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Everything posted by ascottk

  1. -foliage/wall/hedge_001 - doesn't tile -slate/floor/roof_002 - needs tiling fixes in one direction -stone/floor/brick_003 - normal map reversed -stone/floor/brick_005 - normal map reversed -stone/floor/brick_002 - doesn't tile -stone/floor/cobble_003 - normal map reversed redone normal map & fixed tiling issues -stone/floor/cobble_002 - normal map is very wrong
  2. Wow, devs are coming out of the woodwork I wonder how many more surprises there'll be? Since I joined ttlg the tds soundtrack was released, someone emailed me Garrett_07 for tds which was the model with the cape, and now those t2 missions What else happened?
  3. fire arrow water arrow gas arrow
  4. It's dead on the outside but it's a totally different story on the inside I'd rather not give anything away so I'll just say the wait will be worth it x 10
  5. Cool, I had problems getting the attachment to work with cvs, but it was my fault. I copied the def files I altered then left them in the same directory so I had conflicting def files Now it works & I'm a happy camper I still hate these smilies . . .
  6. Okay, I have cvs up & running but it'll take a while to check out everything.
  7. I already got that far, but the bow attachment still doesn't work.
  8. Are you talking about the lwo files? If so I had nothing to do with those. The ones in the zip files are the ones I uploaded.
  9. The firearrow I uploaded has separate materials. You have to separate the mesh into different sections though.
  10. Okay, who's adding lwo stuff? Do you have an ASE phobia? BTW, I tried converting the ase files to lwo & the lwo conversions someone keeps adding doesn't use the materials very well.
  11. I used the GIMP for all of my texturing. Here's a quick & dirty tutorial for getting rid of shadows: Copy the diffuse layer invert the colors on the copy overlay the copy on the original (experiment using overlay, multiply, grain merge, etc.) adjust the layer opacity on the copied layer so it nearly cancels out the original add a mask to the copy & get rid of anything that's totally cancelling out the details (the mask is white=opaque, black=transparent. use the airbrush with black or dark grey) merge the two layers adjust the gamma levels on the final image Here's the best tutorial for tileable textures. I use this technique all of the time (the first texture on this thread looks like a mirror image of itself. It's obvious when you do the offset). http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Tileable_Textures/
  12. Does that apply to doom 3? I know tds had some normal maps that had transparencies. Those were mainly used for hair.
  13. I did that in roughly two minutes but I was trying to show it is possible to fix the shadows.
  14. Just a quick proof of concept: original I applied what I just posted:
  15. The shadows could be an easy fix. Copy the diffuse layer, invert the copy, then overlay the copy on the original. Then adjust the layer opacity, add a mask to the copy & get rid of anything that's totally cancelling out the details. etc.
  16. I need to keep track of things & it was getting hard to do with my "priorities" thread. Update by NH: I converted the fire and rope arrows to lwo and uploaded them to your folder. Bow animations__________ bow mesh (no arrow) for animations: bow animations (version 1) bow animations (version 2) Arrows_________________ broadhead from bow mesh: broadhead (lwo): rope arrow: (lwo) rope arrow (larger tip): fire arrow: (lwo) misc___________________ water pump:
  17. I'm downloading penumbra now As for D3, there was only a few moments when I was taken by surprise (I think it was one of the spiders). But overall I found d3 to be too predictable: "Okay, there'll be a demon around the corner . . . just like the last four hundred corners I passed . . . " and sure enough, there was a demon or two waiting or spawning into the area.
  18. My friend at school ended up recording a whole bunch of sound for one of her projects. I can check to see if she's still around and willing to share her product. It was actually pretty funny because she had her husband do a lot of work on it: falling, running, walking and she had him do those on the grass and cement. She could be employed as a foley artist!
  19. This might be useful for future reference: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=9953
  20. I can see NH now: long overcoat with cds lined up in his coat pocket . . . Anyway, I'm getting it ironed out. I have to use more than one modifier at a time (UVW unwrap for detailing, uv map for general stuff). EDIT: This is a lot better:
  21. It's not the normal map, it the uvw mapping The curved pipes are a PITA to unwrap
  22. That helped! Thanks. Now how do I tone down the specular? Here's the texture:
  23. Does anyone know what's going on with this? It's fullbright and you can see the insides. Here's how it's supposed to look like (der_tons's model viewer): But in the Dark Mod, it looks like this: I use 3ds max 5.1 sp, ASE format. Here's part the edited ASE file: *MATERIAL_LIST { *MATERIAL_COUNT 1 *MATERIAL 0 { *MATERIAL_NAME "waterpump" *MATERIAL_CLASS "Standard" *MATERIAL_AMBIENT 0.5882 0.5882 0.5882 *MATERIAL_DIFFUSE 0.5882 0.5882 0.5882 *MATERIAL_SPECULAR 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 *MATERIAL_SHINE 0.1000 *MATERIAL_SHINESTRENGTH 0.0000 *MATERIAL_TRANSPARENCY 0.0000 *MATERIAL_WIRESIZE 1.0000 *MATERIAL_SHADING Blinn *MATERIAL_XP_FALLOFF 0.0000 *MATERIAL_SELFILLUM 0.0000 *MATERIAL_FALLOFF In *MATERIAL_XP_TYPE Filter *MAP_DIFFUSE { *MAP_NAME "diffuse" *MAP_CLASS "Bitmap" *MAP_SUBNO 1 *MAP_AMOUNT 1.0000 *BITMAP "\\darkmod\models\darkmod\props\textures\waterpump.tga" *MAP_TYPE Screen *UVW_U_OFFSET 0.0000 *UVW_V_OFFSET 0.0000 *UVW_U_TILING 1.0000 *UVW_V_TILING 1.0000 *UVW_ANGLE 0.0000 *UVW_BLUR 1.0000 *UVW_BLUR_OFFSET 0.0000 *UVW_NOUSE_AMT 1.0000 *UVW_NOISE_SIZE 1.0000 *UVW_NOISE_LEVEL 1 *UVW_NOISE_PHASE 0.0000 *BITMAP_FILTER Pyramidal } And here's my material: waterpump { metal diffusemap models/darkmod/props/textures/waterpump.tga bumpmap models/darkmod/props/textures/waterpump_local.tga specularmap models/darkmod/props/textures/waterpump_s.tga }
  24. I was thinking it might be possible to have several meshes linked to a single animation. I'm not sure how d3 handles it (i.e. if one AI smiles, then all AI in that level smile too. Hopefully that's not the case). In order for them to share animations, though, they need the same bones names, etc.
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