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  1. Oooh, purdy. Got em saved in my WIP texture folder.
  2. No, you'll need to make it hollow. Draw out a box on the grid about the size you, make it as tall as you want on the Z-edit window (skinny window usually to the right of your inspectors window), then hit the hollow button to make it a rough, but functional, room. You select lights the same way you select brushes. Hold down shift then left-click on the light, hold down the left button and move the mouse to move the light where you want it. Also get into the habit of doing a ctrl-shift leftclick when applying textures. It lets you select a single face, which in turn allows you apply multiple textures to a single brush. That's a pretty damn good looking texture...it's screaming for a nice shiny specular map, though.
  3. Yep, you're right. That did the trick. Here's my second shot at texture making, using one of Jay's images: Yeah, that's what I meant. Is it as simple as just making a box and putting the camera inside instead of out? While I'm at it, how do you move the light once it's deselected? I don't know how to select it again.
  4. 2 trims I've made in the past two days: The 2nd texture should be smaller in the final version - but as long as some people might want to tweak it, we shouldn't resize it.
  5. Maus

    Pick! Me!

    I would like to be a part of your teem! I am a skilled Artist, and hope I can contribute to this exciting Thief stile mod! I would like to contribute my skills as a: Concept Artist Texture Artist 3D Modeler Animator I don’t have a lot of samples of my 3D work available online but you can fined sum of my Furry art here: *** Pleas Note: there is adult content*** http://vcl.ctrl-c.liu.se/vcl/Artists/Maus/ I can also email some Concept Sketches I did for Mountain Man Online Games awhile back if you would like to see it! As a relatively new artist to the game seen I need to develop more portfolio work and when I found your mod I just about freaked out! Thief is like my favorite game! And in my free time I have been working on a Java Real Time 3D, Fantasy/Steam-punk role playing game! So working on a Thief stile mod would be like a dream come true for me! I hope there is room for me on your team! Pleas test my skills and see for your self what I can do to help your project! I look forward to working with you! Thanks for your time! Regards, Maus
  6. it's still a quality texture.
  7. They repeat, you can tell by looking at the ceiling on fullbright, but I have enough details along the wall obscuring the texture so that it appears random. It's a regular sized walltex, 512x512 If you look carefully you can see a few of my mistakes..but I figured that it was small enough that you wouldn't notice ingame (I hope).
  8. Aight, I toned down the red a bit to see how it looks..just click the link above to check it out. It looks more consistant now, but I think the little bits of red added some of teh flavah to the texture.
  9. Okay, added a placeholder floor and tested out a new texture I just added a few minutes ago. The colors might need to be made a bit more subtle, but it has it's charms as-is. The Basement Pt. 2
  10. It depends on what you're wanting to achieve. Right now I'm working on a stone trim for my basement walls, it only needs to be 512x32 so why waste all that extra space on a much larger texture when all I intend to use it for is a thin strip? There are quite a few ways you can do paintings. You could design an actual frame and make the area designated for the painting transparent, you could design the picture and frame together (probably the best way to do it), or you could just do a small piece of wood (about 128x16 would work) that you can tile at an angle and build your painting out of 5 brushes. You could also model the paintings, but only if the frame is so ornate that you can't fake a good sense of depth using a normalmap. The actual picture itself will never need to be modelled since it's just a flat surface, you could give the impression of brushstrokes and oil thickness using normals.
  11. Are these made any differently than regular textures? For example, if I wanted to make a painting texture with frame, does it matter what size I make it? Do I just put it on a transparent background? (actually, should paintings be textures or should they be modelled?)
  12. take a look at that: http://www.richardiiiworcs.co.uk/images/lo...cesterfront.jpg the color and the windows look almost the same as the thief1 textures (city family). also take a loot at this church: http://www.richardiiiworcs.co.uk/images/sh...uttonchurch.jpg the wall looks very similar to the obaswall texture from thief 2 (core_1 family)
  13. Good Idea, DF. We rarely ever talk up here on the public boards so it wouldn't be surprising if people thought we were sleeping on the job. Right now all the real work is beginning on the mod, everything else we've shown thus far has been a mockup to garner some attention and test out the engine to see if it'd fit with a Thiefish theme. Updates will more than likely come a bit slower but when they come they'll be alot more showing than what we've posted before. Right now I'm currently in the process of working on the 3rd texture pack and the accompanying mockup map to show em off. I'm trying to aim for a bit higher quality than what I've done before, so I'm taking my (sweet ass) time making sure they're nice and sexy before I finally let em loose. The slow release of the SDK could almost be considered a good thing, since it's allowing the programmers to plan a solid foundation for what they're gonna be tackling in the near future. Needless to say we're going nice and strong, and I expect some really cool stuff once the SDK heads our way.
  14. Well, I've gotten a few requests from people asking for direction in terms of concept art. I think what I'll do is post a few things that we need to have done and see if there are people willing to do it, for the moment. Currently, I'm going to put god_is_my_goldfish in charge of designing the arrows (since he has already done most of them, as well as the mechanical player tools (mines, flashbombs, etc). He has also requested the Belchers. I am currently working on character designs, including a few new Builder sketches. From there I'll move onto city guards and the like. What I'd like some volunteers for is: Player weapons: the sword is done, but we need sketches for the blackjack and bow. Main Menu: rough sketches of what the main menu might look like Beasties: We will need some kind of craymen or kurshok-like creature. Should be basically humanoid...something that could live underground or in pagan environments. If you can think of something that would suit D3 models/animations, so much the better. Environments: Any type of environmental sketch is good as a way of inspiring our texture artists and future mappers. Other things will have to wait until we sort out our priorities in the other threads. I'll update these later. If you would like to volunteer for what's already up there, please let me know.
  15. How awesome!! It's neat to see color/texture on the character! I'd suggest a more serious, intense look through the eyes. This could be accomplished through some eyebrow tweaks you already mentioned were needed. E.g., a slight scowl. Well done so far!
  16. one thing to the door texture up a few posts: try to avoid the "natural" highlight, i mean that the door is brighter on the top end than it is on the lower end. it will look strange in the game especially to people like me who have an eye for it. persective and slightly not down straight 90 degree angles do also look strange, for this case use the arbitary tool in photoshop
  17. Ahhh, another detail I hadn't considered. Quite true. I like the idea of the noise maker being one of the many mystical magic crystals. I wonder if its details could be achieved by using the same crystal model as the rest, but having the holes on the texture?
  18. a simple wood-texture, if we have to, we can still reduce the size to 512 later. already tested it in T3: http://www.dark-project.com/BlackThief/wood_test.jpg normal map is on the ftp, too.
  19. Minor update, which most will be from here on out. Added volume and folds to the hood, lots of finger details, the quiver is now strapped in place, the sword and sheath are a more reasonable scale. Right now, I need to decide if I should model in the rest of the details, or texture it in.
  20. I think I'm just about ready to texture it now.
  21. neeeeeeeext texture (BTW I love weekends) edit512 version
  22. Very nice job. Re: the glow inside the arrows, I like those too (though the glow for arrows other than fire should be quite dim, so they don't give the thief away). But that is a lighting issue, as I understand it, not a texture one.
  23. next texture: a new wooden door:
  24. Yeah, I've been to so many supposedly haunted places, but I've yet to ever see anything even remotely resembling a ghost. There have been plenty of weird goings-on, but I dunno if it could be anything classified as supernatural. But anyway, I've got a couple of links to add to the huge dispository. http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/texture/plaster/ Fairly nice find, I'm sure I could find a use for at least a couple of textures here. And one for inspiration... http://www.geocities.com/corpsewoods I've actually been to this place quite a few times. It's definately got a nice ambience to it that could be best described as "creepy as hell", specially when you go out there late at night. The site itself has a touch of teh corny about it, but the pictures that they've managed to dig up are excellent.
  25. It's not that you won't be using a texture. It's just the the normalmap adds detail to it. Imagine a wooden surface. It's not completely flat - there will be little grooves, maybe carved edges, nails sticking out. You don't need to go 'over the top' adding detail, but some detail to make it something other than just a flat top is good. I understand your point about simple noise, and that can be added to the normalmap afterwards instead of modelling every little imperfection.
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