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Teleportation In Dromed


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I have not begun any of the 'DromEd-ing' for a particular map yet, but i have around 25 pages of very in depth blueprints and am really looking forward to bringing my ideas to life. One feature i really wish to include is the seemless teleportation that occurs most memorably in the maze in he Sepulchre of Sinistral (one of my favorite FMs ever!) Does anyone know to do this? Ideally teleportation would occur seemlessly as the player crosses the interface between two brushes (with no frobbing required and the interface should be transparent, for instance, you're in a room, looking through an open doorway into a city street, you walk out into the street without realizing u've teleported, but when you turn the house isn't behind you anymore that's just one generic teleportation thing i wish to be able to do). I've looked through a few DromEd tutorial sites, but found nothing to help me in this venture. If anyone could offer me some help I would be most greatful!

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Recital: 3-24-12

ToughMudder: 4-15-12

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Uhm am I out of place by suggesting that you think about mapping this in Doom3 and later possibly TDM? Looks like you're doing your research, thinking it through and that's exactly the sort of thing I personally want to see done with The Dark Mod... I hate the namby pamby route taken by a lot of editors for <insert generic ame title here>

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Your initial post sounded exactly like you were asking for DromEd help. But I guess you're asking if we can do this in DarkMod.


I understand what you're talking about - it's a very good effect.


So basically you want to teleport the player's position to another identical location of the map - but to make it seamless, you'd have to preserve their orientation, and also the position relative to the identical location.


E.g. just say you had your map set up so that there were 2 identical corridors and you'd telelport halfway and come out some place different than you expected.

If you were walking down a corridor along the left wall, you couldn't just teleport to some fixed destination point, say, in the center of the hallway, because you'd notice a sudden jump as you appeared in the center of the hallway instead of staying on the left. You'd need to appear in the destination hallway still walking along the left wall. So that means you'd have to preserve the position relative to some point in the hallway.


I think you can do this with scripting. I'm just guessing, but you'd need an entity in exactly the same point in both hallways. Say it's called "marker1" and "marker2" respectively. When the player crosses the teleportation border, get their position relative to marker1, and place them at the same position relative to marker2.

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You could get around that with fancy scripting, but it would be a bit complicated. Not impossible though.


Most games just ignore it, and it still works okay in most situations. For example, the original Half-Life did this a lot with map transitions, and while you'd get the occasional situation where it looked odd, it usually worked.


Just thinking aloud here: I guess what you'd really want for this is some kind of advanced portal system, like Prey... but I don't think stock Doom 3 can do that, and adding it might require modifying the Doom3 renderer, which we don't have direct access to. Actually I seem to remember a discussion about this somewhere.

My games | Public Service Announcement: TDM is not set in the Thief universe. The city in which it takes place is not the City from Thief. The player character is not called Garrett. Any person who contradicts these facts will be subjected to disapproving stares.
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Actually there has been some success with implementing Prey-style portals in Doom3 (if you search for prey style portals on D3World you'll probably see the thread). I'm not sure what the goal of seamless teleporting is though; if it's to save on performance by removing stuff behind you, having a portal that looks back to all that stuff behind you and renders it might not give the desired performance boost.

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