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Everything posted by Renzatic

  1. Renzatic


    There are a few tools by The Produkkt worth looking into. Werkkzeug being the one that's most recently caught my eye. I'm not using it too extensively yet, and have only barely scratched the surface as far as learning what all it can do, but I have a feeling I'll be using it more on down the road.
  2. I don't understand how it's "freer". I can openly criticise my government if I want, and there are thousands of people that do it daily without any interference. I can move wherever I want to whenever I want, I can switch jobs easily at any time, the goverment is doing to me that's holding me back. Course it's not perfect, and it's hard to deny we've done more than our fair share of dirty deeds, but it's not nearly as bad as you're making it out to be. To me it seems that your image of the US is built upon all the leftist propaganda you've been reading recently and is only barely grounded in reality.
  3. Your argument is very one-sided and more than a little myopic, Obscurus. For example, explain to me how Hiroshima and Nagasaki are any more atrocious than other notable events in WWII...such as Dresden, The Holocaust, the entire Eastern Front war, or The Rape of Nanking.
  4. Thanks, Odd...it'd help me out tremendously.
  5. I've been playing with LW again while waiting for my rigging to be completed, and one thing I'd like to see is a good workflow example and some helpful tips along with it to help me out. If it isn't too much trouble, Odd, maybe once you start a new architectural model you could make a little video showing off a few things...like you did before. It'd help complement the tutorials I've been reading and put them in context.
  6. Renzatic


    If they bought a Geforce 7800 then they've almost got a PS3, the GPU in it is roughly the same chipset with a few extra bells and whistles.
  7. Plus: Backrubs, dishes, lawn care, regular oil changes, laundry, vacuuming, grocery shopping...you name it, we want you to do it.
  8. Out of curiosity, have you read the Bible?
  9. These boots were made for walkin And that's just what they'll do One day these boots are gonna Walk all over you Not bad, Dom. You're getting better.
  10. Our Flickr pages are now officially swapped
  11. I dunno, I'll probably end up with a nice aneorexic supermodel figure...so it might be worth giving it a try considering how shallow I am. Hey, I noticed you post pictures on Flickr too. Want to do a page swap?
  12. Scenes from the film "Harry Potter and the Secret of the Zapatista Revolution".
  13. I investigated many hours for your benefit.
  14. Actually T1 & 2 had fixed rope lengths, but it was long enough so that you rarely ever noticed. If we were to do the same I doubt many people would complain
  15. T2 was colorful in a realistic way, it was still rather muted in comparison to...say...an Unreal game. I'm not saying we should go T3 drab...which really, now that I think about it, is drab textures clashing with almost pastel colored lighting...but rather we should desaturate our textures for the sake of D3. If you were to make a stained wood texture that's the exact same color as one in T2, it'd come out looking more plastic and rendery than it would in Dark. It's mainly because of the lighting, and undersaturating helps combat that. Actually Blackthief's holiday pic is a good example of that, he's doing his diffuse textures with a palette that'd fit easily in T2. It'd look great in T2, but in D3 it almost has a cel shaded quality to it. You have to tone down colors because of the way D3's renderer works.
  16. Personally, I'd rather we lean our palette more towards dirty and washed out than vivid and oversaturated. It fits the theme far better, and helps combat D3's innate stark metallic sheen. Generally undersaturating yields better results in D3 if you're wanting to go for more earthy tone. Like throwing a somewhat muted red texture into D3 will give you a more "RAHH RED" look, but if you wash it out a bit it usually looks like something far more fitting for a Thief like game. This is a quick 3 second photoshop I did to demonstrate my point. It's hard to say exactly what that'll look like in D3 without having access to the textures, but this is what we should be aiming for as far as the general look of the mod is concerned. Course this is just my opinion, my ears are open for counterarguments.
  17. Happy...nuh...nuh...nuh....new...WHAT? OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD! WHYYYYY?
  18. My year is already off to a very good start.
  19. That looks like it could be a specularity related issue. Try and set a small fullblack texture in as the spec and see if that changes anything.
  20. Solitude is the best of the bunch. It's nice and moody without being too overbearing...and it really conjures up a lot of cool ideas.
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