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Everyone thinks their own native language is better that others, mainly due to subjective reasons: people are better at speaking their own language and it feels familiar. Other languages are complex, weird, full of inconsistencies and illogical.


Finnish for instance is a very nice flexible language, which is pronounced as it is written. You don't need to bother to think about word order and you do not have to remember articles for nouns (der, das, die). However, it is difficult language to a non-native talker learn it fluently due to it's complex grammar.


Maybe everyone should learn esperanto, since it is probably on of the most logical and easy-to-learn languages around.... :laugh:


-The mapper's best friend.

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Everyone thinks their own native language is better that others, mainly due to subjective reasons: people are better at speaking their own language and it feels familiar. Other languages are complex, weird, full of inconsistencies and illogical.


That's not always true; I studied both Latin and Ancient Greek and found them both enjoyable to learn, since they are extremely logical and fairly flexible (Ancient Greek being far more flexible than Latin). On the other hand I never liked French, since it is difficult to pronounce and so full of redundant silent letters than you wonder how anybody can understand it when spoken aloud.


aybe everyone should learn esperanto, since it is probably on of the most logical and easy-to-learn languages around.... :laugh:


Yes, it's apparently very easy to learn but unfortunately you are unlikely to get much opportunity to speak it with anyone else.

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Yes, it's apparently very easy to learn but unfortunately you are unlikely to get much opportunity to speak it with anyone else.


-Unless you join some kind of association or club of esperanto-speakers... :laugh:


-The mapper's best friend.

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Depends whether you want to hang out with language nerds, sci-fi language nerds, or fantasy language nerds...


The degree of choice is overwhelming!

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