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  1. Thanks to some guy at the TTLG Dromed forum... http://www.christianartexhibit.com/stainedglass.html
  2. Updated the castle scene for fun. Many minor updates/enhancements made. This should be considerably easier to see than the previous version: EDIT 2/25/05: Here's the final version of the castle scene. Added smoke trail to guard's torch, made the window and torch light colors warmer... Click here for large version EDIT 8/28/05: Updated the image again by enhancing the starfield this time. Updated version is viewable by clicking the 'large version' link above. EDIT: 9/17/05: Added detail to tower bricks.
  3. I was at a local restaurant. They had a nice fountain, I decided to draw it. Here it is, in case we'd like to model it: The original sketches (left). Haha, I ran out of paper, so I had to draw it in pieces. I put it back together in PhotoShop and completed it (right): And then I decided to color it in PhotoShop: And here's a sketch of a fountain I created on my own on lunch break at work. I obviously drew inspiration from the restaurant one. I never finished it, but thought I'd post anyways: Let me know if you need higher resolution (larger) images on any of these. I've got them. My first attempt at modeling it - 1 My first attempt at modeling it - 2
  4. Composer to composer forum @ finalemusic: http://acf.finalemusic.com/ This fairly new & isn't very busy at all. http://www.music-web.org/forum/index.php Better organized & a lot busier. So this would be a great place to introduce ourselves It has music theory, composition showcase, music encyclopedia, & more.
  5. Since we have a new concept artist, he might be usefull in creating concepts of buildings interiors as well as some character variations. We can also use some concepts loot.
  6. Our Thief in action. Thanks to BT for technical advice.
  7. cool i knew brown barn spiders are worth something.
  8. I figure some of us will just be messing around in Photoshop and come up with miscellaneous Thief-related artwork from time-to-time that may or may not be usable for DarkMod. Such an occurrence just happened for me. I was just messing around in Photoshop and made this flaming hammer, with Springheel's priest in the background. Nothing special; just did it for fun. This thread can be used by anyone who just happens to whip out some miscellaneous thief-related artwork and wants to post it for others to see. Since we all love Thief, I'm sure we can all appreciate thief-inspired artwork, no matter how great or small.
  9. Rather than posting lots of pictures, I'll just keep updating this one. edit: A new version. I made a totally new room, with wood trim. Woot! I'll have to come up with some more ceiling choices.
  10. So I was playing aorudn with the SDK this night and so far I had no success. But I think I figured out how to replace the original Doom 3 screen with our own, so if you guys could create a nice main menu screen, I would try to create a single player mod structure where we will put our mod in. Anybody up to the task?
  11. Well, I finally got my scanner to work so I thought I'd upload some concept artwork I've been working on the past week or so! Woot! Mainly just rough sketches, but hopefully helpful...? PS: Any feedback on the above is appreciated. Also, there's going to be a lot more time spent in creating lamps, lights, candles, candleholders, chairs, tables, wall patterns, stained glass windows, etc., then what was barely touched on here. Just didn't want anybody worrying. Side Note: I look at 'concept artwork' as general guidelines to help create the game. The museum sculpture stand image above, for instance, has a big magnet over it (to slowly lift the glass box when activated). This may or may not be something we want to include in the game -- it was just an idea. For example, our thief could have a goal that says "Figure out how to steal the Bafford Scultpure" or something, and our thief would then have to find a secret switch that lifts the glass enclosure up, revealing the sculpture. We may or may not want to do something like this. As well, in the concept artwork, the magnet looks like hell. I envision more care and detail going into the actual magnet if it were implemented, perhaps even hiding the fact that it's a magnet by making it look like a beautiful, ornate hood above the sculpture that provides light to the sculpture or something. So, you see, please just take my concept artwork as brainstorming sessions and possible ideas rather than an edict saying "We need to do it THIS way" or "I feel this way is the best." So, as more and more drawings come, take what you will from them for use in DarkMod. I just want them to be helpful! Cool?? Cool. PPS: The 'miscellaneous room' one was done with colored pencils. I know it's not the best clarity. Just wanted to do a rough room. I need to get myself a "digital pen" for my PC! Drawing with a mouse is kind've challenging, otherwise I'd do stuff more often on the PC.
  12. Here is a low-detail concept sketch for our Builder guards. Their armour has more metal in it than any other group, which I think is appropriate. This is based heavily on the concept sketches for T1. I still need to come up with the symbol for the chest plate...I'm trying to combine a hammer with either an anvil or cog. If anyone has any ideas, I'm open to suggestion.
  13. I'm sorry this took so long, but I've just restored the forums from a backup I took on saturday. The forums were 'hacked' by a script-kiddie yesterday. I saw in the admin logs that he logged in with one of the admin accounts (probably after 'guessing' the password with some brute force script). He then edited all of the admin accounts and removed their access to the admin control panel (acp). Then he edited the forum description and wrote a text saying we would get acp access back for the total amount of $100. Right. Anyway, since I had to restore a backup of the database, some posts/threads/PM's and new users were wiped, but I couldn't do anything with that. I don't think this guy did anything other than removing the admin powers and editing the forum description when he was in the acp (all operations in the acp is logged), and he had no access to download the database. But just in case I urge you to change your password on this forum, and other sites where you've got the same account name and password. It's better to be safe than sorry. All admins are instructed to change their passwords to a hard-to-guess one. The password should; not contain any words found in a dictionary contain atleast 8 characters or more consist of characters, numbers and signs in a good mix consist of both lower- and uppercase characters/signs Also, always LOG OUT after you're done in the admin cp, and don't click on links in threads when logged into the admin cp. If an intruder fetches your cookie, he can access the admin cp. All admins have lost their acp access. They will get it back once they have changed their password. Please PM Fingernail when you have changed your password. Also, the acp is .htaccess protected with a username/password, and I've given the login info to Fingernail.
  14. Jeez, I'm really loving the forum community for TDM. I mean, the replies I get for my topic is damn amazing. I jus post a topic asking about a release date, and I get 50 replies talking about wether or not we should add a bloody sword to the game(I personally think you should, as it came in handy when I got cornered). And im getting tired of people saying "If you get caught, or if you run out of flashbangs to use to run away with you dont even deserve to be playing the game" or something like that, I mean, not everybody spends so much time playing a damn stealth game so that they never ever get caught, plus a sword, and (my favourite weapon by far in any theif games) the bow, added more replayability, so you could always replay the game and just try to rampage through the level, or sneak, but be a bit more brutal, using the aggression to pick off your enemies in the dark with the sword, or bow, or (I almost forgot another useful tool) the blackjack. If theres one this that I dont like about the forums its that I cant figuire out how to reply in a topic... or maybe thats just my problem for being so stupid, but either way, can somebody please tell me before I have to start a new thread everytime I want to say something?!
  15. After some fund raising we were able to get a IPB perpetual license which makes us able to upgrade from an unsecure 1.3.x board to a fully updated 2.0.4 board. Feel free to poke around and look at the new features etc. The skin is reset to the default IPB one, because the old one won't work on this version. We'll get working on it ASAP. Happy posting!
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