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  1. I just saw that Deadly Shadows made it quite far up PC Gamer's 100 top games of all time list. Judging from the bit of text included, because of the Cradle mission. Despite being a great mission it was a somewhat radical departure from the other missions in the trilogy. Do you think that kind of mission will be popular with people making levels for the Dark Mod? Should TDM cater for that kind of mission with textures, AI and stuff that fit the setting? Or was the Cradle just a one-off that didn't really fit within the Thief universe, and we'll see people go back to more traditional medieval woo?
  2. Jeez, I'm really loving the forum community for TDM. I mean, the replies I get for my topic is damn amazing. I jus post a topic asking about a release date, and I get 50 replies talking about wether or not we should add a bloody sword to the game(I personally think you should, as it came in handy when I got cornered). And im getting tired of people saying "If you get caught, or if you run out of flashbangs to use to run away with you dont even deserve to be playing the game" or something like that, I mean, not everybody spends so much time playing a damn stealth game so that they never ever get caught, plus a sword, and (my favourite weapon by far in any theif games) the bow, added more replayability, so you could always replay the game and just try to rampage through the level, or sneak, but be a bit more brutal, using the aggression to pick off your enemies in the dark with the sword, or bow, or (I almost forgot another useful tool) the blackjack. If theres one this that I dont like about the forums its that I cant figuire out how to reply in a topic... or maybe thats just my problem for being so stupid, but either way, can somebody please tell me before I have to start a new thread everytime I want to say something?!
  3. After some fund raising we were able to get a IPB perpetual license which makes us able to upgrade from an unsecure 1.3.x board to a fully updated 2.0.4 board. Feel free to poke around and look at the new features etc. The skin is reset to the default IPB one, because the old one won't work on this version. We'll get working on it ASAP. Happy posting!
  4. I recorded this today. What I was envisioning was a mission in light snow fall, a night where the streets are emptied in the cold, the people themselves warming in front of a hearth indoors. A lone thief is seen as a silouette scurring across the slick rooftops, a trail of breath fading behind him along the skyline. They say that crime diminishes in the winter. Its too cold for burglary. Perhaps that's exactly what the guards will be expecting on a night like tonight... http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EXHCRT0O Thanks for listening!
  5. Yay, Sept 22 is here and the Water Contest missions are released! See http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com for all the details!
  6. Im working on a map that i call it thiefhouse where all missions begin, what i want to know if the mod will suport map transitions, i mean if i can begin a mission in one map and then continue the mission on another map.
  7. Have you all seen this little post over at TTLG? http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=108070
  8. Hi there. I'm in a fairly good mood right now, and I thought that having a public discussion directed to all these frequenters to the Dark Mod forums about the missions that I know we are just itching to start on. I'll begin with my own plan. Mission Title: "Opening Night" This mission came to me one late night with a friend when we were musing--after playing a mission by the name of Equilibrium--what the perfect Thief mission would be. We were particularly taking it seriously, but our little brain storm hatched an idea. Setting the Stage: We felt that the horror of the mechanist's impact on the City was left relatively untouched by the main story. We wanted to tell a story of the breaking of a man, of oppression of the poor the mechanists exerted, and the height of their power. We thought about whole neighborhoods in the slums being closed off, the people either arrested in their homes or wiped out to be carried into carriages to later be turned into servants. While this wasn't necessarily discussed in Thief 2, we felt that it gave a different picture of the Mechanists. The tightening of curfews and laws, and with Truart out of the picture, the Mechanists take advantage of the opportunity to directly close an iron fist of control around the poor classes. Thus, the story is how the main character, forced into thievery because of poverty, finds his wife dead, his neighborhood smoldering, his home ruined, and everything he knew finally destroyed, and thus the path of the destruction of his own soul. He eventually is approached by an interesting entity with a simple proposition: the infiltration of the new Opera house, and the assassination of the diva at the climax of her performance from one of the box seats with a crossbow, the girl who happens to be Karras's beloved niece. However, the consequences of the action sets a new stage: the final breaking of Karras's sanity, and his impending rage against this world--leading up to the decision to destroy it. The Mission Itself: The entire mission was supposed to draw direct references from musical, opera, and theatre lore--the mission design based upon the most famous opera house in the world: La Scala. With heavy Italian architecture, and references to the Romantic period of the 19th century such as The Count of Monte Cristo, Chopin, Beethoven, and many others. Incidentally, we were planning on using snippets from the opera "Robert Le Diable", the first romantic opera, that would set a small soundtrack for the level as the player sneaks his way through. We planned on a secret tunnel that leads down into a sewers like system in the basement, and thus a new optional objective "Steal the phantom's mask". I'm sure you will understand this reference. Some of the other interesting quirks of the mission will be eavesdropping on the conversations that run behind the closed doors of the balconies. We imagined a frustrated conversation between Karras and a work bot to lighten the mood. The Climax, as this is a drama naturally, would be the escape. After the diva is shot with the arrow, fall dramatically on stage, the player will have many escape roots that lead to the roof. Probably one of the more dramatic being using the chandeliers hanging from the roof as rope arrows and swinging up to the glass dome while guards fire arrows after you. And finally, once on the roof, the player goes roof hopping to reach the docks, where he has prepared a ship to leave the city finally, and the mechanists decide that their new firework display, designed as a surprise to the attendants at the end of the performance, would be better suited to try to fire at you. Full of triggers, I know that Dromed could have handled it provided that we divvy the mission up into two parts (Opening Night, and the escape). However, I'm worried the Doom 3's detail will severely limit the ability to make this mission run smoothly (I imagine that it will have to be partitioned in several places). This probably isn't the time to mention I don't have level building experience lol. What are your mission ideas for The Dark Mod?
  9. When I started my PC this morning I got the message 'Chipset fan below threshold!' I can see two big fans turning in there but not the little one. Is it still safe to run my PC? I don't need to play any videogames between now and Christmas, a long as I can still use the PC to run simple programs like Word that don't heat it up too much I'm fine.
  10. I was planning a mission for the Dark Mod featuring a castle that exists in the real world, namely France. However, when I first saw this photograph I felt I needed to share it with you all, and why not make a thread for these sorts of moody photographs? It would be great for mission inspiration I would think and a bit of fun too. Here is mine:
  11. Just curious about people's favourite missions from T1/2. I think you can tell a lot about what somone's vision of Thief is by their favourite moments from those games. Personally, I loved the Bonehoard and the first Underground citadel maps. I liked the idea of exploring ancient ruins, with old traps and zombies running around. I loved the Ramirez mission where you had to follow the assassins through the city. Stalking someone through the shadows was a great feeling. And I loved the Thieves' Highway in T2. The idea of being able to go where other people couldn't was very appealing. I also loved the idea of the quarrantined section of town (can't think of the name). That was a beautiful concept, and I hope we can work something similar into our own campaign. I generally did NOT like the mechanist stuff from T2, particularly the grenade launchers and surveillance cameras. Too high-tech for my taste. The boiler bots were not quite as bad, but still far from my favourite.
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