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Everything posted by Springheel

  1. Yeah, I have a few too... This is a good small one: This would be very cool for a builder/mechanist room.
  2. Well, other than the fact that it's a spread eagle, it doesn't look much like the T3 version. There are dozens of different cultures that used a similar insignia, so it's not like it's copyright or anything. Still, the guards in T1/2 had NO insignia, as far as I know, so if someone wants to come up with something better, be my guest. The helmet on your model above is very similar to the one I had in mind for professional guards, so maybe we can save it for that.
  3. This one is good, and we can certainly use it. I was thinking of something more like this though: http://www.solid-brass.com/med/products/MED0037b.jpg
  4. It's the same helmet as this picture...maybe slightly larger, but not intentionally so.
  5. I decided to update the look of the city guards a bit. Added some leather and metal studs. I'll be taking this sketch and doing a full colour illustration with it, but wanted to post this here for reference.
  6. I've added some objects to the Mansion Pack request thread, seeing as we're burning through these so quickly.
  7. We've talked about, in our setting threads, having the technology look like it has been added after the fact. It hasn't been around for that long, so a lot of houses had it added after they were already built. So pipes go up walls and around corners in ways that aren't really efficient.
  8. Machines really aren't my forte. I'll pass it on to the department. I do have a new piece of art that should be finished shortly, however.
  9. If we're going to be straying back ON topic, we should move back to the dev forums....
  10. Very, very nice BT. I can't believe how much better they look over the T3 arrows. Btw, I agree with oDDity...we should be using a human figure to base all our size comparisons on. Hard to judge the size of the arrow when we don't know the size of the books.
  11. Yeah, I suggested earlier that a guard's acuity (visual, auditory, etc) should increase with each state of alertness. So a shadow may be dark enough to hide you from the sight of relaxed guards, but if they start getting alerted, they'll be more likely to spot you. That way, even if he puts his sword away and returns to his route, it isn't business as usual. He will be harder to get past. This gives even non-ghosters a reason not to be spotted.
  12. There are some things that I would definitely like to see frobbable. chests (obviously) Wardrobes (although does that mean we have to model clothes?) (would be cool to have a secret door in the back of these) Desk drawers (but please, only 1 main drawer per desk please, could be tedious otherwise)
  13. Yeah, I went overboard on the messy hair. I just wanted to emphasize the rough-around-the-edges look.
  14. I tried designs that had leather headgear, but it just looked silly. A headband looked ok, but it made him look more like a fellow thief than a guard. And these guys aren't going around expecting a fight most of the time, unlike professional guards, so it works in story terms. On a side note, did you realize that no guards in T3 had helmets? The best they had were chain coifs. I wonder why they went that route?
  15. Oh, cool. When I thought of that I didn't realize this was in the earlier games.
  16. Just noticed that there are currently 10 Members online! Springheel, New Horizon, sparhawk, TYROT, SneaksieDave, oDDity, pakmannen, Fingernail, Darkness_Falls, Kasper That's got to be some kind of record, right?
  17. I'm all for making aiming a little more difficult, especially at a distance. In T3, arrows were far too easy to use. I could run around levels taking guards out with arrows at distances where they couldn't even see me yet. So I'd support leaving the crosshair thing off for now. We can always add it later if need be. Personally, I'd like to get rid of the zoom as well. I think we should limit the strength of the bow. Since it is short it shouldn't shoot that far anyway, and it will stop the player from taking things out from too far away. I'd also like to avoid the 'backpedal while firing' method that made it so easy to take guards out in T3. Even if they were alerted, you fired once, started backpedling, and often could get in two or three more arrows before they got close enough to hit you. Frequently that was enough to kill them. You probably should have to be standing still to draw an arrow, and perhaps we can make the knocking and drawing slower. We're not Legolas.
  18. I've made half a dozen different images based on your templates, oDDity. Were you going to make a landscape version? I've been modifying the colours of the frame slightly for some variety. Once I have a dozen I'll upload them to the ftp site, but I'll need a landscape version for some of the pictures.
  19. No, I wouldn't put it on wheels. I think it looks awesome! Man, did we get some of the best modelers around or what?
  20. Because our Thief relies on his bow so much, I think it likely he would have such a thing on his bow. And from a gameplay perspective, I think it would be pretty difficult to aim without it.
  21. Very nice! But goddam I wish we could get this size issue resolved.
  22. I proposed the idea of not having an aiming guide long ago, but was shot down. I think the majority of the people want it.
  23. I would think something slightly smaller than the medium one would be best. Burricks were about the size of a pony. Also, do we want them to look *that* much like a Trex? I agree they're basically about the same shape, but these guys look almost identicle to a Trex. What about shortening the neck?
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