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Everything posted by jdude

  1. It frustrates me to hear about how horrible people think the engine is actually. I think these people haven't actually attempted to work with the engine and to see the possibilities of it and their just basing their opinions off of what they've heard. You often hear comments of "it's to dark, to shiny, lights lag" But all these things can be changed! That's the beauty of the D3 engine, not to mention an almost unlimited texture size capability.
  2. I'm so glad you like it 1) It's very practical if you know what your doing, such as you know the shortcut keys. I plan on doing my entire map in that much or more detail, I want you to have to look really hard to find everything. 2) Everything you see except for the torch, barrels, lanterns and the cart are brushwork. The doom3 engine is AMAZING! I cannot believe people haven't been making grand architectural projects with it, I absolutely love working with it. I have no idea if this is the level of detail people are looking for, but it is what I want to bring to people. Also Dark Radiant / Doom3 editor are much easier than DromEd in my opinion when it comes to detailing a world. I didn't know this picture was *leaked* . I will leave any new pictures up to The Darkmod team to take and place in the gallery.
  3. I wouldn't say that the problem is within the developers of games. I think there is just as many good games coming out now as there was at any time. The only difference now, is you get games which are hyped up through media and advertising which is directed at a large audience. With the rising success in games, we have seen trends, like WWII games and a sudden burst in the amount of FPS games coming out. I rarely see an advertisement outside of the internet for games I enjoy, but somehow it feels like everyone is playing these games I don't like because I see advertisements for them all over the place. Every once and a while I buy into it and try the game only be remindedf that these 'trend' games are always horrible. If anyone should be blaming anyone it's project managers. It's not like a bunch of geniuses get together to create a good game. Also games now requires so much more effort, where once you could make a game where characters were 16x16 bitmap images, you now have to have realistic movements and polygons to make it even look slightly appealing and that costs money... But that's kind of a tangent.
  4. Tighter bonds are formed through conflict and resolution
  5. I think it would be handy to have the ability to see what textures your map uses in alphabetical order. Maybe there could be options on how the texture window arranges the textures.
  6. Maybe in your blog, if you start reviewing games and stuff, you should review them from difference perspectives. Such as review from the standpoint of an action gamer, review from the standpoint of a strategy gamer and review from the standpoint of a realism player. On game sites that have only 1 raiting, I feel that they fail to entail who the game is appealing too.
  7. Oh so their actually going to be bigger? How big?! *imagines giant battlecruiser.
  8. IGN has some really interesting videos of SC2 up, it's worth taking a look at. After watching them, I think that the huge terran battle ships are only medium sized units now, because protoss have a new giant powerfull ship
  9. I'm really looking forward to this more and more with every pic and video I see. The nice part about it being from blizzard is that you can guarantee it will have fun gameplay
  10. WOA~! About Time!!! It looks like it will be a true successor to the first one! I remember watching the cinematics for the first one and being in Aww from their coolness, I hope this game brings what are represented in the cinematics to the actual game itself I can't wait to play this game, Starcraft 1 was so amazing!! I also hope they get rid of the 200 unit limit
  11. Actually, I downloaded the parallax mapping mod for doom3 and I was surprised to see it was only 10mb in size. I think it would be viable to have it as a graphical option so it wouldn't be forced on players. However I have no idea how hard it would be to achieve so it's hard to say if time should be spent on it.
  12. The problem about getting excited about games early in their development is that you will end up waiting years for the release
  13. My problem with Parallax mapping is that you rarely notice it. For example, look at the game S.T.A.K.E.R. I played through the game with it turned off and then when I upgraded my computer I turned on the dynamic lighting, and I didn't even notice it until half way through the game. I only noticed it because dirt chunks and bricks on buildings were "3d". I just don't think the performance hit would be worth an affect you will rarely pay attention to.
  14. Although I really have no authority over the subject, I personally think that the mod would be left better off with more polies over more special affects because I feel rummaging through lush environments is more impressive than rummaging through special affects. Additional mapping or lighting calculations would drag down performance.
  15. It doesn't appear too. But I never had this problem with 8.1
  16. I'm still having the same trouble with 7.4 ati drivers. This occurs when I have DR running in the background and I play Doom3 in fullwindow mode, then quit and go back to DR. It is fixed by restarting DR but it's becoming a bit of a pain to have to load everything over and over. My card is a x1950 pro 256. The textures which become distorted have random scattered images on them and have a shininess to them which can be seen in textured mode in the 3d view.
  17. There seems to be a discrepancy between the amount of brushes loading on the loading screen and the actual number of brushes in a level. Upon loading my level the number of brushes loaded goes above 5500, but on the bottom after loading the amount of brushes in my level says only 5315. I don't know if this matters at all, it doesn't seem to affect anything but just in case no body has noticed I thought I should post it.
  18. That is excellent work!! This man deserves an A+
  19. I've actually found that it only occurs if I minimize DR and then play doom3, exit then re-open DR. I believe there are new drivers for my video-card I will install them and let you know if the problem persists.
  20. I have a similar problem with models, specifically the shrub/plant models. edit: Also I've been getting very strange texture problems. The textures change what they are and look very very distorted from the original. This usually occurs randomly, but restarting DR fixes it. Here's a picture of the problem:
  21. I have fixed the leaks so I don't know if it will still do it, but I can still send you the map if you'd like. I'm also using the newest DR release, not 0.8.1 and I'm using the updated svn version of TDM.
  22. I just had the same problem happen to me again. It happens when I have DR open, and do this several times: 1)Save map and minimize 2)Start up doom3 compile so it says found leak 3)quit doom3 4) maximize DR and load pointfile 5)repeat for multiple holes in map.
  23. I encountered something very strange today. I have several leaks in my map and i have been going through finding them and fixing them. I attempted 3 compiles but it didn't work but I used the pointfile to fix it. After opening the third pointfile this is what I saw: I don't know what happened, but it seems that all non-brush objects had been extended far out into the reaches of nowhere. I don't know if this is possible to recreate.
  24. Lions, Tigers, Bears [oh my] are predators respectfully and can be considered cute. The face is the only thing making it look cute. I think, if you were to make it look more distorted, dirty, angry or damaged in some kind of fashion it wouldn't look cute anymore. But I think the cuteness makes it somewhat unique among games.
  25. I agree. The problem with the concept is that the angle of his body and the position of his legs make it look like the thing would be constantly trying to prevent his heavy head and arms from flopping forward. The concept also looks like something you may find living strictly under-ground, like a worm, while our version looks more adapted to outdoor conditions.
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