging takes time and I had only seconds to live. I think they assume everyone will begin it with some filters. In D6 there was very little to find so I'm not keen to reload that far back. I scavenged a lot throughout this game but iIf I were to play it again I'd scavenge even more. Without filters there's nothing one can do to finish. I'll probably start Last Light tomorrow with that in mind.
  25. I just hit ANOTHER problem! A few days ago I installed Autoclose to try. It didn't do what I wanted so this morning I just uninstalled it. But its folder remained and contained MSCOMCTL.OCX. When I tried to delete it, Win10 said NO! - Reminder Commander is using it. I did a reboot. Reminder Commander crashed. So I reinstalled Reminder Commander over itself (without uninstalling) and then it was fine again. Now I could delete the autoclose folder with its MSCOMCTL.OCX. Theory: When I installed Autoclose, I think Win10 tried to be smart and thought 'Hullo, two programs using their own two instances of MSCOMCTL.OCX - I can't have that. I'll make them share. So it redirects Reminder Commander to the new copy, forgetting about uninstalls.
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