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Trouble patching and launching


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You're welcome.


Have you tried some of the performance intensive missions like:


Return to the City (this one is being optimized and re-released...)

No Honor Among Thieves




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(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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You're welcome.


Have you tried some of the performance intensive missions like:


Return to the City (this one is being optimized and re-released...)

No Honor Among Thieves





Nope. I breezed through Outpost. Then started Crown of Penitence. Haven't gone very far in it as I'm wicked busy getting ready to leave for the States tomorrow.


I had no trouble blackjacking everyone in Outpost - so I guess it's just the training mission where it's a problem. VR gaming is an essentially meaningless experience without a good old blackjack attack now and then.


Does Dark Radiant allow for secret doors and library book triggers and such stuff? I'm itching to check out the editor, but really should finish my T2 fms first.


There's a certain sameness about the textures that reminds me of T3. I hope DM can develop the same wonderful variance of texture, lighting and atmosphere that T2 offers. Maybe the later missions do more with this?


The AI, though more realistic in some respects, are less REAL somehow - less endearing. I'm trying to think what could be done to give them more character and quirkiness. In T2, I'll take the time to pull an AI out of the fire so it won't get burned, even if there isn't any 'No Kill' objective. I feel bad if I have to kill one, imagining little AI children and wives crying at the funeral. They have personalities. But so far, in DM, the killing of AI feels like the killing of so many pixels and nothing more.


Probably shouldn't be posting all this stuff here - way off topic.


BTW - Thanks for making me your friend here

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Does Dark Radiant allow for secret doors and library book triggers and such stuff? I'm itching to check out the editor, but really should finish my T2 fms first.


Yes, there are robust trigger, Stim\Response, and scripting frameworks.


At least a couple of Dromed mappers are afraid to touch Dark Radiant because of how much easier it is to use (they don't want to be spoiled by Dark Radiant and loose motivation to finish their Dromed projects.)... ;)

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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