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Everything posted by BlackThief

  1. wow awesome work again ! Everytime you're posting screens of your models I'm wordless again !
  2. I think that the mappers will have to place the lightsource slightly above it anyway, so that wouldn't be a problem. BTW still have the same problem with the d3 editor - that's really annoying
  3. here's another screen. BTW I did add a sign to it yet , so one part is still transparent.
  4. since my Doom3 editor doesn't work anymore - here's a unrendered screen out of blender --> without any normalmapping I thought about if it would be possible to fake the transparency of the glass with two textures - a lit one and a dark one. I think that'll look much better than with a glass-shader. here's the lit one
  5. VERY awesome work tyrot ! maybe we should add a poll,which ones we should get ingame first. anyway these are my favorite ones: a, d, f2, g, k, p + all sofas
  6. I'll try to generate it in PS...
  7. I also considered to buy it, however I read somewhere that it's rather short. I'm not willing to throw 50€ away to play the game 6 hours....
  8. BlackThief


    Ok started on the fancy gas-light. here's a early WIP shot. (of course we can have several versions of it - for example the same thing in gold)
  9. I brought this already up in the old forums - unfortunately the majority was against it... edit: finger was right - I mixed in german word order
  10. ok . I'll do the UV-map. ehm, one problem though - your torch looks a bit strange in blender can u try to export it again ? edit: I converted it with deep exploration to lwo and now it works
  11. ok thx. I'll try if I can do everything myself including the normalmaps....eventhough I may need a little help with the normalmap. not everything is possible with PS
  12. why isn't it an issue for voting ? Just because YOU want it like that ?
  13. I guess you got that wrong. spring means with a seperate object a compass like in T1/2 in the inventory.
  14. yeah you're right. anyway I voted for 2. edit: I actually I'm missing one option. Make the gem and the compass seperate objects. But the compass doesn't tilt in the inventory.
  15. export it as ASE, but IMHO we should convert it later to lwo, cauze there are still those rendering issues with ASE.
  16. I guess we need some lights now, so I'd like to begin texturing the fancy torch Can you please start on the lowpoly version ? I guess you can safe almost about 75% of the polygons with an alphachannel on the texture and with normalmapping I made a quick sketch to show, what I mean...
  17. yeah fantasy style - I really like most of them hope, that the low-poly models look as well ingame - unfortunately I doubt this fear that this'll be a real challange....
  18. [sorry for OT] like that stuff as well more black folk metal though. ATM I'm listening to finntroll - really great band !
  19. I don't know, how WE can do it, but I know how it's done in Thief1/2 all books are STR files with the following format: page_0: "Text of the first page" page_1: "Text of the second page" page_2: "Text of the third page" etc. I guess the engine can "read" page_0 etc so that it "knows" how many pages the books has. You can specify the various kinds of books in dromed (letter, normal book, papyrus etc)
  20. well it depens on, how we implement it. btw you can mirror the textures in D3, so you should still be able to place to door into the map, how you want it.
  21. yeah - I already thought about the same - but if we add them to the texture, then we need hinges on a "door-frame-texture" as well, so that it fits. @gimg yeah I also noticed that the wood doesn't turn out very good ingame. however I'm not sure what's the reason. IMHO it looks much better in PS....
  22. made a classic T2 style door texture today (thx oDDity for helping me with the normalmap). however I'm still not 100% satisfied, how it turns out ingame
  23. @ oDDity - I know what you mean - I'll try to add some more wooden grain to it. here a not so spectacular texture, eventhough it wasn't so easy to create it wooden plankings - I think every mansion level will need some....
  24. VERY nice ! I know, that the 5th leg in the middle is also on the reference pic, but do we need it ? would safe some polys and look a bit better IMHO
  25. of course - you can use every texture for doors as well @ dave - I guess I know what you mean now - what about the carpeting texture I made yesterday ? I can do various versions of it, with the colours of the wallpapers.
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