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About SubTonic

  • Birthday 01/04/1990

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    Gaming, computers, paranormal, writing, level design, music.

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  1. Alright, things are going pretty smoothly. Creating a room complete with wall, ceiling and floor textures, some basic furniture and lighting takes me 5 minutes or less at this point. There is one thing that's bothering me, though. On some of the bookshelves, there's a blackness behind them labeled Shadow. Does this mean that they're just backless and should only be placed against walls? Also, a spoon I placed into one room is green labeled Collide? I think the same thing is on the edges of the crate I placed into the room as well. Both show up in-game perfectly textured, so is this just a normal thing in DR for certain objects? Edit: Also noticed a purple No Draw on the NPC's sash.
  2. Ahhh crap, I just figured out my mistake: I hadn't deselected the grid. I didn't think I'd have to do that if I was placing an entity into it. Oh well, at least I have the mental capacity to solve some of my own problems. I'll post here whenever I'm having trouble with a certain function of the tools, though the tutorial is outstanding thus far.
  3. Thanks a ton. I'll probably run through the available missions first, then begin work on my own. It'll help to see how others design theirs, anyway. I might get some ideas.
  4. I, for one, think TDM is a huge step in the right direction for the stealth genre as a whole. I've been routinely disappointed by how unpolished and lazy modern stealth games tend to be, the only one really standing out to me with good qualities being Chaos Theory. Just a few days ago, someone over at the Bethesda forums posted about this mod, and me, being the Thief nut I am, pursued it with both excitement and hesitation. See, whenever I think of an old game's mechanics being re-imagined in an entirely different engine by modders, I immediately assume it will be nowhere close to the excellence of the original material. I was wrong. TDM brings back everything I loved about Thief plus more. Sure, it ain't perfect, but I love what I see. My heart would break if I saw this mod die out in the coming years. The stealth genre needs this kind of passion. I'm tired of full-screen filters and "Might as well just shoot everything up" stealth games. Unfortunately, TDM is also kind of my last chance at enjoying Thief again. Okay, I do really like DS, despite its shortcomings, but I cannot for the life of me get T1 or T2 running. I've tried everything: The patches, the compatibility settings, changing display settings...Bah. Thank god for TDM. I may even develop my own FM's with the toolset, but I'll admit that I'm quite the newbie to that kind of work. However, this is the type of stuff I'm planning on making a career out of someday and I've got to start somewhere - why not working with something I truly love? Anyway, if anybody could point me in the right direction to begin my map developing without confusing the crap out of me, I'd much appreciate it. All I need is a good starting tutorial. I've checked the wiki, but the topics seem rather jumbled around and I have no idea where to begin.
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