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Ansome last won the day on March 23

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  1. Finally got my PC back from the shop after my SSD got corrupted a week ago and damaged my motherboard. Scary stuff, but thank goodness it happened right after two months of FM development instead of wiping all my work before I could release it. New SSD, repaired Motherboard and BIOS, and we're ready to start working on my second FM with some added version control in the cloud just to be safe!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Black Arrow

      The Black Arrow

      Wait, how can a SSD corrupt and damage a motherboard? I gotta know so I can avoid it.

    3. Ansome


      @The Black ArrowWish I could tell ya, but unless I decide to ship it off to a data recovery company to interrogate it further, I'm not going to be able to figure out how it got corrupted or why it was as catastrophic as it was for the rest of the system. All I know is that even when I removed my old SSD to boot from my backup HDD, parts of my bios, partitions, and even some parts of the built-in recovery options weren't functional. It wouldn't even let me boot from my trusty USB repair media! I don't think it was a virus or anything, the repair shop I went to has apparently seen something similar four times in the last two years with Samsung's 970 series, but whether that's a genuine issue or a coincidence is anyone's guess.

    4. The Black Arrow

      The Black Arrow

      Okay, that's very scary now...I really hope it was a coincidence because I also have one Samsung 970 and I don't ever want anything bad to happen to it, I think I've had it since 3 years now as well.

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