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Darkradiant 0.5.0 Bugs And Suggestions

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Some known issues:


* Changing a property on an entity (such as the colour of a light) does not update the "Map modified" property, so you can't save until you have changed something else (to be fixed in next point release).

* Dragging static meshes does not update the position until the drag has finished. The "Translate" button on the toolbar activates the translation manipulator, which makes this a bit easier until it is properly fixed. Under investigation.

* Quite a lot of models and geometry show up as "shader not found" in the preview even though they work in game. Under investigation.

* There is not yet a model selector, so don't bother looking for one. You add a model by adding a func_static entity and selecting a LWO/ASE file in the filestructure. The addition of a proper model selector with preview is a priority for the 0.6 release.

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Dynamic Link Library MSVCR71.dll could not be found in the specified path, c:\program files\darkradiant, or something similar? That's what I get when I try it under windows 2000.


I downloaded the dll and DarkRadiant starts to load, but then I get a message that the .exe has caused an error and needs to be restarted. I'm told that a log is being generated, but where do I find that log?


Oh for heavens sake. I can't uplaod a .log file? I'm just going to paste the whole thing in.


Started logging to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\DarkRadiant\/radiant.log

Today is: Sun Jul 16 16:56:47 2006

This is GtkRadiant '0.5.0' compiled Jul 16 2006

Custom build based on revision 4

gcc version: 4.0.2

Scanning for game description files: C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/games/

C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/games/doom3.game

game description file: "doom3.game"

archivetypes = "pk4"

basegame = "base"

basegamename = "Doom 3"

brushtypes = "doom3"

engine_linux = "Doom3"

engine_macos = "Doom3.app"

engine_win32 = "Doom3.exe"

enginepath_linux = "/usr/local/games/doom3/"

enginepath_macos = "/usr/local/games/doom3/"

enginepath_win32 = "C:/Program Files/Doom 3/"

entities = "doom3"

entityclass = "doom3"

index = "99"

maptypes = "mapdoom3"

modeltypes = "lwo ase md5mesh"

name = "Doom 3"

patchtypes = "doom3 def2doom3"

prefix = ".doom3"

shaderpath = "materials"

shaders = "doom3"

texturetypes = "tga jpg dds"

type = "doom3"

unknowngamename = "Custom Doom 3 modification"

Found 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules/archivepak.dll'

Found 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules/archivewad.dll'

Found 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules/archivezip.dll'

Found 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules/entity.dll'

Found 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules/gamedesc.dll'

Found 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules/image.dll'

Found 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules/imagepng.dll'

Found 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules/mapq3.dll'

Found 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules/md3model.dll'

Found 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules/model.dll'

Found 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules/shaders.dll'

Found 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/modules/vfspk3.dll'

loading global preferences from "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\DarkRadiant\/global.pref"

qpref import: data version 1.0 is compatible with code version 1.0

loading local preferences from C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\DarkRadiant\/doom3.game/local.pref

failed to load local preferences from C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\DarkRadiant\/doom3.game/local.pref

Module Initialising: 'radiant' '*'

Module Ready: 'radiant' '*'

Module Initialising: 'VFS' '*'

Module Initialising: 'archive' 'pk4'

Module Ready: 'archive' 'pk4'

Module Ready: 'VFS' '*'

Module Initialising: 'entity' 'doom3'

Module Initialising: 'qgl' '*'

Module Ready: 'qgl' '*'

Module Initialising: 'undo' '*'

Module Initialising: 'preferences' '*'

Module Ready: 'preferences' '*'

Module Ready: 'undo' '*'

Module Initialising: 'scenegraph' '*'

Module Ready: 'scenegraph' '*'

Module Initialising: 'renderstate' '*'

Module Initialising: 'shaders' 'doom3'

Module Initialising: 'textures' '*'

Module Initialising: 'image' 'tga'

Module Ready: 'image' 'tga'

Module Initialising: 'image' 'jpg'

Module Ready: 'image' 'jpg'

Module Initialising: 'image' 'dds'

Module Ready: 'image' 'dds'

Module Ready: 'textures' '*'

Module Initialising: 'scriptlib' '*'

Module Ready: 'scriptlib' '*'

Module Initialising: 'image' 'bmp'

Module Ready: 'image' 'bmp'

Module Ready: 'shaders' 'doom3'

Module Initialising: 'openglshaderlibrary' '*'

Module Ready: 'openglshaderlibrary' '*'

Module Ready: 'renderstate' '*'

Module Initialising: 'selection' '*'

Module Ready: 'selection' '*'

Module Initialising: 'reference' '*'

Module Initialising: 'filetypes' '*'

Module Ready: 'filetypes' '*'

Module Initialising: 'model' 'lwo'

Module Ready: 'model' 'lwo'

Module Initialising: 'model' 'ase'

Module Ready: 'model' 'ase'

Module Initialising: 'model' 'md5mesh'

Module Ready: 'model' 'md5mesh'

Module Initialising: 'map' 'mapdoom3'

Module Initialising: 'eclassmanager' 'doom3'

Module Ready: 'eclassmanager' 'doom3'

Module Initialising: 'brush' 'doom3'

Module Initialising: 'filters' '*'

Module Ready: 'filters' '*'

Module Ready: 'brush' 'doom3'

Module Initialising: 'patch' 'def2doom3'

Module Ready: 'patch' 'def2doom3'

Module Initialising: 'patch' 'doom3'

Module Ready: 'patch' 'doom3'

Module Ready: 'map' 'mapdoom3'

Module Ready: 'reference' '*'

Module Initialising: 'namespace' '*'

Module Ready: 'namespace' '*'

Module Initialising: 'modelskin' '*'

Module Ready: 'modelskin' '*'

Module Ready: 'entity' 'doom3'

default screen has 1 monitors

monitor 0 geometry: 0, 0, 1024, 768

vfs directory: F:/games/doom3/base/

pak file: F:/games/doom3/base/pak007.pk4

pak file: F:/games/doom3/base/pak006.pk4

pak file: F:/games/doom3/base/pak005.pk4

pak file: F:/games/doom3/base/pak004.pk4

pak file: F:/games/doom3/base/pak003.pk4

pak file: F:/games/doom3/base/pak002.pk4

pak file: F:/games/doom3/base/pak001.pk4

pak file: F:/games/doom3/base/pak000.pk4

pak file: F:/games/doom3/base/game03.pk4

pak file: F:/games/doom3/base/game02.pk4

pak file: F:/games/doom3/base/game01.pk4

pak file: F:/games/doom3/base/game00.pk4

pak file: F:/games/doom3/base/dm_totty_beta1.pk4

filesystem initialised

searching vfs directory "def" for *.def

parsing entity classes from "monster_demon_vulgar.def"

parsing entity classes from "mp.def"

parsing entity classes from "ammo.def"

parsing entity classes from "func.def"

parsing entity classes from "items.def"

parsing entity classes from "maps.def"

parsing entity classes from "moveable.def"

parsing entity classes from "weapon_fists.def"

parsing entity classes from "weapon_flashlight.def"

parsing entity classes from "aas.def"

parsing entity classes from "bloopers.def"

parsing entity classes from "cache.def"

parsing entity classes from "char_sentry.def"

parsing entity classes from "characters.def"

parsing entity classes from "characters_eric.def"

parsing entity classes from "characters_james.def"

parsing entity classes from "chartest.def"

parsing entity classes from "cinematics.def"

parsing entity classes from "commo_hellgoo1.def"

parsing entity classes from "damage.def"

parsing entity classes from "debris.def"

parsing entity classes from "env.def"

parsing entity classes from "env_eric.def"

parsing entity classes from "gibs.def"

parsing entity classes from "heads.def"

parsing entity classes from "hellhole_seneca.def"

parsing entity classes from "info.def"

parsing entity classes from "johnc.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_admin.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_alphalabs1.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_alphalabs2.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_alphalabs3.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_alphalabs4.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_caverns2.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_comm1.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_commoutside.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_cpu1.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_cpuboss.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_delta1.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_delta2a.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_delta2b.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_delta3.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_delta4.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_delta5.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_enpro.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_fragchamber.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_hell1.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_hellhole.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_intro.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_maledict.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_marscity.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_marscity2.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_monorail.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_recycling.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_recycling2.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_site3.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_space.def"

parsing entity classes from "map_underground.def"

parsing entity classes from "misc.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_boss_cyberdemon.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_boss_guardian.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_boss_guardian_seeker.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_boss_maledict.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_boss_sabaoth.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_boss_vagary.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_default.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_demon_archvile.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_demon_cherub.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_demon_d3xp_bruiser.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_demon_hellknight.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_demon_imp.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_demon_maggot.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_demon_mancubus.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_demon_pinky.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_demon_revenant.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_demon_sentry.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_demon_tick.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_demon_trite.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_demon_wraith.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_flying_cacodemon.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_flying_lostsoul.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_turret.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_zombie_base.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_zombie_bernie.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_zombie_boney.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_zombie_chainsaw.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_zombie_commando.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_zombie_commando_cgun.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_zombie_fat.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_zombie_fem.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_zombie_generic.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_zombie_jumpsuit.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_zombie_maint.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_zombie_morgue.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_zombie_sawyer.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_zsec_machinegun.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_zsec_pistol.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_zsec_shield.def"

parsing entity classes from "monster_zsec_shotgun.def"

parsing entity classes from "moveable_items.def"

parsing entity classes from "mpsounds.def"

parsing entity classes from "npcs.def"

parsing entity classes from "npcs_james.def"

parsing entity classes from "path.def"

parsing entity classes from "pda.def"

parsing entity classes from "player.def"

parsing entity classes from "player_cinematics.def"

parsing entity classes from "powerups.def"

parsing entity classes from "recycling1_seneca.def"

parsing entity classes from "screenshots.def"

parsing entity classes from "target.def"

parsing entity classes from "test.def"

parsing entity classes from "triggers.def"

parsing entity classes from "weapon_bfg.def"

parsing entity classes from "weapon_chaingun.def"

parsing entity classes from "weapon_chainsaw.def"

parsing entity classes from "weapon_handgrenade.def"

parsing entity classes from "weapon_machinegun.def"

parsing entity classes from "weapon_pda.def"

parsing entity classes from "weapon_pistol.def"

parsing entity classes from "weapon_plasmagun.def"

parsing entity classes from "weapon_rocketlauncher.def"

parsing entity classes from "weapon_shotgun.def"

parsing entity classes from "weapon_soulcube.def"

model intro_scientist inherits unknown model char_npc

parsing skins from "skins_characters_player.skin"

parsing skins from "skins.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_characters_npcs.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_characters_suit.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_characters_suit_old.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_models_chars_labcoat.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_models_chars_maint.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_models_chars_marine.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_models_chars_sarge.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_models_chars_security.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_models_chars_suit.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_models_mapobjects.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_models_mapobjects_doors_hazdo


parsing skins from "skins_models_monsters.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_models_props.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_models_weapons.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_monsters_zombie_chaingun.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_monsters_zombies.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_npcs.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_player.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_poppy.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_security.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_teleporter.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_uacmarine.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_zcc.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_zmaint.skin"

parsing skins from "skins_zsec.skin"

Parsing shaderfile materials/sfx_multiplayer.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/berserkhelmet.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/andy.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/patd.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/aaduffyTest.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/alphalabs.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/atest.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/base_door.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/base_floor.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/base_light.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/base_trim.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/base_wall.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/caves.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/char_common.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/characters.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/decals.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/door.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/duffyTest.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/fogs.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/gfx.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/glass.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/hell.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/invisible.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/jerry.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/kentest.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/ktest.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/lab.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/lab_floor.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/lights.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/mal.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/mapobjects.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/Maxtextures.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/monsters.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/morgue.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/mp_gui.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/mp_lights.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/mre.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/object.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/outside.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/patricktest.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/pdtest.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/phook.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/recyc_door.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/recyc_floor.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/recyc_light.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/recyc_trim.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/recyc_wall.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/rock.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/senetemp.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/sfx.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/shaderDemo.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/skies.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/sound.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/specialcase.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/stevetest.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/stone.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/testInteractions.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/tim.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/tools.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/vehicles.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/video.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/vp_materials.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/washroom.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/weapons.mtr

Parsing shaderfile materials/zgraeme.mtr

loading custom shortcuts list from "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\DarkRadiant\/doom3.game/shortcuts.ini"

commands import: data version 1.0 is compatible with code version 1.0

WARNING: failed to parse user command "+Ctrl": unknown key ""

WARNING: failed to parse user command "+Ctrl": unknown key ""

WARNING: failed to parse user command "+Ctrl": unknown key ""

parsed 141 custom shortcuts

Processing .xlink file 'C:/Program Files/DarkRadiant/global.xlink'

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The global.xlink is an XML file containing what appears to be web links to GtkRadiant resources. This looks like some kind of binary incompatibility - maybe the version of libxml2.dll that I provided in the installer only works on Windows XP.


I can remove the global.xlink as we are not using it, but we do need libxml2 for the entity categories.

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The global.xlink is an XML file containing what appears to be web links to GtkRadiant resources. This looks like some kind of binary incompatibility - maybe the version of libxml2.dll that I provided in the installer only works on Windows XP.


I can remove the global.xlink as we are not using it, but we do need libxml2 for the entity categories.


Yeah, I just removed it and Dark Radiant starts up now. Still needed that dll though.

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Yeah, I just removed it and Dark Radiant starts up now. Still needed that dll though.


I was hoping that was the case, there is some ghastly spaghetti code in the xlink processing bit, which my EntityInspector code does not attempt to imitate. I'll get rid of the function and file altogether.


I'm not sure what to do about msvcrt71.dll, we could just tell Win2k users to download it, or we could package it in the installer assuming it is legal to do so.

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I was hoping that was the case, there is some ghastly spaghetti code in the xlink processing bit, which my EntityInspector code does not attempt to imitate. I'll get rid of the function and file altogether.


I'm not sure what to do about msvcrt71.dll, we could just tell Win2k users to download it, or we could package it in the installer assuming it is legal to do so.


Yeah, I'm not sure what to do about that. Seems to be legal enough though, the file is available free for download.

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* Changing a property on an entity (such as the colour of a light) does not update the "Map modified" property, so you can't save until you have changed something else (to be fixed in next point release).


This is now fixed in trunk, ready for next release.

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* Quite a lot of models and geometry show up as "shader not found" in the preview even though they work in game. Under investigation.


One cause of this problem has been identified (it may not be the only one). DarkRadiant is incorrectly attempting to use the *MATERIAL_NAME rather than *BITMAP to identify the Doom 3 shader to use for an ASE model. As a temporary workaround you can make an ASE model render correctly by editing the *MATERIAL_NAME to specify the Doom 3 shader.

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ambientlightnfo and ambientlight_nofall do not render in the darkradiant preview. Everything is completely black.


Funny, I was just thinking about posting this bug yesterday. In fact the preview window completely ignores light textures as far as I can tell, and assumes a simple spherical falloff in all cases.

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* Dragging static meshes does not update the position until the drag has finished. The "Translate" button on the toolbar activates the translation manipulator, which makes this a bit easier until it is properly fixed. Under investigation.


Fixed upstream in GtkRadiant, merged into trunk.

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