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Status Replies posted by Melan

  1. Dammit. Didn't remember selecting ambient musics was so big and difficult task.

  2. You gotta have fucking "taffer", man... not fucking "fucker"... and I'm serious. THIS (suggested by the RPS write-up today) will be a 10 out of 10 on the disappointment scale...

  3. "Infinite is as lavish as it is cerebral, as difficult as it is accessible. It’ll be many different things to many different people, and it will be discussed, dissected and deified for many years to come...So, when will gaming have its Citizen Kane moment? Forget that. When will anything else have its BioShock Infinite moment?" -- from Metacritic.

  4. "Infinite is as lavish as it is cerebral, as difficult as it is accessible. It’ll be many different things to many different people, and it will be discussed, dissected and deified for many years to come...So, when will gaming have its Citizen Kane moment? Forget that. When will anything else have its BioShock Infinite moment?" -- from Metacritic.

  5. "Infinite is as lavish as it is cerebral, as difficult as it is accessible. It’ll be many different things to many different people, and it will be discussed, dissected and deified for many years to come...So, when will gaming have its Citizen Kane moment? Forget that. When will anything else have its BioShock Infinite moment?" -- from Metacritic.

  6. "Infinite is as lavish as it is cerebral, as difficult as it is accessible. It’ll be many different things to many different people, and it will be discussed, dissected and deified for many years to come...So, when will gaming have its Citizen Kane moment? Forget that. When will anything else have its BioShock Infinite moment?" -- from Metacritic.

  7. "Infinite is as lavish as it is cerebral, as difficult as it is accessible. It’ll be many different things to many different people, and it will be discussed, dissected and deified for many years to come...So, when will gaming have its Citizen Kane moment? Forget that. When will anything else have its BioShock Infinite moment?" -- from Metacritic.

  8. The last time I visited Berlin was in Autumn 2008, the exact days the world economy collapsed and all those banks went bankrupt. My plane departs tomorrow morning, so plan accordingly. :D

  9. http://www.lordbritishpresents.com/ 23 hours until the reveal... what could it be?
  10. http://www.lordbritishpresents.com/ 23 hours until the reveal... what could it be?
  11. http://www.lordbritishpresents.com/ 23 hours until the reveal... what could it be?
  12. Caught a plagiarist during anonymous peer review! My good deed for the day has been accomplished.

  13. Caught a plagiarist during anonymous peer review! My good deed for the day has been accomplished.

  14. Caught a plagiarist during anonymous peer review! My good deed for the day has been accomplished.

  15. Caught a plagiarist during anonymous peer review! My good deed for the day has been accomplished.

  16. I presented my research project at a conference here in Dortmund the other day. It was very well received, which I am really happy about! :)https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/860576_314083732027389_967341234_o.jpg

  17. Half an hour and twenty leaks later, I think I'm done for the night.

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