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Everything posted by DigitalNapalm

  1. So Cheeze... if I write and sketch, could you map? I could take a whack at mapping, but I don't think I'd have anything worth a crap for a while. I'll even test them out. Maybe I could throw together some sound effects, too. If you're willing...
  2. Killed this thread in a hurry.
  3. They shouldn't stop chasing you, they should just slow down some. If you got winded, and had to walk instead of run, that would be fair. Your "sprint meter" doesn't refill until you actually *stop* for a few seconds to catch your breath. ---food for thought below--- If you're looking at the realism aspect, neither you or they could run forever. The "sprint meter" is good, but why not have it for general endurance? You can only take so much extreme physical activity in a given amount of time. Or when you're being chased, some way to award an adrenaline rush that comes with being caught, and having to run. ...Only if there were a way to track being surprised, so the amount of adrenaline rush given initially could be controlled. Just a few ideas...
  4. I heard about people getting motion sick watching Descent...
  5. If anyone has a sense of humor, an old folks home with undead would be great. Or could even be really creepy... Voice Over (Imagine its in Garrett's voice...) The old folks home over on the wealthy side of town is having problems with people getting back up after they die. *hm.* A couple of Hammerite officers and even a few Pagan sentries haven't returned from the sewer passages and old burrick tunnels underneath the facility is search of why. My guess? They probably found each other and had it out. But, there are rumors of "dark" and "unnatural" magic I keep hearing from both Pagan and Hammerite sources. A friendly Hammerite contact of mine asked me to go check it out, as well as a Pagan friend. Filling my pockets with money from people who would never use it doesn't hurt my feelings a bit. Getting paid from both sides of the fence for one job doesn't either. The easiest way into the passages is from inside the home, unless I want to go trapsing trough the sewers from halfway across town. I gathered a map of the place from a fence who owed me a favor. Seems that theres a way in from the boiler room in the basement.Initial Objectives: Get in to the old folks home, and don't tip anyone off you're there. Getting caught by security, nurses, or residents is unacceptable. Find at least 3000 loot. There should be plenty of stuff to steal from wealthy people who are too old to take care of themselves. Figure out what happened to the Pagans and Hammerites that never returned. That's why you're getting paid. Find out what is causing the elderly to "wake back up" If anyone is intereted in developing a campaign basied on this idea, I'd be more than happy to help with story and character development, and maybe even some crude mapping. If you really are interested, keep reading. ///Spoilers Below/// Additional Objectives: You manage to locate a Pagan who is lost and scared. Help him get out. (New AI constructs?) The Pagan tells you "skeleton wizards" have some sort of "evil head" thats causing the problem. Find out what he's talking about. Figure out who the "skeleton wizards" are. The "Evil Head" appears to be a stone skull with an onyx set in the center of its forehead, with some sort of rune writing on it. Nab it so Friar Maulsson, (your contact) can look at it. Just grabbing the head may be dangerous, locate some Holy Water to pour on it to disarm/disenchant it before picking it up. The whys: It seems the rumors of the "dark" and "unnatural" magic are well founded. A group of necromancers [another faction!] seem have taken root in the area. The skull is a simple necromancer artifact used to raise minions from the dead that can be left in place, according to Friar Maulsson. He also said that it must be re-charged periodically in order to keep working. [Guards conversing in the beginning of the mission.. "not so many people turned into zombies today" would be a nice touch] ---------- Campaign Points: What are the necromancers doing in town? What is their ultimate goal? Have they always been around, just under the radar? Who is in charge of them? Where in town are they headquartered? Should their locating a base of operations be a plot point? Character Points: What specific symbols belong to the necromancers? (skulls, bones, runes, etc.) How are they organized? (Cultish like the Pagans, Religious like the Hammerites, or secret society similar to our world's Freemasons) What kind of weapons and magic do they have at their disposal? Are their followers and/or practitioners separate ranks or groups? (Do you start out just being a follower watching from the sidelines, or do you start out learning necromancy right away?)
  6. I was just wondering about it... And yeah, after some thinking about it, I agree. Good thief missions do make my heart race. So why add it in?
  7. How feasible would it be to add a breathing/heartbeat loop that got louder as enemies approached? Especially if you had a weapon drawn out (blackjack especially... moreso still when its cocked back ready to KO and you're trying to close the gap). A rapid heartbeat/breathing could also be used if you use all of Doom 3's sprint energy... (Instead of the meter itself?) or as your energy ran out, it progressively got louder. And even after it ran out you could add a panting sound. Not too obnoxiously loud, just enough to make you aware. Can you imagine sneaking up on a guard, and the closer you got, you could actually hear breathing and a heartbeat? Or after getting busted, and as you sprinted away, you could hear your character breathe, and his heart pound? Then after you finished running, his breathing was audible (and rapid?) until the sprint meter refilled! Wouldn't that be cool? Maybe even include an option to adjust its volume separately, so you could tune it to your own experience. The main character maybe a pro, but there's always the adrenaline factor.
  8. Beta mappers... I'm sure I speak for a huge chink of the community when I say... WTF is going on with your stuff? Since TDM is rolling out soon (holiday time?) I was wondering if we could get some screenies of your glorious work. Posted (links or something of the sort) here in this thread. I've played the alpha map. And it made me smile... alot. So if its cool with New Horizon, I'd like to see a (sticky?) home for showing off your work. Just so we can pee our pants with even more excitement than is already out there. EDIT: Since NH said no... Come tell the community about campaigns and maps you already have in the works! We're dying to know what you have cooking! jdude's post below is adequate. Just give us a taste. Something. Please.
  9. I checked out Into Cerberon, and I LOVED descent. Played any of the alphas?
  10. I've played the alpha on a currently up and running server.
  11. Can you hard code finer settings, or recode how the user sets it? Or even fine-adjust it from the console?
  12. http://www.night-blade.com/ http://www.blackcatgames.com/ Check it out. I figure we're a community here, and we should be supporting each others projects. Especially the Thiefsie kind. Keep up the good work on the Dark Mod. I'll be playing.
  13. Have you checked out any of the other IdTech 4 games? Prey, Quake 4 for something usable? Do any of these games have a flamethrower? I know its not the same engine, but Return to Castle Wolfenstein had some awesome flame effects. If you could look and see what they did to produce them, it might not be hard to re-do with the IdTech 4 core/base. Just a thought.
  14. Maybe you could add it as cut-scenes between missions? Otherwise, it may be REALLY hard to code. You may have to code it in as part of your campaign-specific stuff... thats up to the campaign builder, not so much the core development. I'm sure it could be done, though.
  15. I was wondering if you have any specific direction you were planning on taking the GUI for loading maps/campaigns/etc. My idea is pretty simple: Have it load up similar to how you select maps for the UT games. Some killer thiefsie graphic with a menu overlay. i.e. >Load Single Map >Load Campaign >Hardware Settings (audio, video, etc...) >Game Settings (Keys, mouse, gamma/bright) >Exit (You need to pay attention to your pet, sig. other, and/or children eventually) Campaigns could load differently than singles. (?) You probably aren't going to take the time to add video clips, interim city maps, and other bells and whistles to a single map. Why load extra stuff in to memory you don't need? (Easy/hard to do?) Just a few thoughts from others about it would be good. I'm sure the staffers wouldn't mind some external input, either. It may help them hone it to perfection Keep up the good work guys. I you all for putting so much effort into continuing arguably one of the best (and sadly less-known!) franchises in PC gaming.
  16. I think its more of an elevator functionality "issue" than anything else. If you want, make it so the elevators MUST finish the current move before going the other way. That would be the more "realistic" approach. However, if left alone, it could produce some good pant-pissing moments when you're on the run. So... Can/will the AI climb ladders? Thats been noticeably absent in the other three games, and I was hoping it would be included here. Nothing worse than climbing a ladder in a chase, only to have them either pull a retard (run at the ladder mercilessly) or run 300 yards out of the way offering an easy escape. I can't tell you how many times I ditched bad guys that way. Thats way important IMHO.
  17. Was the misalignment the fact that the texture should be backward on the ground?
  18. Can anyone tell me why Doom 3 over the SOURCE engine and steam? It just seems to me that the steam/source combo is much better for distribution of this type of project.
  19. I think that TDS was a "popcorn" version of the previous thief games... It filled you up while you were playing, but was never really that satisfying. I remember thinking when I had finished the game... "Hmm. That was cool." But not much more than that. It was lighter than the original because they wanted it to reach a bigger audience, but the grittiness is what made the first two work so well. Mr. Spector missed that, I guess. Have any of you guys played Bioshock? There are definite nods to Thief in that game. Its definitely as gritty as any thief game ever was, if not more so. You definitely can't just run and gun. Some parts take some sneaking around and avoiding cameras. I think we may see another Thief-like game out of those developers, but it won't be the same setting as before... (It can't be... for the same lame legal reasons that Bioshock couldn't be a System Shock game, unless they could re-acquire the rights from EA... good luck.) What kills me, is that Bioshock beat UT3 to market, and they're both UE3 based. How does that work??
  20. Well if the FM's want a good base and are all want to refer to the same place... it makes sense to me to have at least some kind of minimal city layout for everyone to refer to. I was also thinking about the builder's logos and such... You may be stepping on some copyright toes with the lone red hammer as the symbol. I have a couple of ideas in the works if anyone on the team's interested. ...Also, logos for the other factions? I know the necromancers may not have any kind of outwardly displayed logo, but like a cool wrist tattoo or something they can show friendlies would be nice. The Inventor's Guild should definitely have a logo if they're officially sanctioned by the local government. So I'll see what I can come up with for that.
  21. I did it all in about 20 minutes, and I had no intention of making it lay out like Tokyo. I kind of reasoned it out from where things would be naturally. Trade areas next to the shipping, farm market in the center of town... its a fairly universal renaissance city layout, really. Its just an idea, but its as good of a place as any to start. If they want to use it, I could actually layer in some major roads and landmarks. They'd just have to tell me where they wanted them. Or I'd even be willing to do an entirely new map, and add whatever, wherever. I may actually spew out a few more of these, and make a more "official" idea.
  22. I had always thought that the City was one of many city-states scattered across a continent that was much too difficult to settle on the interior due to the magics and beasties that are in the Thief universe. Right outside the City would be farmland to support the food needs, then outside that... Pagan villages which then border "the wild" Calendars? Year zero could be based in Builder theology... it would make sense to do so. Maybe the year that the "great builder" bestowed "the hammer and forge" to mankind? That would, in my estimation put Garrett in about Year 1150 or so. Then what really happened has definitely been overshadowed by lore and clergy's adaptations, and the history of the church and religion have had the time to evolve into something less changing and more concrete. It gives plenty of time for invention of steam- and clockworks. It also gives the chance for the empirical discovery/use of some of our more every day chemistry and engineering. Light Plant oils + alcohol + controlled heat = biodiesel fuel... something thats so simple to create, that could easily be manufactured by the inventors guild, and sold at a premium instead of having to use dirty coal and wood like the less fortunate have to use. Things like rubber aren't out of the question either, since it is naturally occurring. Rubber-soled shoes could be a sweet item to purchase... making stealthing much easier than with hard soled shoes like most people would have, given the technology available. My idea for timekeeping... Months and days? First, Second, Third... "12th day of the 3rd month, year 1162" Its hard to argue with its simplicity, and ease of understanding. A year is 12 30-day months with a 5-day "Festival" (or Festivus... hehe) period at the new year for a total of 365 days. Simple enough? Weeks aren't necessary, other than maybe on every 6th day there's church services. Disrupting fuel shipments, sneaking about a fuel plant, corrupt fuel manufacturing administration, labor rights and sweat-shop labor issues, the list goes on... all workable ideas to place into missions. edit: What about traders from the east? i.e. Persia/India/China-like places. There could be a bevy of good material for missions if given opportunity for a "Eastern merchants quarter" much like a Chinatown. A whole host of cool items and even some cool weaponry could be had. Just a thought... Map, Anyone? (My ideas come in floods and droughts.) Noble's Shire: Self Explanatory N. and S. Agria: Small scale farms and farming community Guildhall: Residential district, mostly the Inventors, Merchants, Healers, and Magi. Not nobility, but people who are generally fairly well-off. Also, the location of the schools and... you guessed it! The guild halls. Old Village: Residential district, home of the less fortunate Industrial District: Self Explanatory Old and New Merchants Quarters: Trade and Commerce centers. More established businesses are in the old quarter, and newer upstarts are in the new quarter. Seafood is also sold here. Farm Market District: Self Explanatory Stonewall Island: Home of Stonewall Prison Botannica Islands: Largely unsettled due to some strange and exotic beasties. Magi gather here due to large amounts of magical energy that emanates from these two islands Shipyards: Self Explanatory
  23. Long time thief fan here. I've basically been obsessed with the thief universe since I got my 2 level demo of T:TDP from PCGamer BEFORE it was released. Oh my honey sweet goodness... It all looks amazing. I love the idea of a few more factions to handle. The inventors guild I love most, I think (I am a man of science, myself). So keep up the good work... Any plans to release any of the test maps? Mostly so the public could get a feel for whats being done in a hands on sort of way... Beta feedback? It could benefit you guys a ton, and I'd be more than happy to test it out. I am quite the experienced sneaksie man. I inhaled T:DS in four days when I bought it. Keep chugging! I havent purchased d3, but will definitely do so so I can play!
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