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Everything posted by Grubber

  1. Lots of people are concerned about their privacy these days. And rightfully so. However what should be of the highest concern is not the fact that they collect all sort of data about you. But that all sort of data is being put inside your mind without you even realizing it. I'm talking about 'mass mind control' here. The physical 'big brother' enslavement is only the logical next step that follows the mental enslavement. While you worry about them tracking your cookies... they have already programmed you to accept more and more chains. More burdens in the way of taxes and permits and laws to bring on more control mechanisms... less freedom. All the while you are addicted to their media that tells you how to think or to keep you from thinking at all. Combined with the programming that goes on in the public fool system... well, lets just say that we live in very exciting times if you look beyond what they want you to see.
  2. Just played this one. Great! It had all the right ingredients. Reminded me of some good old T2 missions. Thanks!
  3. Masterpiece for sure! I was happy to go back again 'the long route' once i finished the objective. Most of the time i don't care about getting all the loot. But this was great fun exploring so i only missed 304 loot. The only disappointment was that i couldn't go to Cleighmoor yet
  4. Got the same crash while quick saving that corrupted the savegame. The bad news is that it was my only savegame after 100 minutes of gameplay. The good news is that now i can restart this excellent lords & legacy mission! This time around with tdm_savegame_compress 0 of course.
  5. Got the same problem with certain keys not having the correct 'key strings' in linux. Arrow keys and some numpad keys. And mouse buttons 4 and up don't register in the game at all. No big problems of course, but i sure wouldn't mind if someone gave linux some more love.
  6. Taaaki fixed it! With the new files i now have one of the best games out there on the best distro = win-win. Hope this will be available for everyone soon. Now i will have to do severe 'testing' on each and every map i haven't played so far. And perhaps the other ones as well. PS: Had to install lib32 packages for ALSA and PULSE to get sound working.
  7. @Taaaki, that would be great! @Lost_Soul, seems like something that might work also, i'll just wait on the new file for now though. Offtopic: about your signature: i got this in my xorg.conf to get the old zap X functionality back: Section "InputClass" Identifier "Keyboard Defaults" MatchIsKeyboard "yes" Option "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp" EndSection
  8. I'm trying to run the game on arch linux x64. Lib32-curl 7.34.0-2 is installed (also lib32-openssl 1.0.1.f-1). But i get the following error: ./thedarkmod.x86: /usr/lib32/libcurl.so.4: version `CURL_OPENSSL_3' not found (required by ./thedarkmod.x86) As far as i can tell this means my version is too new? Any idea on how to get the correct version?
  9. Yes. For me the story and gameplay choices are way more important than if the lighting is perfect or the architecture is super good looking. The architecture has to be convincing enough though. As in big enough walls but not too big, stuff like that. Or some support beams instead of magic ceilings. Or those attics with no access door big enough to haul all that old furniture in there to rot. Hehe, but even those... mistakes are not real 'mapbreakers' for me if it has enough other good things. Recently i played some T2 maps again to see what i liked about them and if i still like them after all this time. What i saw was 2d windows, 2d bookshelves, 'fake arches', no doorhandles, and i loved it most of the time. Instead of concentrating on the visuals i just had to accept that 2d pixel-collection to be a 'real window' or closed door, not because it looked so convincing but because i wanted to believe it. Instead of crystal clear textures i had to believe those blurry pixels to be real, and i did. When not focusing on the visual aspects too much, the game world gets so much more immersive by that gray mass that makes up it's own reality. Some young players that never enjoyed older 3d or even 2d or maybe text-based games, might not understand this immediately. Same goes if one never enjoyed reading an exciting book. But instead such person might be used to reading comic books only. It's the old original games vs new crap3dshootergenericgore thing. It's the great indie-game made by one person thing vs the commercial console zombie game that looks so good. It's the radio vs television thing also... I enjoy a map because i want to believe it because i read it and because i hear it and not only because i see it. So another point of interest for me for a good game/map are the sounds. Music and vocals, effects. Thief 1&2 is excellent in this area. I really miss those familiar thief sounds in TDM. Although i am happy to hear many many good new ones. Oh and to say something thats more on topic: this map i enjoyed most because of convincing architecture and an original story/environment. Played it on shadow and had a good time. Of course i am a 'quick save, quick load' kind of player most of the time, so a forced ghosting playthrough will not frustrate me.
  10. Please don't take my word for it but see for yourself. The ability to create groups of brushes that 'never change' and are easy to clone & move/rotate is one of the best things in radiant i think (if it really works that is). Also because the brush group can be changed back to worldspawn to make a little change is why i love them. What is also disturbing is the fact that some regular brushes change size when rotating or resizing. See for yourself by creating a x:24 y:8 brush and then vertex-move one corner to get a x:32 brush at one side. Now start to resize and rotate, i get strange values for x like 31.998 and 32.0003. I'm not sure if these tiny changes really matter...but it might be the same problem that is responsible for the bigger changes right? Also test this first on an empty map and then load a random map to see that now something has changed when doing the exact same tests.
  11. When testing by moving a func_static i find that it deforms a lot more when more stuff has been loaded. So on an empty map the shifting is less than when the same func_static is moved in an existing map. Does this help with troubleshooting?
  12. Hello, i came to this thread because of getting... frustrated by all my func_statics getting distorted/shifted while trying to build a map with all these great tools that the darkmod community has provided. Now, what Sotha said is true and here is a little test i did to add some more info: make 2 brushes, place them at a 90 degrees angle together to create a corner both on the inside and outside. Select them both and move them around, the brushwork will stay fine as far as i can tell. Now make those brushes meet at a 45 angle to get a nice looking corner in radiant. Moving it is no problem, only if you rotate a lot, like 10 times on z-axis, it will get minor distortion. But now create a F_S and move it, i move my mouse very fast in circles when zoomed in and looking at where the brushes meet, the warping is very very scary...
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