Time ago @Obsttorte and I worked on an AutoHotKey script that allows to control the player speed with the mouse wheel. In a further attempt to reduce the amount of critical keys this game demands I also created back then a script that allows the Left Alt Key to act as a lean modifier:
Left Alt + W = Lean forward
Left Alt + A = Lean left
Left Alt + D = Lean right
I never got around publishing the script because it isn't as good as it needs to be but I think we can debate regardless whether such a Lean Modifier Key would be welcomed in the core game or not. The most interesting aspect in my opinion is that we can claim back important keys such as Q and E and use them for other purposes.
Here below is the script in case anyone wants to give it a try (you must be familiar with AutoHotKey). The required key bindings for the script to work are:
Move forward [W], Strafe Left [A], Strafe Right [D]
Lean Forward [Numpad8], Lean Left [Numpad4], Lean Right [Numpad6]
You can of course change the script to your liking....
#IfWinActive ahk_exe TheDarkModx64.exe ; run only when TDM is in focus
while (GetKeyState("LAlt", "P") && GetKeyState("w", "P"))
Send {Blind}{Numpad8 down}
Send {Numpad8 up}
while (GetKeyState("LAlt", "P") && GetKeyState("a", "P"))
Send {Blind}{Numpad4 down}
Send {Numpad4 up}
while (GetKeyState("LAlt", "P") && GetKeyState("d", "P"))
Send {Blind}{Numpad6 down}
Send {Numpad6 up}