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Daft Mugi

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Posts posted by Daft Mugi

  1. @kin Here are more details about how I reduce footstep sound volumes.

    I extract the footstep sounds from tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4.

    └── sfx
        └── movement
            └── footsteps
                └── player
                    ├── metal_jump_land01.ogg
                    ├── metal_jump_land02.ogg
                    ├── metal_jump_land03.ogg
                    ├── metal_jump_land04.ogg
                    ├── metal_run01.ogg
                    ├── metal_run02.ogg
                    ├── metal_run03.ogg
                    ├── metal_run04.ogg
                    ├── water_crouch_run01.ogg
                    ├── water_crouch_run02.ogg
                    ├── water_crouch_run03.ogg
                    ├── water_crouch_run04.ogg
                    ├── water_jump_land01.ogg
                    ├── water_jump_land02.ogg
                    ├── water_jump_land03.ogg
                    ├── water_jump_land04.ogg
                    ├── water_run01.ogg
                    ├── water_run02.ogg
                    ├── water_run03.ogg
                    ├── water_run04.ogg
                    └── water_run05.ogg

    I use a bash script (for Linux) that I wrote to reduce the volumes using FFmpeg.

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    set -eu
    mkdir -p output/"$IN_DIR"
    for i in "$IN_DIR"/metal_run*;        do ffmpeg -i "$i" -filter:a 'volume=-4dB'  output/"$i"; done
    for i in "$IN_DIR"/metal_jump*;       do ffmpeg -i "$i" -filter:a 'volume=-10dB' output/"$i"; done
    for i in "$IN_DIR"/water_run*;        do ffmpeg -i "$i" -filter:a 'volume=-10dB' output/"$i"; done
    for i in "$IN_DIR"/water_crouch_run*; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -filter:a 'volume=-10dB' output/"$i"; done
    for i in "$IN_DIR"/water_jump*;       do ffmpeg -i "$i" -filter:a 'volume=-5dB'  output/"$i"; done

    Then, I put the resulting output sound files in darkmod/sound/sfx/movement/footsteps/player/.

    (If I change anything in the future, updates will likely be at https://gist.github.com/daftmugi/68bcf3835fdb95e5a7b8148edcc14d38.)

    • Like 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, kin said:

    It is a personal preference, I would like to have quieter player footsteps but since it can be only me wishing that (or a minority at least) this is why I suggested a way to adjust it.

    Yeah, this would be a bit challenging to do at the moment, since the player footstep sound volumes vary a lot. For example, I find water and metal footstep sounds to be way too loud and painful. The way I made it better for myself is I found the corresponding sound files and edited them to reduce their volumes.

  3. 5 hours ago, wesp5 said:

    So while beta-testing a mission I made some adjustments to def and script files for my patch, only now the saves made earlier won't load anymore and the game freezes.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that def file properties are embedded in the save file, so a mission restart is required for def changes to take effect.

    42 minutes ago, wesp5 said:

    Sadly it seems as if I made a manual change before playing the mission which is now lost and I can't remember what it was!

    If you aren't doing this already, you might want to consider keeping your TDM directory under version control. I use Git for config, def, script, gui, and other plain-text files. I also commit overridden textures, but otherwise I don't commit executable, pk4, or other binary files.

  4. 14 hours ago, kin said:

    I always liked the idea having a setting in sound menu to reduce footstep loudness, between some margins that ensure that it can't go completely silent

    What's the problem that this would solve?

    Are player or AI footsteps too loud, so it's painful to listen to?
    Are you wanting AI footsteps to be more audible ("can't go completely silent"), so it's easier to tell where AI are?
    Something else?

  5. 4 hours ago, snatcher said:

    Is there a final decision on this matter?

    I've updated the first post with "resolved" info, and I've included the same info here.

    Mantling at waist height is included in 2.12 dev builds, starting with dev16778-10275, which is open to feedback during the dev release cycle.

    pm_mantle_while_shouldering cvar.

    pm_mantle_while_shouldering, default: 1
    Which restriction for mantle while shouldering?
      0 --- no mantling while shouldering a body (TDM original)
      1 --- restricted mantling while shouldering a body
      2 --- unrestricted mantling while shouldering a body (Cheat Mode)

    pm_mantle_maxShoulderingObstacleHeight cvar.

    pm_mantle_maxShoulderingObstacleHeight, default: 41
    The maximum height of obstacles allowed for a shouldering body mantle
    Note that mantling above eye level is disabled regardless of this value
    • Like 1
  6. Spoiler
    10 hours ago, Tarhiel said:

    I liked the idea that in order to be able to loot the secret safe with inheritance treasure, you had to leave that Astralux in that safe

    You can retrieve the Astralux from that safe door by closing the safe door and frobbing the Astralux, which will lock the safe again. It's a bit troublesome to frob the Astralux, though, because the safe door will be highlighted sometimes until the right position is found to highlight the Astralux.


  7. Spoiler
    8 minutes ago, Silverflame3 said:

    I am still having trouble finding the astralux. I suppose it's on one of the ghosts, based on the second journal entry? I haven't been able to find out which one it is yet, but I suppose just pickpocketing the right one is enough?



    Top floor of the manor. The floor at the top of the spiral staircase is not the top floor. There are two ways to get to the top floor: 1) a somewhat hidden way inside the manor and 2) the other is from the void.

    Big Hint:


    Top floor of the manor in one of the bed posts.

    Video Spoiler:



  8. Spoiler
    50 minutes ago, Wellingtoncrab said:

    Yeah our original thought was that players would be curious about the precursor technology and want to get a closer look at it. So throwing in a few moveables would let them really look at the assets and manipulate them so they could see the back and the sides and such.




    One way the player can manipulate/inspect a readable tablet that's in their inventory is to "Drop Inv. Item", which will put it into the "hands" of the player. So, perhaps moveable tablets are not necessary?

  9. 1 hour ago, Oleron said:

    How do you light candles?

    In this mission, you can use the flint, which is in your inventory.

    And, like @thebigh said, you can touch the wick of a candle to a flame. For example, the fire in the fireplace or another lit candle. The "Parry/Manipulate" action, which is used to rotate objects, can be bound to a key or mouse button in the control settings. The "Run" key (binding) can be held down to change the axis of rotation.

    • Like 3
  10. 1 hour ago, datiswous said:

    This might have been mentioned before but the auto-frobbing feature should only work for loot. Currently it also works for weapons laying next to each other (for example in map2 of A house of locked secrets), but if you do that then the hud items don't appear when you use them, making them impossible to use.

    Recently added to the bug tracker: https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6270

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. It looks like the subtitles section will need to adapt to the other GUI element sizes.

    • When the light gem size increases, move the subtitles up.
    • When the weapon/item size increases, reduce the width of the subtitles.
      • When the reduced width reaches a threshold, pop it up above the light gem and weapon/item gui elements.


    For colors, bold, italics, etc., I wonder if supporting a text2 field (text version 2) that supports a subset of HTML would be worthwhile.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Geep said:

    just did an experiment, with the field width margins increased from 10 to 100. That looks attractive with respect to the current weapon and inventory displays in the corners. And seems wide enough for expected content.

    What happens if "gui_iconSize" is set to a higher value in the settings by the player?
    "Settings->Video->Advanced->HUD Size/Opacity - Adjust->Icon Size"

    • Like 2
  13. 7 hours ago, RandomChain said:

    Hi, I'm having the same sound issue with TDM 2.11 on Pop!_OS 22.04 (which is using Pipewire).

    I'm also using Pop!_OS 22.04. I haven't had audio issues with TDM. I've kept most things as default, and I can run Firefox and TDM at the same time without audio issues.

    If I'm having audio issues, such a QEMU virtual machine messing with audio, I restart audio with the following command:

    systemctl --user restart wireplumber pipewire pipewire-pulse

    Sometimes after running that command, I have to close and reopen apps to get audio working for them again.

    I haven't had to restart my system to get audio working again, but that's also something to try.

    For configuration, I copied the default "alsoft.conf" file to "~/.config/alsoft.conf" and edited it to my liking.
    The most important line for us taffers being:

    stereo-mode = headphones

    NOTE: TDM comes with a "alsoft.ini" file, which isn't read on Linux, because the expected filename on Linux is "alsoft.conf".

    Glad to hear that you got it working!

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