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  1. Thanks a lot, Bikerdude, for this new and all of your other missions before! My very first impression of A Winter's Tale: the radio of background sound is far to high, had to reduce volume to stand it and by this I can hear hear the ordinary sound/speech nearly no more. There really seems to be something foul on the technical side of this mission, normally by pressing the ESC-key the menue immediatly appears but here it takes 10-20 times longer. Also during play it feel as if something slows down, something doesn't run properly.
  2. I think this spider has to much reach for movement. When played this mission first coming up from the historians room it was direct beneath me. (I am no friend of TDM-spiders anyway) Played today the last version of The Imperial Sword to see if there's something new, I shot the spider when it unfortunately was underneath the window. After quick save I found out that the window can't be open because of the dead spider stuck to it. Game Over
  3. Sorry for creating chaos here, I wanted to edit my first post which was related to TheUnbeholden's question and delete the second. But as it seems own posts can't be deleted?
  4. No, snails have been in serveral missions but the plaque idea was new.
  5. Me too. Fortunately this mission can be finished without. But I'm also puzzled by ... Nevertheless, wonderfull mission with lovely scenery, thank you very much, Bikerdude! (and to all the other guys who created it)
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