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  1. no i mean that when they are not filtered out, they render somewhat transparent, like the sky texture does
  2. could it be possible to set the visportals, trigger, nodraw, and shadow textures transparent in the 3D view like the sky?
  3. I can confirm the problem in Ubuntu 23.10, and the solution proposed "GDK_BACKEND=x11" i confirm that to solves it partially, the clipper does bring back the problem.
  4. why not go al the way up and give the ambient light a screen space reflection term, so the fresnel affected pixels would reflect what is behind them (at grazing angles) instead of a static term? this means that if what is behind them is way darker then the fresnel won't reflect anything, and if what is behind is is way lighter then the fresenel would take a portion of that reflected light, i guess you could use the specularity term of every texture to derive how much those fresnel effects do gather from the SSR term.
  5. solved compiling OrbWeaver's repo
  6. I think this is the same error:
  7. I compiled DR with no extra options on Ubuntu 23.10, and installed it, all without any error, but when I try to launch DR it comes out with "no game type selected" and after ok, the code Aborts due to a memory overflow, I opened a bug in: https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6472 where I supplied the log, any idea of what might be going wrong?
  8. you can add those if you want amongst the ones that come with DR
  9. here are my settings: and that's what they do:
  10. solved excellent decision to go with cmake, I could compile without problems, before I installed the new version I had to deinstall the last version to avoid problems thou.
  11. changing the theme with gnome-tweaks from yaru-dark to adwaita (the dafault for ubuntu) didn't bear any change related to shortcuts being present, it might not be related to the theme of GTK?
  12. How do I change to a different GUI theme? For future reference I would suggest to post somewhere screencaps of the principal screens of the editor so we can compare visually those kinds of errors.
  13. I couldn't complete the compiling, I got the following error:
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