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Everything posted by Obsttorte

  1. yeah, that's what you're supposed to do. Other people (including myself) had no problems with that well, it's just a bonus
  2. cool, add the following spawnargs on the trigger_relay (without quotation marks) "diff_1_change_0" "delay" "diff_1_arg_0" "1.5" "diff_2_change_0" "delay" "diff_2_arg_0" "2.0" another thing: in the current configuration the code will not differentiate between the player is lit or in complete darkness this could be bypassed with a short script change but would only be necessary if in the non-hostile areas were spots where it is completely dark don't know if you need this though, let me know
  3. I guess not, at least I didn't looked there. I found the command string getCurrentWeapon() on the doom3 modwiki (best place to look up for scripting btw). I could make a wiki entry if I would know how (to sign up). Thank you very much. Your welcome. If you have questions, you can, of course, ask. There are some constants in the code that may be changed to alter the specific behaviour a bit. Btw.: something that came in my mind is a constant that handles how long you are suspicious after steeling something. In the test map this is as said above one second. But as it is a spawnarg and those can be changed via scripting there could be several values for this depending on the difficulty level. For example 1/1.5/2 seconds on easy/medium/high difficulty level. This would mean that it would be more difficult to steal something unseen on higher difficulty levels. Don't know if this sounds interesting to you. 1 second may also seem a little bit long to you, but decreasing this value too much can cause the effect not to work. Well, try it out.
  4. @grayman: thanks for the hint @taffsalot: here ya go https://www.mediafir...jbgcudg7nh6g8ek the map basically does the following: -if the AI sees you steeling the loot or drawing your weapon it goes to alert state -this will be noticed by the first objective, who calls a script (which in this case just writes something to the console) for setting this up you need (in addition to the script) the following things: - AI: set spawnarg "team" "5" (this is neutral to the player) - two entities atdm:target_setrelations (can be found under targets) - one trigger_relay (under triggers) you should give them short and easy to remember names (I didn't do this here as it's only an example) EVERY piece of loot must target one of the target_setrel. - entities (called "the first one" furthermore) and the trigger_relay the trigger_relay targets the SECOND target_setrel. on the first target set: "rel 5,0" "-1" on the second target set: "rel 5,0" "0" (or "1", doesn't really matter, 0 is neutral, 1 is friendly) on the trigger_relay set: "delay" "1" thats it OK, what happens: the first target sets the team 5 hostile to team 0 (the player) the second target sets it back to friendly the trigger_relay delays the second target by one second, so if you are seen by the AI within one second after steeling something, they will see you as an enemy the script for the weapons works similar the objective is fulfilled when any AI goes to alert state 5 (sees you) the script that is then called deletes the second target so the hostility cannot be unset anymore (I didn't do that but it may be better to trigger the first target in this method, just to be sure) the second objective by the way is only a place holder, so you can examine the effect without the mission ending in your mission you may make this objective invisible it's a little bit different to what I've said earlier, but I just realized there is no "AI sees player" objective I hope you are satisfied with the results
  5. servus general hint less general hint detailed hint
  6. hi there it's not, there's a command called getCurrentWeapon() let's suggest we use the objective system, the player has to drew his weapon to attack so I guess we dont have to handle this separately we use an as above described objective consisting out of three sub-objectives 1. if AI sees player 2. script-controlled #LOOT 3. script-controlled #WEAPON let's start with the latter in your main routine you use the following code void main() { do { if($player1.getCurrentWeapon() == 'atdm:weapon_unarmed') { //player carries no weapon unsetWeapon(); } else { //player carries weapon setWeapon(); } //end-if sys.wait(1) //wait a sec } while(true); //end-do } // end-main setWeapon would be a method setting the third sub-objective to fulfilled, unsetWeapon does the opposite as I've already said loot triggers its targets when frobbed so you could call a script that - sets the second sub-objective to be fulfilled - waits a short time - sets the second so to not fulfilled the logical condition for the objective is 1 AND (2 OR 3) so if the player is seen AND steels something OR has his weapon drawn the complete objective will be fulfilled (you can leave it irreversible in opposition to what I've earlier posted) objectives can trigger targets / call script-functions when fullfilled, this can be handled via the objectives editor if you are not familiar with scripting I can make you an example map or you just ask if something is unclear I hope that helps
  7. According to what Sotha wrote if you use normal AI (not deaf & dumb), and they really get alerted at one time and start fleeing, you will most certainly get enourmous performance problems, and this exactly in the moments when things went terrible wrong for the player and the guards are starting to attack him really, really bad timing for such things IMO btw.: AI in my former post does of course refer to the civilians EDIT: I just remembered that loot indeed call its targets when frobbed so you can give all your loot a tdm_callscriptfuction entity as target (can be found under targets, the description says that it calls a global script function) the script than checks whether the "AI sees you"-objective is fullfilled and then causes the necessary changes (changing players team if possible, didn't checked yet)
  8. I may also post my ideas here, so you can decide/try out what works better. In difference to real AI you could use deaf & dumb AI as I've already mentioned in the comment system. If you need an alarm behaviour as described by Sotha, you could do it like those. If the player causes an alarm you call a script that does the following things. 1. set spawnarg target on several waypoints that leads the AI out of the building (you may use several so they don't walk all in a line what may looks strange) 2. trigger some speakers with "Oh my god there's a thief"-like sounds that's it for the first one you use path_run entities causing the AI to run away (well, they don't really, it just look's like) the speakers are needed as the AI doesn't really get alerted I can make you an example map if needed to answer your questions: 1. this is relatively easy: as I guess the floors will be seperated by visportals, you can use the zone system to achieve this behaviour there is a command call_on_entry or so that calls a script I don't know if the players team can be changed, but if so this is all the script would have to do 2. this should also be possible via scripting and/or the objective system I have to check it out you could at least use an invisible, non-mandatory and reversible objective the condition would be "if AI sees player" so every time the player steals something the script or whatever has to check if the goal is accomplished I'm not sure if loot objects or similar things call scripts or trigger their targets if frobbed if so, it would solve your little problem again, I can try out and post a example map if you want to
  9. yeah, that's the best way IMO btw.: the A-Z beginner tutorial by Fidcal is a good way to start, you can find it on the wiki and there is a Newbie DR questions thread under Editors Guild IIRC (don't take the newbie too serious ) where you can ask questions if you run into problems
  10. So? They already run in it. Good point either. Possible wall-climbing creatures like spiders only appear in a low amount of maps so far, so this is as mostly a matter of time effort vs. gained benefit. If it would be an easy way to implement it, it would add a good feature, of course. But beneath the time effort I see some other possible problems here: - You have to be aware that such code changes doesn't affect the AI pathfinding in a negative way - For AI climbing ropes e.g.: As there is no multi-core support so far there already seems to be a harsh limit due to AI (I remember someone wrote that more than eight AI or so in an area already cause enourmous performance problems). By enhancing their abilities you may increase this problem. - Especially for the latter you have to keep in mind the impact on gameplay. One side is that this could make things difficult for mappers (as they have to keep the AI capabilities in view), on the other hand such changes may cause problems with older maps. IMO such things can be scripted. But as always ... just my two cents.
  11. http://www.gamestar.de/videos/action,9/sir-you-are-being-hunted,68211.html gameplay trailer
  12. I love this band http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzZhWM7iArI and this, though not really progressive
  13. I have no experiences in modelling by now but I thought of trying it out anyways. So by making those mask I had a goal at least . I just thought it would be a possibility if you don't find an experienced modeller. I know the thread, pretty nice stuff, true. As I'm mainly working on mapping (and my diploma - real life stuff) I can't promise you anything. But I can inform you if I'm finding the time and making progress. I'm really interested as I like the idea pretty much. We'll see.
  14. in DarkRadiant when right click->create Entity what exactly do you want to know? I thought you're trying to map
  15. that's true, but this were always mappers of equivalent skill and part-taking if you put some less experienced mappers together you may have the problem that it is hard for them to have a fitting work-together-flow so although it's a nice idea I'm not sure this would work well --nevermind--
  16. how is your timeline/ when do you plan to finish this mission? at which point do you have to know whether or not the masks are available? Do you have textures/skins for them already?
  17. the compass is like the lantern a playertool and can be found under playertools IIRC there is no list, you just have to check it out/search, by the time you'll remember the most important ones hint: everything that interacts with the world/AI/player such as tools and so is an entity
  18. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: at least it was LEGOed
  19. thanks a lot EDIT: http://castelloestense.it I like this one
  20. hi pusianka, do you know the name of the castle shown on the picture you've posted? EDIT: prego, bitte, please!
  21. I have voted for modular mapping, creative objective, assassination and unusual gameplay, although I would say that the second and the third are fitting into the unusual gameplay thingy my favourite is modular mapping, although it doesn't seem to make the race here
  22. So what's about a poll to find out which contest format is the most preferrable
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