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  1. yes, but people always think and talk in polygons 2000 triangles/1000 polys is quite alright, isn't it ? BTW already started UV-mapping it, but I had to start again, cauze there was something missing on the model. I'm going to use the same texture as the coffeetable - there's so much space left and I can use the wood-texture for the chair as well. this way we'll safe memory
  2. Don't we want physics collision models for each model too?
  3. blame me - I dunno what I calculated last night - whatever :lol: the model doesn't have 4000 polygones - it only has about 1000. I think I multiplied the triangles by 2 instead of divde them :lol: So I think that I even can add some more detail - any suggestions ?
  4. It's the same for coding. If you have to modify an existing code it strongly depends on how it was written. Often it is faster to rewrite it from scratch and you are save of copyright claims this way. As the current situation looks it seems so. Yes. And it would be nice if you could upload your current model to the FTP.
  5. Its an interesting debate ..about the copyright issues. I don’t know how the games industry works but I know how it relates to real models / sculptures and I would imagine it would be the same ..its a 3d form at the end of the day. The copyright law is a very very grey area. Example take any sculpture/ model at alter it by 10 % and you are in the clear ..now the problem is what is 10% ..and that is such a can of worms I won’t even get into it . Using other models could help speed things up a little but by the time you have spent making sure you have changed it beyond recognition I think you are just as well starting form scratch. I have used other models in the past and it always seams to me that it takes longer because you have to destroy the original first then do the artistic bit . So have we lost oddity then? ..it occurred to me I have all the files I used for noble man ..I save every hour or so ..so somewhere in that lot there should be a fairly decent template ..would it help anyone ?
  6. ok first screen: ATM it has about 4100 poly and there's nothing that could be done with normalmaps - too much IMO. Is there a way to "optimize" the model ? I just think that it should be possible to have the same quality with much less polys...
  7. Yeah, just a suggestion since I had all 99 characters here in .3ds format. I thought the same thing about copyright issues too, but at the same time there would be nothing left of the original models by the time we're finished with them. When you think about it, it's not so different from what we are doing with some of the textures that are based on Thief 2 textures. Some of those textures are essentially high res versions of the old ones. It would be a much greater difference between the models than the textures. Anyway, I won't edge us into oblivion with that suggestion, but they're here if we would like to play with them. I think copyright issues could only be laid against us if we were to import the exact model...poly for poly...skin for skin. Still, won't hurt to use them internally for testing purposes. I do believe we're aloud to do that.
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's BT's model? Or NH's? I don't think it's mine...
  9. Deep Omega, hear that? I have no idea what it means, but the coins are your model, right? BTW, any progress on identifying units of measure for the various modelling programs so we can get the size right the first time?
  10. YES! That's the spirit. I think it's easier to remove the normalmaps for slower machines afterwards, but it should look really good an adequate machines. After all we are in competition. Yes. The problem is that we don't have the model. We only have the ASE file (BlackThief and me) and that can not imported into Blender, only exported. So we can not resize it.
  11. I think as long as junk looks like junk ( drab - no specular) and the fancy stuff is gold and jeweled ( with a nice specular) we can clearly establish what is junk and what is loot. Junk plates in the original games for example were white or a somewhat rough looking metal. With Thief 3, they never really set any specific rules for what was junk and loot. In many cases they just used the same model with a different texture. I think to be successful in this, we would have to vary some of our models a bit. Not so much with plates, but cups perhaps.
  12. And what about my bowl? And yes. We should have a seperate info on skinning. As well as on animation. Because these are independent tasks that are different steps in the progress of a model.
  13. Awesome! How difficult is it to stretch or modify the basic model? I'd like to have a thicker, tome-like book, as well as a few different skins. Do you feel like doing a few more? I have some reference pics I can send you if so.
  14. Sparhawk would really like to get the lightgem into the game so he can begin coding it. Now that we have the model, can I get someone to volunteer to UV map and/or skin it? I don't think the skin needs to be very complex...it almost looks good enough without one, frankly.
  15. Good idea. Looks cool. I guess that we won't see this particular model anymore, but we can still use it on our public pages as well.
  16. It will not be rendered if it is not skinned. It's not like in the modelling app that you can leave the default shading if it suits you. The model will just be pitch black if you import it just like this. The reason being because the modelling apps usually have a default shader applied which gives this grey look, but there is no such thing in D3.
  17. I've got some serious problems to resize the table in blender - when I make it bigger parts of the model dissappear in the 3d-view and it doesn't look any bigger in the modelviewer
  18. I'll dowload the model and try to skin it, but I can't promise anything...
  19. I wonder what the nobel man's status is. I just noticed that alan9000 was looking at the boards and I think he was the one doing the model, right? So a posting would be nice to get some feedback. Even if it is only "Sorry I don't intend to do anything more."
  20. don't worry guys i am still here ..I have been away for a little while dealing with my freelance work ..it came up unexpectedly..I should have dropped you a line but I didn’t expect to be away for a few days. As an update the noble man model is being detailed in zbrush at the moment so I can generate the normal map. I will try to get an update up at the end of the week as I have to be away a couple of days this week again. I am still very enthusiastic about the project and should be able to spend a lot more time on it week commencing the 29 th ..perhaps that week should see it complete. Were do I upload assets ?
  21. LOL - but to be be honest I had the same thought. It looks really a bit like darth maul...maybe also because of the mouth (I'll try if I can change the mouth of the model a bit) I hope the UV-maps of our models wont be so streched and NOT mirrored !! Do you like the skin of the torso and the legs, or shall I change it ? It'd be great if Renz could send me his cryptmap, to test how it looks and feels ingame...
  22. Yes, that is a definite possibility. The gem portion is physically separate in the model so it would be easy to break that out.
  23. I'm downloading it now. Even if it's too difficult for me to learn to model from scratch (as I have zero experience with that), I might be able to do something with the character template.
  24. Hmm, some bones showing through would be nice anywhere that the model is thin enough (like the chest, etc). I think he should have skin most places though, just very rotted. Almost mummy-like. edit: when you get a chance, could you upload the head dds to the ftp site? I'd like to compare the before and after to see what you did.
  25. haven't seen this model ingame too - I found him in the editor. He's called zombie_boney or something like this. What kind of body would you prefer ? More boney (so that you can see the white bones) or with rotten skin ? Maybe a open rib-cage ?
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